girl meets home for the holidays

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Olivia and Shawn wandered the streets of New York. Her light brown waves blowing back in the wind, making her look like a model. She loved Christmas, wearing a red Christmas jumper and black jeans. She carried a bag, with her clothes she had chosen to travel with. They had an apartment back in Philadelphia, where most of her belongings lived making them travel light. Around her shoulders lie a simple grey jacket, one which didn't belong to her but she still wore. They came to the Matthews' apartment and a smile arose on her face. 

They both appeared at the door, Olivia catching both Riley and Mayas eye. She placed a finger   to her lips, silently dropping her bag and closing the door. She watched as her father walked to one end of the couch, and she knew his plan. She sat on the edge nearest to josh and waited for him to realise. It didn't take long, he felt a presence next to him and immediately looked up. Olivia flashed him a grin and placed her finger to her lips. He nodded, hugging her softly as her father and his brother almost squashed poor auggie. "I'm alive!' Auggie announced dramatically before turning to face olivia. "Livvy!" he exclaimed, running into the brunettes arms. She hugged him, having missed the little boy. Meanwhile Josh and Shawn reunited, making Olivia smile, two of her favourite people. 

"Who's that?" Maya pointed to who she saw as the pretty brunette who arrived with Shawn, who we know as Olivia. "Olivia, Shawn's daughter, she's cool, around alot more than Shawn is" Riley smiles. "Is she boings girlfriend?" Maya questioned. "Not yet, one day, we all know it" Riley shrugged, as Olivia came over. Maya frowned slightly.  "Riles" Olivia gave her a smile and a hug. Then she turned to Maya. "So you're her my dad?" she questioned. "So they say" Maya shrugged. Olivia automatically saw herself in this girl, she knew they were going to get along. "Olivia" She smiled, holding her hand out. "Maya" Maya replied, shaking her hand. Olivia then gave her a hug before watching the exchanged between her father and Topanga. 

"Still second place?" Olivia questions, smirking. "My whole life" Topanga sighed, smiling at the younger girl. Olivia laughed and gave the woman she saw as a second mother a hug. She barely knew her own mother, having been left with her father at the age of two. It didn't bother her anymore. It was her and her dad against the world, and she liked it. "The Cory and Shawn bauble still going?" She asked. Topnaga rolled her eyes and nodded, sighing. "Wheres ours gone?" Josh asks. "Yeah, the livvy and Joshy forever bauble was iconic" Olivia smirked. "Oh that rubbish, it's at the back" Cory smirked. "Ours was art!" Olivia exclaimed, holding her hand to her heart in mock offence. Josh wandered over to the back and held it up proudly. Olivia headed to his side and gestured to it as if it was rare and precious, which in their eyes, it was. "Our first child" Josh says, wiping fake tears from his eyes. "Neglected by it's own uncle and grandfather" Olivia added. "It looks like it was made by a five year old compared to ours" Shawn says. "It was made by five year olds!" Olivia and Josh say in unison. "Of course, slipped my mind" Shawn smirks. Olivia rolled her eyes at him and placed it above his with a smirk. 

Riley, Maya and Olivia sat in Rileys room. "So tell me everything" Olivia was a very nosey person, plus she knew Riley was dying to tell her something. "So one day we were on the subway and i fell into the lap of this really cute boy and then he is in our class in school" Riley gushes. "And you like him?" Olivia guessed. "I guess you could say that, and Maya has a crush too" She smiles. "If you dare say farkle I will not be happy" Maya mutters. "She likes Josh" Riley smiles, not knowing how it was going to affect Olivia. Olivia felt something she could only describe as jealousy but she didn't know why. Still, she shrugged it off and turned to Maya with a confused look on her face. "Isn't he too old for you?" She asked. "What's three years in the history of love?" Maya shrugged. "You know what you want and you're gonna get it?" Olivia asked. "I do" Maya replied. Olivia nodded getting up from her position lying on rileys bed. "Where you going?" Maya asked. Olivia shrugged and walk out of the room, she had a feeling the girls would want to be alone. 

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