• eleven •

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Y/n's POV:

I made it home late, lingering too long at Harley's apartment but she didn't mind. She told me I could stay the night if I wanted too, but I told her I should probably get home.

And now that I was I regretted my decision. My father was sitting on the couch, a fresh bottle of Jack Daniels sitting on the coffee table. He didn't look happy in the slightest and I was already dreading this argument.

"Do you not care about your safety? Do you not care that her enemies could go after you?" Bruce spat.

"Maybe I'll get lucky and one will come in right now and shoot me. Then I won't have to listen to you yell at me." I rolled my eyes.

The thick vein on my fathers forehead protruded out so far I thought it was going to burst.

"You are such a child! Harley isn't someone you get romantically involved with! You've seen what the joker did to her, how long before she does the same thing to you!?" He screamed at me.

My jaw tightly shut while I pinned my father against the wall, my arms erupting in fire at all the anger I was feeling. My father hissed and whimpered and when the smell of his burning flesh hit my nose, I let him go.

"Y-y-you're Ember?!" He squeaked out before he turned sour, "You have powers and didn't think to tell me?!"

I scoffed, "Why so you can go and take me to every private doctor and scientist to cure me?!"


"AND YOU DRESS UP IN A BAT COSTUME!" I screamed back, the fire on my arms taking over every inch of my body the angrier I became.


"HARLEY QUINN JUST WANTS SOMEONE TO TREAT HER LIKE A PERSON! SHE'S NOT SO SICK AND TWISTED WHEN YOU GET TO KNOW HER!" My entire body, right up to my head and down to my feet, was covered in the orange flames.

I hissed when a blast of coldness hit me and the flames died out in clouds of steam. I glared over at Alfred who held the fire extinguisher. I shook off the white foam and stormed out of the mansion.

I was livid, wanting nothing more than to hit something really hard, preferably my father. I know he was just looking out for me, but at some point he was going to have to realize I'm and adult who can make her own decisions. I'm not some child that needs the safety locks on everything.

He spent countless hours training with me in the home gym so I would know how to defend myself. Even if I wasn't seeing Harley, my father was Batman! My life was already in danger if some villain found out his secret. How was this any different??

I pulled out the Ember mask I kept in my back pocket at all times, bumping into someone before I could put it on.



I turned around and forced a smile when I saw Harley.

"Hey, Harles."

"You look like shit!" She gave me a look of concern, "Is everything okay?"

I shook my head no, and Harley cupped my cheek.

"Tell me about it, pumpkin."

"What are you doing out this late?" I changed the subject, taking a step back from her.

"You left your phone at my place so I came to give it back. Here." She outstretched her hand to give me the iPhone.

I grabbed my phone and thanked her, stuffing the device in my back pocket.

"Where are you off to?" Harley asked.

"Just on a walk." I replied, my heart hammering in my chest. Please don't see the mask. Please don't-

"What's that in your hand?"


"Nothing." I tried to reply smoothly but this woman did things to me it was hard to think straight half the time.

"If it's nothing then let me see it."

"Harley, really. It's nothing." I backed up a few steps when she came closer. Harley grabbed my arm and lifted it up.

Harley stared at the mask for what felt like a long while, before glaring at me.

"You're goons kidnapped me!"

I hushed her, dragging her into a nearby alleyway, "They didn't kidnap you! You were snooping around!"

"It's a warehouse in the outskirts of Gotham! Who wouldn't look inside?" Harley defended, "I told you everything about me. I told you all the things the joker did to me and you kept this from me?! I may not know anything about a heathy relationship, but I do know that you have to trust the other person!"

"Do you not trust me?" I scoffed.

"Depends on who's asking; y/n or Ember." Harley shot back.


"Don't call me that." Harley hissed, brushing past me and running out of the alleyway.

"Fucking hell!" I hissed, slamming my fist against the brick wall.

Why did everything have to go to complete shit in a matter of seconds?

Ember ; Harley QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now