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Harley's POV:

I wish the baby wasn't Jokers, I wish he didn't impregnate me, but I was choosing to look at this more positively. Y/n was here and we were finally going to be a family. Looking at the ultrasound made my heart swell with joy I was already so in love with our little one.

I couldn't wait to see how things would turn out, raising a child together with the love of my life. I never expected my life to become so full and important. I also thought I was put on this earth to please when it turns out I was meant for so much more.

Y/n's POV:

"We're going to be a family." Harley mumbled joyfully.

"Don't say that. That thing isn't mine." I shook my head.

"Why can't you call it a baby?!"

"B-because it's his! That man is literally the spawn of Satan, anything he conceives will only follow on from that!" I spat.

"my dna is apart of this baby too! am I a spawn of Satan??!" Harley hissed.

"no, Harley but this is basically a rape baby! Do you want the kid to grow up and find out who it's father is?"

"why does it matter who it's father is? you're here and he's not!" Harley rolled her eyes.

"what if he didn't die? What if he somehow miraculously survived the fall?! God knows he's survived a lot of things."

"he didn't pumpkin, he's dead and disintegrated. He didn't even get a funeral and you watched as they cremated him."

"I-I just don't know harley. This thing will never be mine. God! It's like he's haunting me even from the damn grave." I tugged at the ends of my hair in frustration.

"you can't think about it like that.." Harley tried to reach for my hand but I pulled back.

"I don't have any other way of thinking about it!"

Harley clenched her jaw, "you could try and be happy! you know how much having a family is important to me."

"but it's not mine! how can I be happy when my girlfriend is getting the baby she's always wanted, with her dead ex!?"

"it's not with my dead ex though it's with you, my pumpkin, my everything." She grabbed my hands easily this time.

I shook my head, eyes welling up with tears, "I don't know harley-"

"we can have that family we always thought about. We might be a little crazy but we're together and we're there for each other no matter what."

"and what if it has a psychotic break? Something that makes it snap just like joker. What if his psychoticism is genetic and he passes that onto it?" I asked.

Harley caressed the back of my hands, "then we will love the baby all the same. They can't help who their family is, and we will make sure they know we love them."

"and what are you supposed to do when he starts killing people? It's not like there's a book on that."

Harley sighed heavily, "can you try and think about this positively? Please baby.."

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