• fourteen •

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• "⚠️⚠️" marks the start of the smut and "✅✅" means the kinky shit is over •

Y/n's POV:

A month and a half later.

"Can I buy you a drink?" Canary asked, sitting down in the bar stool next to me.

"Sure." I shrugged, never one to turn down a free drink."

"You've got a nice club." The singer commented, looking around the place.

"Thanks. You've helped a lot with business." I grabbed the drink that was set in front of me, loving the burn down my throat.

Canary laughed, "I'm sure business was booming long before I showed up."

I just laughed in response, taking another sip.

"How long have you and Quinn been together?"

"New travels that fast?" I asked incredulously.

Canary gestured her head towards a part of the club, "well when she's glaring daggers at me I figured there's more to it."

I leaned back a little, noticing Harley was glaring daggers at Canary, but smiled brightly when she saw me.

"we've only gotten together recently, but it's going really well." I smiled.

"mmhmm, I'm barely flirting with you and she's already jealous." Canary smirked.

I snorted, "so you were flirting with me to begin with?"

"who wouldn't, I mean look at you!" The singer gestured up and down.

"I'm your boss." I turned away while my face became hot.

Canary smirked, "I've been off the clock for about twenty minutes now."

"I'm with Harley."

"what's wrong with a little harmless flirting? I'm sure people flirt with her all the time. Oh! Like that guy for instance."

I leaned back in my chair and saw Harley talking with some guy, laughing and smiling. I narrowed my eyes at the guy before turning back to my conversation.

"so what'd you do before this?" I asked, ordering us another drink and telling Sid to leave the bottle.

"you're my boss shouldn't you already know this?"

My lips tugged up and I shook my head, "I never read it, I got word you were a good singer so I hired you."

"so you like my voice?"

"The best singing I've heard." I smirked, filling our glasses up.

"I've been told I can hit an even higher octave range when I moan."

"you must be very proud."

The singer leaned in close to my ear and whispered, "we can try it out if you'd like."


"should turn down that offer before your girlfriend gets upset." Harley had a fake smile plastered on her face while she sat down in the stool next to me, grabbing my drink and taking a swig.

"-I was going to say no. Thanks for the offer but I'm going to refuse." I told Canary.

"mm, yeah I totally believe you." Harley rolled her eyes, grabbing my arm and slinging it over her shoulders.

"well that didn't go as planned." Canary chuckled.

I laughed, "and what was your plan?"

"to get you into bed, I'm bored, you're hot."

Ember ; Harley QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now