• twenty three •

5.3K 241 6

Third Person POV:

"This is Dr. Wong with our volunteer number 607. Alright, go ahead and proceed with test one." Dr. Wong spoke into his tape recorder. The other scientist in the lab on the other side of the glass, nodded and pressed a button, sending bolts of electricity into the chamber y/n was in.

Y/n hissed, dropping down to her knee inside the chamber when the pain hit her all at once. Eventually she became angry enough and her entire body was lit on fire. Her body started floating up into the air, getting hotter and hotter the metal chamber started bending and deforming.

Y/n hissed when Dr. Wong pressed a button and globs of foam extinguished the growing flame.

Dr Wong gulped when he read the reading on the dial, "Subject was shut down at 4,000K. 607 has the ability to become Supernova hot."

Harley's POV:

My eyes snapped to the door when I saw y/n walk in wearing sun glasses over her tired face. Her face looked skinnier, more defined like she hadn't really been eating. I noticed she pulled down her sleeves to cover her marked up arms.

My anxiety spiked in my stomach, worried for her health as I watched her destroy herself right in front of me.

"Well I have to leave, honey." Joker grumbled, "business to take care of. don't even think about running off either, I'll leave a few guards for protection."

I gagged when he kissed me harshly on the lips, but I had to kiss back because if I didn't, things would end badly.

When I made sure he was gone, I turned towards his guard watching me and smiled, "I have to go to the bathroom."

"Hurry up." He grumbled.

I ducked down towards where I saw y/n go, seeing she was talking to Sasha.

"I'm not using, Sasha!" Y/n hissed covering her arms.

"Then what the fuck are you doing to yourself?" Sasha huffed.

"Y/n.." I called out softly, lightly touching her back and I felt her muscles stiffen before they relaxed. A soft smile played on my lips at how my touch still effected her.

Sasha sent me a small glare before brushing past me. Y/n turned around, gasping sharply when she saw me.

"C-can we talk?" I shifted on my feet.

Y/n nodded silently before I started walking towards the back door. I smiled softly when y/n placed her hand on the small of my back to lead me around a large group of guys.

I blew out a breath, wringing my hands when we made it outside. I turned around and y/n's lips were on mine in an instant. I moaned into her mouth, missing her kisses and her touches.

My back softly hit the brick wall as she deepened the kiss, trailing her hands up my body until her palms rested on either side of my head.

"I know I should hate you, but I can't find myself to. You used me to get to my dad, but I know you cared about me. So I'm going to fight for you. I want you, Harles." Y/n mumbled softly, resting her forehead against mine.

Those words made my heart leap and sore. It felt nice to be wanted, to be loved enough to be something to fight for.

"I still care about you. I love you, pumpkin." I softly kissed her lips.

"Then why are you with him?" Y/n whimpered, "He treats you like shit. Look at the bruises on your thighs and arms baby." Y/n softly caressed her warm hand on my thigh and I sighed in content.

"What are you doing to yourself y/n?" I asked, lifting up her sweatshirt sleeves.

Y/n blew out a shaky breath, taking a step back from me and I whimpered at the loss of contact.

"I killed someone. I burned his throat, and I didn't even flinch. I don't want these powers anymore."

"Baby.." I cooed softly, wrapping my arms around her neck and bringing her sobbing body down. Her arms wrapped around my small frame and Ive never felt so safe in my life.

"I'm a monster."

I shook my head, lifting her head up to wipe away her tears, "No you're not pumpkin. You're putting yourself through pain by trying to get rid of something that makes up you. You don't have to change yourself."

"I've been a mess without you, Harles." Y/n mumbled, rubbing her thumbs on my hips, "We're gonna be okay, right?"

My breath hitched at the vulnerability in her tone. I had never seen her look so small and weak.

"We're gonna be just fine, pumpkin." I captured her lips in mine, savoring these last few moments with her before I had to get back inside, "I promise."

"Okay." Y/n hummed, pecking my lips a few times. She grabbed my hand and led us back in the bar, kissing me one last time, "I love you too."

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