Rakastan Sinua: Running to You

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Ville and Daniel got in the backseat of Angel's dark metallic purple 1969 Dodge Charger. Once they climbed in, Alexi moved the passenger seat. Angel would never ever let him drive her car. He sometimes wondered if she loved that car more than she loved him. The moment she started the car Ville jumped, Daniel was a bit startled but was used to Angel's driving. Ville didn't know what startled him more than the loud roar of the engine or WASP blaring from the speakers. He liked WASP, but at this moment he didn't want to drown in it. Whatever speaker system Angel had it was loud. 

Ville got even more scared as Angel began to drive fast. Ville had no idea a Dodge Charger could go that fast it's as if she was trying to outrun the cops. Alexi turned down the music. " Baby not cool," Angel said. Angel stuck out her tongue out at him. Which made him laugh as he turned it down. "Thank you, Alexi, that was just too loud for me at the moment," Ville said. "You two are no fun." Angel said in a joking manner "I am trying to lighten the mood here gee" she added. Which made Ville laugh a bit. He needed to laugh right now he was terrified of how Maria would react when she saw him. 

He looked up when he heard Alexi, say," Baby slow down you are going get yourself a ticket," Alexi said. "Or get us killed" Ville added. "Wow, you really are getting into the whole role of being a nagging husband. It's not cute, so just stop it!" Angel said. Ville laughed finding it funny. Then Alexi and Daniel burst out laughing just as a siren started blaring. 

" Shut up

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" Shut up..." Angel said. Alexi wouldn't stop laughing. Ville and Daniel started laughing hard as well. Ville was so glad he had his three friends at this very moment they were making him feel better. After the cop pulled them over, the cop gave her a ticket for going over ninety in a thirty-five miles zone. The ticket was going to be expensive Alexi thought. 

Finally, they got to the hospital and Ville couldn't get out of the back seat fast enough even as Daniel told him to wait up so he could give him the info. He just wanted to be with Maria fearing the worst, his heart had been uneasy for some reason. Furthermore, he gulped, he needed to get as far away from the female Wild Child, driving the car as he possibly could even if she was dear to him, he hoped she was safe as she drove off so fast that the taillights of her dodge looked like the trail of a comet behind her. 

"They are just gonna go find a parking spot and give you and Maria some time alone then they'll be back come on I'll take you to her," Daniel said guiding an apprehensive Ville to the hospital doors. They could not help but notice the police car outside the hospital and several hospital staff running around hurriedly. For some reason it made Ville worry more as he almost left Daniel behind in his frantic need to get to her.

Next chapter is up thanks if you are here thank you so much with the enormous help with this chapter MaryAngelValo

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