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Y/n's POV:

The nightclub was packed during this time of night. The music the dj was playing got the girls dancing as the melodies booked throughout the club. I took a sip of my bourbon, looking around the crowd from the balcony.

Ever since I bought the Eclipse nightclub, fixed it up and turned it around, it's been packed since the grand opening. My father, Bruce Wayne, didn't understand why I'd invest in such a business, claiming nightclubs were just traps to lure woman inside for men to pray on them.

I begged to differ. My nightclub was clean, despite being used for various mob business I had going for myself. If a man, or woman for that matter, wanted to put their hands on someone who didn't enjoy the feeling, well... they weren't heard from again.

"Bruno is waiting out back. Says he has the payment." My right hand woman, Sasha, whispered lowly.

I nodded, finishing off my bourbon before exiting my club.

Harley's POV:

My mind drifted off, tuning out the conversation I was trying to have with a random girl I met in this club. But, just like everyone else, she brought up Mr. J. Why couldn't people read my mind and know we weren't together anymore?

Why did they have to assume, just because I still wore the 'J' necklace, that him and I were together?! Ugh, I really only wore this thing now because it was shiny and looked good on me. But let's face it, Mr. J and I were over and I was a free, independent woman.

Although I wasn't sure how to exactly be that, especially when I've spent my entire life infatuated and in love with him. I changed my entire life for him, jumped out of planes for him! Of course I never got the credit for anything, and I think that's where the problem started.

I mean a little thanks would have been nice. But he wasn't like that. I downed the rest of whatever was in my glass, standing to my feet and ignoring the rush of dizziness that fell over me. Maybe I should lighten up in the drinks.. nah!

I stumbled down the sidewalk, pushing people out of my way and enjoying the semi fresh air Gotham had to offer. Up in the sky the bat signal went off and I rolled my eyes, looks like batsy was still kicking.

Why couldn't he ever do something, anything, else? Didn't fighting crime get boring? Especially since he was a multi billionaire with his own company. Wayne enterprise was the ugliest building in Gotham.

Imagine the power one would have if he were out of the picture. If he were locked up behind a cell or six feet underground. The first thing I would do would be to smash that dreaded bat signal. I mean, the thing was tacky. Not to mention clunky.

A lightbulb went off in my head and I smirked, laughing to myself. I would be the one to take down the bat, ruling over Gotham city! Nobody would dare touch me now, especially when they find out that Mr. J and I aren't together. I'd have eternal immunity! Not to mention a hearty fortune to spend.

"This is going to be fun!" I cackled, stumbling inside another nightclub and rushing over to the bar.

Y/n's POV:

"Another bourbon please, Sid." I ordered, plopping down on the barstool.

Sid set my drink down in front of me before walking around the bar to take other orders. I took a drink, feeling the alcohol slide easily down my throat.

"So," I started, glancing over at the pale woman beside me, "Never thought I'd see Harley Quinn inside my club."

"You know who I am?" Harley turned, giving me her full attention with a lopsided smile.

I hummed, "Recognize the clown makeup anywhere."

Harley scoffed, pushing me and I had to grip the bar counter to steady myself. I let out a small laugh, catching her small smile.

"I'm only kidding. The bedazzled eyebrow really suits you." I teased, bringing my cup to my lips.

"I'm going to take that as a compliment, because I know it's great." She stuck her tongue out at me, grabbing her beverage off the bar top.

"No Joker tonight?" I asked, swirling my liquid around in my cup.

Harley shook her head, pursing her lips together before downing her drink in just two gulps. I gave her an impressed look, telling Sid to put all her drinks on my tab.

"A girl can't go out and have fun by herself?! I mean is that all I am to people, just the jokers little toy! Can't I just be Harley?! Just Harley, not Joker and Harley Quinn."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." I scratched back of my neck, downing the rest of my strong liquor and ordering us another round.

Harley sighed heavily, "Mr. J and I broke up."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. I knew by the way she told me, the sadness and anger in her tone told me that this was recent and she wasn't over it fully yet.

"You're the first person I've told." Quinn mumbled I almost didn't hear what she said.

"Eh, who needs men anyways? As far as I'm concerned, this is a woman's world."

"Yeah, you're right!" Harley grinned, laughing loudly, "I wasn't put on this world to be held back by some man! I'm Harley fucking Quinn!"

I watched the woman stand up, a new wave of confidence washing over her or maybe it was just the amount of drinks she had in her system. Either way, she looked like she was ready to take on the world.

Harley's POV:

The mysterious woman and I had a few more drinks, talking animatedly while the hustle and bustle of the club seemed to drown out the more shots I gulped down.

"Y/n Wayne, my how much you've grown!"

My head perked up as I intently watched a man dressed in a suit, shake her hand. I've been having drinks with Batsys daughter the entire time?! When did he have a daughter? And why was she actually attractive compared to her father?

Wait, if she was his daughter then that means my plan was finally going to come together. And I knew exactly what I was going to do. The smirk I wore was hidden behind another two shots I downed, getting up from the bar and heading outside once more.

There was something I had to do first. This was a new era for Harley fucking Quinn and Gotham better watch out.

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