• thirty six •

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Third Person POV:

"I want the payment in full." A Russian scientist told Bruce.

"I'll have it transferred to your account. Just... please help my daughter." Bruce sighed heavily.

The Russian smirked, "We'll do more than help her, Wayne. Don't worry, she'll be well taken care of."

Harley's POV:

I groaned, tossing my phone next to me when y/n hadn't texted me since this morning. It was 6pm and she still wasn't home, usually she would text me and let me know what was happening, but my phones been dry.

"I hope your mommas okay." I mumbled to my stomach.

With a huff, I decided to get out of bed and do something so I wouldn't sit and overthink. Hopefully she was just really caught up in work and not lying in a ditch... bleeding out..

I jumped when I seen Sasha burst into the house out of the corner of my eye, Cassandra walking out of her room a few seconds later.

"Have you heard from y/n?" She panted out of breath.

"Not since this morning." I shook my head.

Sasha frowned, "She isn't answering any of my calls. I checked the warehouse and she isn't there and she's not at the club."

"Maybe she's talking to her dad?" I said, trying to convince myself that that's where she was.

"Y/n's missing?!" Cassandra gasped.

I shook my head quickly, "No, no! She's just not here."

"Yeah, and you guys don't know where she is. Sounds like she's missing because I know she wouldn't cheat on you."

"I'll try calling her again. You mind if I stay until she comes back?" Sasha asked.

"Not at all. It would make me feel better actually." I told her, rummaging through the fridge to grab the leftovers from dinner last night.

Y/n's POV:

A man and a woman in lab coats sedated me in the small cage I was in, wrapping large chain cuffs around my wrists and throat, tugging me forward and leading me into another room with a dentist chair in the center.

I growled when the woman pulled harder on my chains, chaining me down in the chair. The harsh fluorescent beat down on me, making me squint my eyes to see another man, one who carried himself with arrogance, stepped forward.

"Your father paid us good money to help cure you. I say that you don't need to be cured, simply reborn. You have a magnificent gift that I wish to harness." His Russian accent was thick.

"I'm not going to be made a weapon willingly." I snarled, tugging on the chains.

The Russian smirked, "I'd hope not, would ruin all the fun. I wish to study you, and I can only study you when you're using your powers. I wish to see the extent you can reach, how powerful you can be."

"And if I melted these chains and killed every single person in this building?"

"There would be so much data to collect. What's a few casualties in the name of science." The hobbit of a man smirked, whistling to himself as he walked over towards the tray of tools laid out for him.

Harley's POV:

"Sasha!" I yelled for the woman, huffing when I couldn't reach my legs to shave.

"Yeah?" She answered from the other side of the bathroom door.

"You can come in." I told her, giggling to myself when she came in the bathroom, both of her hands slapped over her face, "You can open your eyes. It's not like you haven't seen me naked before."

"That's the problem, I have seen you naked before." Sasha grumbled.

"Can you shave my legs for me? I can't reach them." I pouted.

"Wouldn't y/n-"

"-not care. You're helping me out and I need to not stress out so I don't stress the twins out but I can't stop stressing out because I don't know where my pumpkin is!" I rushed out in one fatal breath.

Slowly Sasha removed her hands, not letting her eyes linger on my body more than she had too. I smiled when she kneeled down on the other side of the tub, taking the razor from me and began shaving my legs.

"I'm not shaving your coochie." She muttered.

I laughed, "I wasn't going to ask you to."

"Good." Sasha breathed a sigh of relief, "You're due in a couple weeks, right?"

I nodded, "Yeah. I'm so excited to finally meet my babies."

"I'm glad you both found your happiness in each other. Your little family is going to be adorable."

I awed at her nice words, "Thank you. I just hope we can find pumpkin soon."

Sasha hummed, "It's not like her to disappear like this, especially without telling anyone."

"I just hope she's okay." My lips tugged down into a frown.

"I'm sure she is. Y/n would fight tooth and nail to make sure she got back home to you and the kids. That girl would take a bullet for you."

"That's what I'm worried about." I mumbled.

"Come on, get dressed and we can go visit her father at the mansion. Maybe he knows where she is."


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU PAID GUYS TO EXPERIMENT ON HER?!" I roared, slapping my bat against my hand.

"She needs help! I'm trying to get her the help she needs!" Bruce defended.

"SHE'S YOUR DAUGHTER!" Sasha hissed.

"I'm just trying to protect her from herself! She needs help and I'm determined to get her the help that she needs no matter the cost."

I swung the bat against his head and knocked him down, going to hit him again but Sasha grabbed the bat before I could.

"Where is she?" I snarled.

"I don't know. They didn't give me a location."

I yelled in anger, smashing things in the mansion with my bat.

"I can't believe you betrayed her like this. You could have fixed things with her, but now you'll be lucky if she even still talks to you." Sasha spat.

Ember ; Harley QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now