• twelve •

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Y/n's POV:

Just when I thought things couldn't become worse, it started raining.

"Just great." I muttered, running back to the mansion to grab my Benz. I hopped inside, not caring if I was getting the seats all wet. I didn't want to go inside and face my father, or Alfred, and now that Harley and I were fighting (again) I knew I couldn't crash there.

So I reversed out of the garage and squealed my tires all the way down to Sashas loft. I knew it was nearing two in the morning, but I hoped she was up. And if she wasn't, I really hoped she wasn't going to get mad if I woke her up.

When I parked my car in the driveway, I ran up to her floor. I stopped in my tracks, my head falling against the wall when I seen a sock covering her door handle.

Great, she had company. I slid down the wall, curling myself in a ball on the floor. My body shivered from my rain soaked clothes and I looked down the hallway to see if anyone was watching. When the coast was clear, I used my powers to help warm myself up.



I groaned when someone nudged me.

"Y/n, you look pathetic right now." Sasha laughed and I peeled my eyes open, standing to my feet while running the sleep from my eyes.

"Did your friend leave?" I croaked.

"Yeah he's gone. Wasn't very good let me tell you. Come on, I'll pour us a drink." Sasha grabbed my hand and led me inside her loft, shutting the door behind us.

I hadn't been over in awhile, she certainly had more plants than last time. The drug and the flower kind.

"You want to smoke?" She asked holding up a joint.

"Sure." I hummed, peeling off my still moist sweatshirt.

"Care to explain why you were sleeping outside my door like a little puppy, soaked in rain?" Sasha set down a glass of bourbon in front of me, lighting up the joint.

I took a swig of my liquor before answering, "My dad and I got into a major fight. Then I ran into Harley and we also got into a fight."

"Why did you and Harley fight? I thought you had a date today and it went well?"

I nodded, "We did and it went well. We walked around Gotham and just talked before going back to her place to hangout."

Sasha wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and I laughed lightly.

"We didn't have sex." I rolled my eyes, "We just watched cartoons and cuddled. She told me I could stay but I told her I should get home. That's when my dad was in the living room and he went off on me. It was the same bullshit about how I'm a child who doesn't care about my safety. He pissed me off to the point where I couldn't control my anger."

"Did you.."

I nodded and Sasha handed me the joint, "You need that more than I do. I take it he didn't take the news well?"

I took a hit off the joint, allowing the smoke to linger in my mouth before exhaling, "Nope. I'm probably some freak child in his eyes now. After the fight with him I stormed out, that's when I ran into Harley. She was on her way to return my phone when she saw the mask. She put two and two together and wasn't happy either."

"I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so. She thinks you don't trust her enough to open up about these things. I'm sure she's an open book if you ask the right questions."

"She told me that even if she didn't know what a healthy relationship was supposed to be like, she at least knew you had to trust the other person. She doesn't trust me anymore, Sash. I really like this girl and I fucked it up." I took another large inhale off the joint, flicking off the ash when I was done.

"All you have to do is apologize. You guys have gone on three dates, I don't think you're going to let this argument stop you from going on more, right?"

I shook my head, handing her the joint.

"That's what I thought. You can stay here for as long as you like, but please listen to me when I tell you that you need to talk to Harley as soon as possible. You don't want things to get worse."

Sasha and I finished off the joint and drank a bottle and a half of liquor before calling it a night. I crashed on her futon while she went to her room. I was going to fix things with Harley, after I tried talking to my dad.


I shut the mansion door behind me, not hearing any noise coming from the living room. Alfred soon appeared and looked relieved to see me.

"Where's my father?" I asked.

Alfred sighed, "He's in his study. Try and be patient with him, y/n."

I nodded stiffly, deciding to take a shower first before going to talk to my father. After my shower, I made my way there. Cracking open the door, I saw him half asleep with a stack of papers in front of him.

I cleared my throat to get his attention. His head shot up and his tired eyes became more awake when he saw me.


I shuffled into the room and shut the door behind me, walking closer to his desk.

"I want this conversation to be serious. We are adults and I think we should both act like them."

Bruce nodded and poured us both a glass of wine. He set my cup in front of me and I took a seat in the chair.

"I'm not a child, dad. I'm twenty two and own my own business. I have responsibilities. What I do with my life, or who I choose to see in my life, shouldn't concern you as much as it does. I understand you're looking out for me, but I can take care of myself."

"Then I hope you can take my responses seriously and not become defensive so quickly." He took a swig of his wine before continuing, "Did Harley make you choose the life of Ember?"

I held back a roll of my eyes, of course he was trying to find ways to blame Harley.

"No. I've been Ember since I found out I had these powers. And I found out when I was eighteen."

"Does Harley know?"

I nodded, "Yes."

"Then I hope you can come to your senses-"


"No, y/n! I hope you can come to your senses and realize that she is using you. You are a mob boss, very powerful from what people on this side of town tell me, so you can protect her. People will be afraid to touch her if they know she's your girlfriend."

I rolled my eyes, "Harley wouldn't use me like that. She can handle herself just fine I'm sure. There's been no problems."

"Not yet! Why can't you see the reality of it?" He pinched the bridge of his nose, looking down on me like some child.

"The reality of this is, you just can't accept that I could my happiness from someone lower than your standards. You'd probably want me to date some doctor or lawyer, not someone who's a real interesting person! She's different and I don't like normal."

"You know what your problem is?!" He hissed, narrowing his eyes at me like some snake.

"What?" I gritted our through clenched teeth.

"You try and fix people. You take the most damaged out of the lot and think that you can change them! Harley Quinn is mentally unstable and can't be fixed! You are not her savior."

My posture slacked in heaviness. There was no way I was getting through to him.

"I'm moving out of the mansion."

"Gonna move in with her now?!"

"No! I'm getting my own god damn place! Not everything needs to be about her! I've said what I've needed to say and I want you to respect that. But you can't." I blew out in one breath, heading towards the door of his office.

"I'll make sure to her your address! That way I can send you a postcard that says 'I told you so'." He yelled after me.

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