• thirty seven •

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Y/n's POV:

Five weeks later.

How long have I been here? How long have I been dangling from chains around my wrists, my blood staining the floor under me in layers. I could only see out of one eye, the other being swollen shut and I had many cuts and gashes on my face and body, most likely infected.

Harley was going to have our babies soon, I'm sure of it. God I missed her. I knew nothing about these people other than they were a secret Russian science division that experimented on non humans. I became their new pet project, they beat me and tortured me just for a little spark of fire.

I was so tired, so weak that even conjuring up a small flame left me breathless. My chest was tight, my breathing was ragged and there was definitely more than a few broken bones. I didn't know how I was going to get out of here, but if I had to level the building then that's what I was going to do.

Harley's POV:

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sasha spit out her coffee. For the past five weeks she's done nothing but try and track down pumpkin, and helping me with the babies. We went shopping for clothes, shoes, all of that stuff, and while I enjoyed it, I wish I was doing it with y/n. I know there would be more opportunities to go, but the first time was always special.

I'm glad y/n had a friend like Sasha, and I'm glad they could remain friends after Sasha confessed her feelings.

"Harley I think I found y/n!" Sasha gasped and I shot off the couch as fast as I could while pregnant.


"A power plant just blew up in Atlanta, a random explosion. I mean that's got to be y/n."

"It's worth checking out. This is the first lead we've gotten."


Sasha pulled the car up as close as she could until the police stopped us. We got out of the car and I ducked under their arms before they could grab me, running straight towards the crater in the ground.

I slowly slid down into it, hearing people yell after me to stop. When I made it to the center, I lifted up every piece of debris I could, stopping when I seen y/n, shakily stand to her feet. I gasped audibly and my eyes welled up with tears.

She looked so beaten, a swollen eye, a deeply split lip. There were cuts and dark bruises littering her face, and a light sheen of blood and sweat coated her skin.

I rushed towards her, immediately the tears spilling onto my cheeks when I wrapped my arms around her. Y/n wrapped her arms around me, a few sobs shaking her body. I looked up at her, capturing her lips in a passionate and longing kiss.

"I missed you so much pumpkin." I mumbled against her lips.

"I missed you too. I'm sorry I made you worry." Y/n mumbled, caressing my cheek.

I shook my head, "It's not like you planned on being kidnapped. Your father.. y/n, he sold you out."

Y/n sighed heavily, "Yeah... they kinda mentioned him. I've lost all respect for that man."

"We should-" my words died on my tongue when I looked down to see that my water had broken.

"Did-" y/n started and I nodded.

Y/n's POV:

Harley was wheeled to a room and I followed right beside her, holding her hand while Sasha and Cassandra stayed in the waiting room.

"Contraction!" Harley yelped in pain as the doctors rushed around. Everything seemed to go so fast, the doctors telling her to push as a nurse stepped in front of me.

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