• thirty nine •

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Y/n's POV:

Four years later.

"Tobias! Don't put that in your mouth!" I ran after the naked four year old, trying to grab the tv remote he was chewing on.

Harley came around the corner and scooped our son up, and I turned around when I felt Nova run into my leg. She smiled up at me and raised her arms.

"Up, up!" She giggled. I smiled, picking her up and kissing her cheek. Tobias stuffed his face in Harleys neck, giggling. I chuckled breathlessly, rubbing Novas back while Harley softly pecked my lips.

"The girls will be here soon to help set up for the party." Harley smiled.

" 'm gonna be four today!" Tobias squealed, making Nova squeal too.

"I'm gonna put clothes on firecracker here before the girls come." Harley giggled, kissing me one more time before disappearing down the hall.

I sighed blissfully, lifting Nova up in the air and she laughed.

"Throw me!" She laughed. I tossed her up in the air and caught her, her joyous laughs spilling from her lips. I did it a few more times before I blew raspberries on her stomach.

"Mommy, s-Stop!" She giggled. I laughed, setting her down and ruffling her hair. She groaned and frantically fixed her platinum blonde hair. I was so happy to see how much Nova and Tobias looked like Harley, although there were some features in Tobias that looked like Joker.

Cassandra came in from outside, wiping the sweat off her forehead, "I finished bringing the chairs out for the table."

I nodded, "Thank you."

"S-sissy!" Nova squealed, running towards Cassandra and I caught her before she fell on the floor. Cassie grinned and scooped her little sister up, kissing her cheek.

There was a knock on the front door and I opened it, letting inside Sasha and the birds of prey, all of them bearing a shit ton of gifts.

"My kids are so spoiled." I chuckled, shutting the door behind them.

"Where's my little Toby?" Canary called in a baby voice and he waddled out with Harley right behind him trying to put his shirt over his head. He hid behind Canary's legs and we all giggled.

Canary picked him up and let Harley put his shirt over his head. Nova and Cassandra came over and they all said their hellos to her too. There was another knock on the door and I opened it, grinning when the suicide squad showed up and all said their hellos to the twins.

"Wassup, girl!" Floyd and I fist bumped and I smiled when June and Sasha shared a loving kiss. I was happy my best friend found someone. June and Flag broke up a year and a half ago and then a few months after that, June and Sasha started hanging out more and eventually started dating.

"Hey man."

"How you been? You finally getting some sleep?"

I nodded, "I still have nightmares."

Floyd blew out a breath, "You gotta talk to her, y/n. You gotta communicate shit."

"I know, I know." I sighed, "But I wanted to tell you I think I'm going to propose soon."

"Finally!" Floyd nudged me, "Damn she pops out two kids for you, sorta gives up on crime, and four years later y'all still ain't married!"

I playfully pushed him, "I know, I know! I'm slacking."

"So how you gonna do it?" Floyd smirked and followed me outside.

"I bought some shirts for the twins that say 'Will you marry mommy?' and when she turns around, I'll be kneeling."

Floyd placed his hand in my shoulder and pretended to wipe away a tear, "I am so proud."

I laughed, handing him a drink, "Thanks."

The girls came out, Sasha carrying the twins while Harley came over and kissed my cheek. Harley grabbed my hand and led me towards the picnic table next to us, gently pushing me down before sitting on my lap.

For the rest of the day we ate, had some cake and the twins got to open their vast amount of presents. They loved everything they got, showing Harley and I everything they opened. We cleaned everything up and said goodbye to everyone before getting the twins ready for bed.

Cassie said goodnight as Harley started a warm bath, slowly leading me into the bathroom. She kissed me slowly and my hands fell to her hips, setting her on the bathroom counter.

"I love you." Harley mumbled against my lips, tugging at the end of my shirt. She slowly lifted it over my head, kissing down my neck and my chest, capturing my lips again.

I sighed in content, both of us sharing gentle kisses as we undressed before stepping in the warm water. Harley leaned against my chest while my arms wrapped around her.

"The twins are growing up so fast." Harley sighed. I hummed, kissing her shoulder.



"Do you not want to marry me?"

I gasped sharply, "Of course I do, Harles."

"It's been four years and I've been waiting, and then I started thinking you didn't ever want to get married."

"I promise I want to get married. I want it to be special for you, for us."

Harley cupped my cheek, "Pumpkin I don't care how you propose, it'll be special no matter what."

I kissed her lips softly, "Wait here."

Harley giggled, sitting up and I stood from the tub, grabbing the towel and rushing to grab the diamond ring. I entered the bathroom and cleared my throat, seeing Harley sitting up in the tub, the soapy bubbles running down the valley of her breasts.

Slowly I got down on one knee, holding the ring, "Harleen, you came into my life and fucked it up in a wonderful way. You've given me two beautiful children, and shown me so much love. Will you make me the happiest woman in the world and be my wife?"

"Yes!" Harleys hands shot up, bubbles flying into the air. I grinned, kissing her lips and sliding the diamond ring on her finger.

Harley kissed me hard, gripping the back of my neck and pulling me closer to her. I lifted her up from the tub. Her legs wrapped around my waist while I blindly drained the tub, walking us into our room and laying her down on her back.

"I can't wait to be your wife." Harley mumbled breathlessly, "Now make love to me."

Ember ; Harley QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now