Rakastan Sinua: Bliss and Whispers

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"Good morning love" Ville said holding Maria close as he caressed her back. She was exhausted and quite sore, but blissfully happy. She purred contentedly she cuddled beneath his embrace feeling warm and safe in his arms. 

"I...I am sorry" he said guilt in his voice. Maria looked at him confused, his forest eyes sad and distraught, "Sorry for what? Are you regretting last night?" she said her heart was breaking, was he disappointed had she disrespected him somehow, noticing this he lifted her chin up gently, "Baby, please its not you, I...I am sorry, for not waiting I promised I would make it special, and yet, here we are" Ville said, his lips kissing her cheeks, as he left a chaste kiss on her forehead. 

"I...oh Ville, please do not think that way, I..I am the happiest woman alive, what does it matter how or when, I am yours now not only in mind, and soul but in body too, and It was I can't explain, you made it special for me," she said, making him relax his eyes shining "I...I am happy to hear that baby" he said holding her closer "Gives me an excuse to repeat this magic every night for the rest of our lives" he added grinning mischievously making her blush. 

"Now now Mr. Valo, you must not take advantage," she said although she could not hide a grin "Oh but I will, and from what I recall last night you were very passionate and willing to let me please you," he said purring in her ear, with a Chesire grin making her melt "Stop," she said giggling and blushing madly "And those scratches on my back, you are a feral little minx" he added, making her stutter as he kissed her with passion pulling her up to him, pulling on her hair, making her gasp, before his phone rang, "Answer you call Mr. Valo," she said trying to stop him as he was now tickling her and making her lose her breath "As you wish but I am so not done with you, my wilted, rose," he said the look in his eyes making her heart race as she covered her face blushing.

"Oh Mige what is happening?" Ville said answering as Maria tried to get back at him by tickling his belly making it hard to hold back his laughter as he was trying to stay calm and collected on the call "No nothing is wrong," he said pushing her down on the bed, as she persisted, "Sure I will be there just give me a few," he said hanging up and pouncing on Maria who was having way too much fun leaving him breathless as she tickled his belly "You are so going to get it now," he said "Am I what is Mr. Valo going to do make me beg?" she said laughing harder, at his pout, he was so cute, "That and more my love," he said and to Maria's delight she was taken to a trip to heaven, in his arms.

Hours later after a warm bath, they sat close to each other eating breakfast as Ville got up to leave "I gotta go, something came up with the studio, gotta go beat them up for Mige" Ville said jokingly as she kissed him goodbye, "Give them a good wallop" she said waving at him as she went to her own laptop to get started on some sessions, yet she found she could not focus on a damn thing. "Ville," she said sighing as she recalled last night and this morning, he was indeed her muse, her music, her love her life and he was her reason to keep going, she knew she needed to get to work, but she kept blushing as she recalled her first night with him

 "Ville," she said sighing as she recalled last night and this morning, he was indeed her muse, her music, her love her life and he was her reason to keep going, she knew she needed to get to work, but she kept blushing as she recalled her first n...

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It had been pure magic and heavenly hell, she thought blushing deeply as she recalled how gentle he had been with her and yet how passionate he was. She was only taken out of her daydream when she was startled by her phone ringing it was Lady Anita's number, she had offered it to Maria in case she ever needed anything when Ville was off touring, "Hello" she said happy to talk to his lovely mother.

"Oh sure, of course, I would love to!" she said as Anita spoke "It... It would be amazing, and an honor for me,  I will see you next Thursday then! yes! perfect! have a wonderful week!" she said smiling widely as Lady Anita hung up. Now she had something else to look to...yet things were turning out too good to be true...quoting Ville's song her heart fell....was this the beginning of the end...she shook her head trying not to induce a self-fulfilling prophecy of doom upon this bliss in their lives. 

Trying to keep herself positive she finally managed to focus as an email popped into her screen it was from an unknown sender yet it had Ville's name and it said Urgent, her heart racing she opened it only to find a small message "Meet me at 9 am. at the coffee place below, and for your own sake do not say a word to anyone" the message said "Believe me I am just looking out for you, please don't be a stranger I leave my phone if you want to meet" it stated.

Maria did not feel right about this message, yet, it poked at her somewhat, and annoyed she closed the email trying to focus on her work, it was probably a scammer, yet the address was from within Helsinki, something in her heart told her to not ignore it yet for some reason she decided to save the email in her private messages and put it aside for now...

Thanks if you are here :D

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