Rakastan Sinua: Falling Into You

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The next chapter is here :D

Maria just sat there hoping to the gods Ville would say something after Angel's bold remark, she was so flustered. "Ms. Maria and I, we are just friends, we barely met a week ago, nothing more darling," Ville said calming her fears, down she did not want to get Ville into any sort of rumor mill. 

"Well, I don't mind telling you how I met this man," Angel said "But first I need something else in this coffee, wild baby can you hand me the vodka it's in my bag," Angel said removing her leather jacket, it was full of studs and names of different death metal and other metal bands. It had a huge motorhead symbol on the back and the initials COBHC painted on the bottom "You're already going to Irish this up so early in the night bloody angel?" Alexi said grinning. 

"Sure why not want some Maria? Ville?" she said offering

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"Sure why not want some Maria? Ville?" she said offering. "Erm... no, I do not drink heavy liquor myself, other than the occasional shot," Maria said, adding "I left it some time ago". Of course, Ville waved her off too as he recently had gotten sober, "I do have to admire that jacket though it is wicked cool" Ville said recognizing many of the names on it. "Oh? this yes! it's my prized treasure, well not more than my sexy Finnish brat here but," Angel said grinning as Alexi pouted at being called a brat.

"Anyways, I moved here some time ago and we met in a gig where I played some songs with my local death metal band the Roses of Desecration, Children of Bodom where the main event and Alexi liked what he saw and heard, so he asked me for my number," Angel said as a matter of fact. 

"We have been stuck at the hip since he is stuck with me whether he likes it or not, so to celebrate our anniversary and the fact that I released my first EP we decided to invite friends to this party, it's not just for the northern lights you know," she said, as a matter of fact, sitting boldly on Alexi's lap kissing him flush on the lips making Maria and Ville blush and look away giggling, these two were a reflection of each other, and they seemed happy but...

Maria felt that she needed to breathe, after all despite the fact that this journey was all about transformation, she was an introvert at heart and she already had begun to feel the need to recharge her social batteries. In any case from the looks Alexi and Angel were giving each other it seemed that they wanted to be alone. 

Maria blushed and excused herself asking if Ville wanted to stay or take a walk with her. Ville stood up and followed her, though he was happy that his friend had found this girl who was a female version of Alexi, he felt that they needed some time alone, and he felt he needed fresh air, her boldness was a bit too much for his shy personality and they had just met.

Maria stood outside the igloo hotel the northern sky was haunting in all its encompassing beauty. Nothing could compare to the beauty and legendary spirit of the "fatherland" of the northern world. "I am sorry," Maria said when she felt Ville approach her, "I did not expect her to be so, bold, I hope she did not upset you, she really is a good person," Maria said hoping Ville would not want to leave. 

"I am quite affronted at the way she handled the questions but," Ville said taking a drag from a cig he had lit, "If she is important to you, I will.." he blushed looking at the sky the stars lit up his eyes like emeralds, leaving her breathless, "I can handle it, I mean she is making my friend happy, and well...he's had it pretty rough so she must be a good person" Ville added, making Maria happy. The fact that he was willing to stay despite this rather rash introduction to her friend meant the world to her, she thanked him profusely before Ville said it was no problem at all.

"It...this place has left me speechless, back then I could have never imagined that this place existed, that I could exist within it," Maria said as they sat on a bench outside near the lobby area, which was surprisingly empty of people, "I am glad you are able to exist in it," Ville said making her smile and blush "So...when we met you said you are on a soul journey, what is that that you seek love," Ville said sincerely curious.

when we met you said you are on a soul journey, what is that that you seek love," Ville said sincerely curious

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"I...I...seek to find out who I am, to find a purpose for living, to leave behind all the hurt, be reborn in a sense," Maria said her eyes teary as she recalled all she had gone through "And I am sure you will find it," Ville said looking at her gently, "It was the same for me, with the music I hoped to find a path that would explain my reason for being, that would allow me to heal other's through music and help me heal my soul of past hurts" he added with a melancholic look in his face. 

"And you have," she said "your music helped me it saved me, from the bullying and the depression and the heartbreak I am here because of you, we all are," Maria said sincerely "I am not that omnipotent darling, I am just who I am," he said bashfully. "You are my guiding star," she said barely in a whisper "So thank you for existing" she added hoping he would not find that too weird.

As such she gasped not expecting to see Ville's eyes letting some tears escape his emerald eyes "That's...thank you" he said wiping his tears away even as she would have done it for him. Maria smiled such a humble man not to accept the light he was to so many, and the symbol he meant to many people that like her were once lost "That's it I will not stand to see you cry sir" Maria said standing up to hold her hand out. 

"Come on let's go eat something and take a walk to get your mind off any sad thoughts, you are not allowed to cry with me," she said "unless, of course, you need to then I will be here for you ok," Maria said making Ville stare at her in awe. "I mean if...you want to um.." she said blushing a bit worried she had been too bold, "You are so sweet you know that," he said standing up and reaching out to hold her gently against him, making her shiver, "So kind, and yet I can see your pain," Ville said leaning into her his eyes alight like moonbeams.

Their reminiscing was only broken by an Angel who jumped from out of nowhere scaring the living daylights out of them. Alexi had tried to tell her to not do it but when Angel was bored and drunk she was untamable. 

"Enough! I'm bored! Did we come here to a party or just sit around, I say a snowball fight is in place and I will start with..." Angel said picking up a huge snowball and aiming at a terrified Ville "YOU!", she said and of course, Maria protecting Ville's divine face took the shot right in the face Ville was shocked and was trying to stop the fight but Maria was not having it. 

"That's it! Time for revenge!" Maria said picking up her own snowball, as Ville tried to see if she was ok "I'm sorry Ville but that does not matter right now, she won't show mercy let's find somewhere to run, or we are done for!" Maria said taking Ville by the hand as Angel laughed in a devilish manner behind her and Alexi chased behind...it seemed a snowball war was inevitable as more people began to join in, apparently, Alexi's bandmates and others at the party were in on it too

Thank you if you are here @MaryAngelValo hope you like this :D

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