Rakastan Sinua: Mine

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If the wedding was beautiful so was the dance after, it was all death metal and though for the love of her parents Angel allowed for some waltz music, all she wanted to do after was rock out and dance the night away with her friends. "Come on Maria! you gotta dance with us" Angel said as she pulled her shy friend who was not very fond of dancing, as she was not good at it, from the seats "Just let it, loose girl, live it out, I am so happy you are here!" Angel said, she had let her hair loose and had taken off her shoes. 

 "I am happy too!" Maria said as Angel playfully twirled her around and they danced to old rock and roll. "But I do need a drink dear Angel, so I will be back," Maria said as she walked off to go refresh herself.

 "Hey," a voice said approaching Maria, it was Daniel, Ville was busy outside as some fans and friends of Angel that had gone to the wedding had recognized him and the band and had begged them for autographs, he was so relaxed that he had agreed and promised Maria he would not be long gone.

 At this moment though he reeked of alcohol, and it made Maria nervous as she walked off, "I am waiting for Ville actually"Maria said. Though Daniel was really sweet and at one point when they were all chatting during the party he had begun to engage in friendly conversation with her, she did not want to give Daniel the wrong impression, that she was not serious about Ville. 

Before she could walk off though Daniel held her back and dragged her to the back pushing her against the wall, "I am sure he won't mind I mean, you look pretty lonely over here," Daniel added "I...no I am not, Ville makes me feel complete" Maria said a bit aggravated. "Aw come on just a dance or maybe a kiss, you have really pretty lips, I can't believe he's not all over you," he said making Maria panic more as he began to try and kiss her and feel her up "Please stop!" she said trying to push him off.

"I have no idea she went to get water, she should have been back," Angel said as a worried Ville looked around for Maria. "I'll go get her then," Ville said not wanting to take Angel away from her happy place, "we'll go get her," she said following him. As they walked to the water fountains Ville's heart raced and his inner Viking awoke his killer instincts as he heard her scream.

"HEY!" Ville clenched his jaw and looked furious as he saw Daniel trying to force himself onto Maria, who was clearly struggling and trying to push him off. Maria looked up shocked and hoping Ville and Angel did not take this the wrong way. Daniel looked up a bit dazed as Ville pulled him off Maria and clocked him one and Angel behind him, clearly pissed kicked him again "What the hell get your hands off my friend you drunk idiot!" she said, "If you ever lay a hand on my girl again, you're dead!" Ville said as Mige who had come in held his friend back protecting him from not doing something irreparable, as Alexi and the others hearing the commotion walked in. 

Daniel (I promise he is not a jerk IRL) ^_^

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Daniel (I promise he is not a jerk IRL) ^_^

"What the hell man!" Alexi said as Angel explained and he managed to calm his baby down"This is below you apologize to Ville and Maria now!" he said grabbing him by the shirt after clocking him one himself, "I'm sorry," Daniel said clearly ashamed "As you should be!" Maria said "I never gave you any indication I was just here to fool around with or with anyone, I am in a serious relationship with Ville!" she said hoping Ville would not be pissed at her revealing this much "Its ok baby... as long as he gets it," Ville said fire lighting his green eyes. 

After Daniel was sent off after apologizing profusely Maria stood there with a concerned Angel and Alexi "We are so sorry" Alexi said hoping she was not too shaken by the incident "we never thought Daniel would come on to her, or do that!" Angel added "It's not on you...he is a grown man," Ville said "But I believe that we will have to leave soon, I cannot be in the same room with him right now, I might do something I regret, and I will not mar your wedding celebration," Ville said. 

"We do hope we can meet you two again soon," Maria said as Ville held her, she was happy that he was not too upset, but she was still so shaken, Daniel seemed so nice" we wish you all the best" Ville added as they said their goodbyes for the evening, his bandmates decided to stay behind to keep Angel company, after making sure Ville was really ok.

Ville held her in silence as they flew back to Helsinki, "Ville I" she said teary-eyed "I promise I gave him no initiative" she said "I know you didn't love, it is not your fault, I am concerned that you will be ok " Ville said melting her, "but for now sleep darling, we have ways to go, and my blood is boiling still, it's best I calm down for now" he added as she tried to sleep in his arms.

Maria woke up as they arrived and placing her coat on she held on to Ville's hand as they got off the plane and headed home. Ville's increasing silence concerned her, but she understood his reasons, he was trying to battle with something inside himself, and she had to be strong for him.

I will update soon thank you, everyone thanks 

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