• eight •

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Y/n's POV:

It was strange to admit those words out loud, but I didn't realize how much I actually enjoyed her company until she was gone. The words of my father just spurred me on, and I wanted to act out all the more.

I disobeyed every traffic law, ending up in front of Romans high end club in record time. I never really liked this guy, always rubbed me the wrong way, so I felt more than uncomfortable entering his club. We were both mob bosses for Pete's sake.

My entire body shook with jitters while I rushed around trying to find the eccentric woman. I smiled when I spotted her, seeing her jump down off the stage and onto some guys legs. I cringed visibly, hearing his screams of pain while she laughed, telling him to walk it off.

I pushed through people until I was standing in front of her. Harley bumped into me when she went to walk forward, her eyes flashing anger, then they softened, before reverting back to anger.

"Can we talk?" I scratched the back of my neck.

"I have nothing to say to you." She stuck her nose up in the air and pushed past me. I grabbed her wrist, but she spun around and slapped me again.

"I deserved that." I mumbled holding my cheek.

"And a hell of a lot more!" She snapped.

"I came to apologize." I said picking at the skin around my thumb.

Harley flipped me off and ripped her hand out of my grasp. I ran after her, rain pelting down upon us.

"Harley please!" I begged, pushing my wet hair back out of my eyes. Harley whipped around so fast I took a step back.

"You don't just get to toss me to the side when you don't want me anymore. I'm not trash, y/n! I don't know what I did to make you upset with me, but I tried to fix it and you didn't seem to care. So now I don't care."

"Can we talk about this inside? It's raining and we're going to get sick." My teeth chattered from the cold rain soaking my clothes.

"No. If you want to talk then we're doing it out here, where I can walk away from you without someone getting in the way." Harley glared at me.

"Okay." I agreed reluctantly, taking a small pause to gather myself and figure out what I wanted to say, "I didn't mean to make you feel like shit. Or that you did something wrong. I just- fuck. You're you and I'm-"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? I'm fucking great!"

I sighed in frustration, "I just meant that we're two very different people. My father isn't exactly the most understanding person so he got... he hates you to be blunt. He doesn't want me to hang out with you."

"So you listened to your daddy because you were scared to be my friend? Is Gotham's darling too much of a daddy's little girl that she does what everyone else tells her?" Harley narrowed her eyes at me.

I glared at her, "I don't do what everyone tells me to do. Hypocritical coming from you when you did everything the Joker told you."

Harley smacked her lips, punching my chest repeatedly and spitting curse words at me. I grabbed her wrists in my hands, pushing them down by her sides, my eyes following a rain drop dance down her face. It trailed down the curve of her nose, landing on her red lipstick stained lips, before dropping off her bottom lip.

Her makeup was running down her cheeks, leaving trails of colors in the wake. Her platinum blonde hair clung to her face while the blue and pink dye in her pigtails began washing out.

My tongue poked out and licked my lips, her eyes snapping down to my lips as I did the same.

"I fucking missed you, Quinzel." I muttered before smashing our lips together. Our chests rose and fell heavily, her fingers threading themselves in my hair. She pushed herself further into me while my hands fell upon her tiny hips.

"You kissed me." Harley muttered in shock, touching her lips with her fingers.

I chuckled lowly, "Kissing says a lot more than words ever could."

"You kissed me!" Harley beamed, bringing my head back down and smashing our lips together once more. Her tongue traced my bottom lip and I dug my fingers deeper into her pale flesh.

When air became and issue we pulled back with hooded eyes and swollen lips. I smirked internally when I noticed how bruised her lips were.

The moment of satisfaction was short lived when Harley pushed me back away from her, grabbing her hair in her hands.

"You kissed me?! How dare you! You just ruined everything!"

My eyebrows furrowed. What did she mean? What did I do?

"I thought you enjoyed the kiss?" I huffed, feeling the frustration start to blind me. Steam arose from around my arms where the fire was trying to break free. I couldn't lose control. Especially right now.

Harley took a step back and I took a step towards her. Harley shook her head at me and I thought she was going to hit me again. Thankfully she didn't.

"I just need some space." Harley told me before taking off down the street, thunder and lightning booming behind the thick grey clouds.

The moment almost felt bittersweet. Like this was a turning point for us in some way. The saying about letting something go to see if it'll come back to you stuck in my mind. Maybe I needed to let her go to see if she'd come back.

She had to come back, right? Right?

I mentally slapped myself, tugging the ends of my soggy hair in frustration. At this point I didn't even care if I got sick from being under the pouring rain. The only thing keeping me here was the tingling feeling I still had in my lips, letting me know that what just happened wasn't a dream.

I kissed Harley Quinn and she kissed me back. She kissed me again and I kissed her back and here I was wanting nothing more to do it again, and again, and again. Was I crazy? Or was kissing her like coming up for air?

Call me cliche for thinking such things after kissing someone in the rain. But there was no other way to describe it. Maybe my father was right when he said I was acting out, but now I most certainly didn't care.

I couldn't let her walk away now. She needed space and I was going to respect that and give her some, but sooner or later we were going to have to talk again.

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