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Harley's POV:

I strutted out of the bar, a random cup full of alcohol in hand. This was the new beginning for me, all of Gotham would soon know who I was, living my life away from Mr. J. 

I ripped off the 'J' necklace, tossing it behind me as I strutted down the road. I stole some random mans semi truck, and slammed on the gas right towards Ace Chemicals.

My fingers pressed down on the radio dial, the heavy rock station blaring as I sang the words to some AC/DC. Right before the truck slammed into the plant, I jumped out just in time, marveling at the enormous explosion.

A dreamy sigh left my lips, laughing as I pushed myself off the wet cement. If the people of Gotham didn't know that Joker and I weren't together, they would now. And if they wanted to find me, then they could find me in Wayne enterprise, standing over Batman.

Now to go and make friends with Bats daughter.

Y/n's POV:

"Last night the Ace Chemical plant went up in a large explosion that shook Gotham city. Some people said they saw Batman lurking around, making people speculate that the vigilante had a hand in this. We'll have more on the story later."

I snorted, turning around to smirk playfully at my father, "So? Did you blow up the Ace Chemical plant?"

My father chuckled, buttoning up his raven black suit jacket, "Afraid someone beat me to it."

I hummed, pouring myself some bourbon, "You planning on going after her?"

Bruce gave me a questioning look and I rolled my eyes, "Harley Quinn, dad. Come on, you can't be that oblivious to know that she just told all of Gotham her and Joker aren't together."

"I won't have to, all of Gotham will be after her. The joker pissed a lot of people off, I'm sure they'll want to take their anger out on her while they can touch her."

"But you plan to go after her, right?" I asked.

"Why the sudden interest?" My father laughed, "But, yes, eventually she'll be sent to Arkham."

I nodded, gulping down the rest of the bourbon in my glass as my phone buzzed in my back pocket. My jaw ticked at the message Sasha sent me and I set my empty cup down on the table.

"I have to go. I'll be back in time for dinner, unless you'll be out and it'll just be Alfred and me?"

Bruce shook his head, smiling tightly, "I'll be home in time... thought maybe we could order in."

I nodded, grabbing my leather jacket and snatching the keys to the Benz. I pulled into the warehouse where most of the day to day operations ran, nodding my head towards a few workers.

"Found him trying to make off with the cash from our buyer. Almost got away with it too, seems like you need a better security team." Sasha whistled lowly.

"Who was on watch?" I asked, stepping inside my office.

"Jones and Sims."

I sighed, "Bring then in. Where's the thief?"

Sasha smirked, pushing some of her purple hair behind her ear, "Dangling above the shark tank."

A small smirk twitched up my lips and I nodded, slipping the all black bandanna around the lower half of my face, hiding my identity. Nobody knew who I was except Sasha, perks of being a childhood friend.

Jones and Sims stepped into my office, shifting on their feet.

"I just want you to know that this isn't going to go as bad as you think. My money is still here and the guy didn't get away. But he almost did." I stepped around to the front of my desk, crossing my arms over my chest, "I pay you nicely, take care of your families and, for the most part, give you free reign. And this, this is how you repay me?"

"Ember, we're-"

"Sorry, I know." I shook my head, waving off their half ass apology, "The thief is dangling above my shark tank, and I'm tempted to have you join him."

"Boss, please!" Sims begged, clasping his hands together in a praying position.

"But.. I'm a firm believer in second chances." I smoothed out my leather jacket, "You're both free to go."

"Thank you!" Sims praised. The man turned to leave through the door and I slammed his skull against the wall, my arm erupting in fire.

Sims yelped in pain as I burned his skin, "You can have your second chance in hell."

I dropped the man to the ground, his body twitching before he let out his finally breath of air.

I turned towards Jones, the Polynesian holding his hands out in surrender.

"Take care of his body, and don't even think about fucking up again or it will be worse." I spat.

"Yes, boss!" Jones squeaked, picking Sims body up and rushing out of my office. Sasha strolled in after him with a small laugh.

"After we take care of the thief, want to go for a couple drinks?"

"Let him dangle over the sharks for a few more hours."

"I'll arrange a car." Sasha pulled out her phone but I shook my head, interlocking our arms as we strolled out of my office, "No need. I drove."

We made it to my club a few minutes later, having one of the valet guys park my car. I gave him an extra hundred dollar tip as Sasha and I slipped inside. I removed my mask, stuffing it inside my back pocket.

I liked to keep my life and my other alias separate. I didn't like to mix business with other business because someway or another it got messy.

My eyes immediately snapped towards Harley, who was laughing loudly while she danced on the stripper pole. Sasha handed me my drink of choice and I thanked her.

"Your father know Harley Quinn hangs out at your nightclub?" Sasha asked, swallowing her whiskey neat.

I shook my head, "Doesn't seem important to mention."

"I'm just saying that after the stunt she pulled last night, wouldn't be surprised if your club suffers a few casualties."

I sighed softly, "She'll be locked up in Arkham soon."

"Really?" Sasha gave me a look.

I hummed, glancing at her, "I may have an interesting line of work, but that doesn't mean I'm going to be hanging out with one of Gotham's most wanted."

"Then why is she coming over here?" Sasha asked and sure enough she was strutting over here.

"Y/n!!" Harley cheesed drunkenly, "We should get some shots!"

I didn't have time to answer before Harley dragged me over to the bar and proceeded to order a round of vodka shots.

When they were set in front of us, Harley immediately downed three one after the other.

"So, this morning, I was on the news! Well, what I did was one the news I wasn't actually there. But now all of Gotham knows that Harley Quinn is a single woman!"

"You have a pretty big target in your back now, Quinzel." I smirked, downing one of the shots.

"Nobody's called me that in a long time, I like it!" Harley nudged me, "That means I have to pick out a nickname for you!"

I laughed, adjusting myself on the bar stool, "Go for it."

"What about y/n/n, or shot buyer?"

I almost spit out the rest of my shot when I heard the second name, swallowing the burning alcohol.

"I'm your own personal plug now, huh?" I teased.

Harley smirked, "Maybeeee. You're pretty."

I shook my head, "You're drunk."

Harley pinched her pointer finger and thumb close together, only leaving a millimeter of space between them, "Just a little, itty bitty, tiny bit drunk."

"Well," I sighed, raising another shot to my lips, "I'm not drunk enough so would you like another round?"

"Duh!" Harley breathed out, downing the rest of the vodka shots as I ordered another round.

Getting drunk with Harley Quinn, what could possibly go wrong.

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