• thirty one •

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Y/n's POV:

"How much of a say do I have for the house you're buying?" Cassandra asked popping her gum.

"None." I smiled, helping Harley out of the car. Harley kissed my lips quickly while we admired the outside of the first house.

"Welcome!" The real estate agent, Tony, grinned, fixing his red tie, "Would you like to start in the inside or the outside?"

"Let's look at the inside first." Harley grabbed my hand and we followed the man inside. It was spacious for the most part, but nothing was standing out to me so far.

"So this house has four bedrooms and three and a half baths. The kitchen was re done and-"

"I don't like it." Harley commented coming to my side.

"We haven't even seen the rest of the house yet, Harles." I laughed.

"We don't have too. There's not enough surfaces for us to fuck on." Harley shrugged. I choked on my own spit and Cassandra cackled, falling to the floor she was laughing so hard.

Tony cleared his throat awkwardly, his face beat red, "I-I'll send you the directions to the other house."


"What do you think about Quinn for the kids middle names?" I smiled softly at Harley while I stopped at a red light.

Harley grinned, "That sounds perfect! Tobias Quinn Wayne and Nova Quinn Wayne."

"You guys are having twins?!" Cassandra squealed from the back.

"No." Harley shook her head.

"Thank god." I mumbled, wincing when my girlfriend hit my arm, "It's too early to see the sex of the baby so we wanted to be prepared either way."

"I think twins would be cool." Cassie sighed, slumping back in the seat.

"I can't imagine having two at the same time." I said, trying to wrap my head around it but I just couldn't. I knew some people had seven at once, not sure how common that actually was, but having one baby was scary enough I couldn't imagine having two.

It would ruin the entire point of seeing where you fucked up on the first kid and made sure you didn't fuck up on the second kid. If we fucked up on both of them then we had to wait till the third kid to make it right.

We pulled up to the next house and Harley didn't even wait till the car fully stopped to get out. I laughed to myself, turning the engine off and shoving the keys in my pocket.

"Let's make a bet." Cassandra rubbed her hands together.

I snorted, "You just want my money."

"Maybe. I bet you fifty bucks that you won't be able to find me."

"We're playing hide and go seek now?" I teased, both of us getting out of the car.

"Are you in or not?" Cassandra huffed.

"Fine. Now go hide." I gently nudged her towards the house before following in after her.

"Pumpkin I love it! This is the one!" Harley squealed rushing towards me. I smiled and kissed her forehead before she grabbed my hand and led me over to Tony.

"This house has five bedrooms and four and half bathrooms. This house was just put on the market and the pool in the backyard is brand new." Tony explained with a smile.

"Five bedrooms." I whistled under my breath.

"Ours, the babies, and three guest bedrooms." Harley giggled. I smiled at how happy she seemed to be and it made my heart swell with joy.

"We'll take it." I grinned at Tony.

"Perfect! I'll get the paperwork in order and you can sign."

Harley pulled me down into a heated kiss, breaking it only to lead me to one of the bedrooms.

"Our first house." Harley sighed in content, running her hands down my chest.

I hummed, pulling her closer to me, "The first of many things for us. Which reminds me, I was wondering if you wanted to have joint ownership of the club with Sasha and me?"

"You mean that?" She gasped.

"Yeah. We're having a family together, I think it's only right that my money is your money. We can have a joint account or something and whatever ideas you have for the club, you can do."

"I love you." Harley mumbled before pulling my face down to hers.

"Nope! Not in front of my virgin eyes!" Cassandra said over dramatically, coming out of the closet, "You owe me fifty bucks y/n!"

I playfully rolled my eyes, pulling out my wallet and throwing a fifty at her retreating form. Harley giggled, kissing me softly.

"Let's go sign those papers."


I hired some movers to move all the stuff out of my current apartment and move them into my house. While they were doing that, I was on my way to my fathers mansion, hoping that I could smooth things over with him and tell him the news about the baby.

I parked the car and made my way inside, stopping in my tracks when the entire justice league was in the living room.

"Oh, um.." I cleared my throat.

"It's okay. We were just finishing up." My father half smiled at me. I nodded and awkwardly stood off to the side until they left.

"It's been awhile." I commented.

"Yeah." My Father hummed, "Want a drink?"

I shook my head no, stuffing my hands in my pockets, "Harley and I bought a house together.. maybe we can have dinner sometime."

"I don't know how well that would go." My father laughed, sitting down on the couch.

I clenched my jaw, blowing out a breath, "We're also.. expecting a baby."

I watched him spit out his drink everywhere, wiping his chin off with the back of his hand, "What?!"

"It came as a surprise to me too." I scratched the back of my neck, "It's a long story but yeah. We're finding out the gender in a few weeks and we already have names picked out and-"

My father started laughing humorously and I gave him a confused look.

"You're going to have a baby with one of Gotham's most notorious criminals, being a mob boss yourself. I mean, wow."

I rolled my eyes, "It's not like I'm incapable of protecting my child."

"Yeah, because you're Ember. The entire city knows your secret and you can't burn people alive just because they've wronged you. You'll burn the entire city down." He scoffed.

My jaw clenched tight, "You know this is why I stopped calling and visiting. I thought maybe you could be happy for me, but you're just determined to ruin or relationship. I'm happy with my life and I'll be even happier when you're no longer in it."

"If you want to smooth things over with me then you'll come to your senses and drop Quinn."

"Then I guess things won't be smoothed over because I plan on marrying that girl."

Ember ; Harley QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now