• twenty eight •

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Sasha's POV:

I was tired of y/n ignoring me. If I was in the same room as her she would find an excuse to leave, it's part of the reason I stopped showing up at the warehouse.

But I was on the last straw with her. I knew she didn't like me back because she was in love with Harley, and I've had time to deal with that. But now she was being ridiculous, running from her problems. I just wanted to get back to how things were before.

So I did the one thing I knew would catch her attention.

I kissed her girlfriend.

Y/n's POV:

I tossed a dart towards the board, hitting dead center and earning points for my small team. I turned back towards the table to grab my bourbon cup, when I saw Sasha slam her lips against Harley's

My drink fell out of my hand , spilling all over the floor as I stalked towards them, noticing Harley looking rigid but kissing back none the less.

"What the hell are you doing?" I hissed pulled Sasha away from Harley.

Sasha wiped her lips off with the back of her hand and I dragged them both up to the office, closing the small curtain.

"I had to get your attention one way or another. Figured this would have done it." Sasha huffed.

"Had you been anyone else I would have burned you alive for touching my girlfriend." I snarled before taking a deep breath, "I don't like you the way you want me too Sasha. I'm sorry. I still want to be friends though."

"I still want to be your friend too, I just wanted you to stop ignoring me!" Sasha laughed lightly.

"Go buy yourself a drink and we'll catch up." I handed her a twenty and she smiled, apologizing to Harley before leaving my office. When she left I glanced at Harley, seeing her pick at the skin around her nails.

"I'm sorry I kissed her back." Harley apologized, giving me a pleading glance like I was going to hit her or something.

"I'm not mad, baby. It was Sasha and she was acting out." I shook my head.

"I just can't help myself from kissing back. Mr. J always got mad at me if I didn't kiss him back when he kissed me. He would do bad things to me if I denied him. It was instinctive."

I pulled her close to me as we sat down in the small couch I had in here. I kissed the crown of her head while she rested her head on my shoulder.

"I'm not mad, Harles. I promise. I'm not him."

Harley kissed the underside of my jaw and I smiled, intertwining our fingers together.

"Maybe we can set her up with someone." Harley suggested.

"Like who?"

"Maybe Canary so she can stop eye fucking you."

I snorted, kissing her temple, "I'll talk to her about it."

"Okay pumpkin. Can we go and get some food? I'm really craving some ketchup chips and a pickle covered in peanut butter."

I scrunched my face up at her requests before complying. I stood up and then helped her up, leading us out of my office and the club all together.


I knocked on the door and Sasha let me in her apartment, shutting the door behind me. Harley and Cassandra were spending the day together, probably up to something they shouldn't be but Harley was really excited to teach Cassie some things and I wasn't going to say no.

"Just made another pot of coffee if you want some." Sasha said, curling back on her spot on her sofa. After pouring myself a cup I sat next to her on the sofa, criss cross.

"How have you managed to keep something like that in all this time?" I asked her softly, not wanting to upset her.

"Because I knew in real life you wouldn't feel the same there was no point in confessing something that wouldn't change your feelings. I liked seeing you happy and didn't want to ruin that." She explained, "But then you almost died and I had the urge to tell you whether you felt the same or not. I had to get it off my chest in case you didn't come out of that hospital alive."

"I am sorry I don't feel the same, Sash. Rejection hurts."

"It's okay, y/n. We grew up together, it was bound to happen."

"I could always try and set you up with Lance." I sipped my coffee.

"Thanks but no thanks. Nothing against her at all, but I want to find someone on my own. I don't want it to feel forced." The woman smiled kindly, the smile disappearing behind her coffee mug.

"I understand. Hurry and find them though, okay? I want to go on double dates with you." I laughed. Sasha giggled, "Okay. So what's next for you and Harley now that her ex is gone for good?"

I shrugged, taking another drink of the hot beverage in my hand, "I don't really know. I think we're comfortable where we are. She moved in with me and we've been hanging out with Cassandra. The kids her apprentice."

"You ever think about pulling some strings and getting all the people from the suicide squad to come hang out?" Sasha asked and a lightbulb went off in my head.

"No! You're a genius! She said there was a guy who had the same powers as me, maybe he can show me some cool meditating tricks to help me control my powers. Maybe you'll even meet your future girlfriend." I smirked.

Sasha playfully rolled her eyes before she kicked me off the couch. Somehow I managed not to spill my coffee all over myself and the floor, laughing and Sasha joined in.

"Go make us some popcorn and I'll hook up the old NES and GameCube, like old times."

I snorted, "I distinctly remember your cousin buying us some alcohol to mix in our coke back then."

Sasha smirked, "Well then its a good thing we're of age now."

"Yep," I grinned, "We can support our own addictions until we die."

"That's the plan."

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