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Y/n's POV:

I dribbled the ball a few times, crossing it between my legs before leaning back and shooting. The ball swished through the net and I jogged towards it to shoot around some more.

"Hey." Cassandra said glumly, tossing her backpack off to the side.

"Hey. You good?" I asked, noticing how glum and out of it she looked.

She shrugged half heartedly and I used my shirt to wipe the sweat off my face.

"I'm back in the system again. My foster parents didn't want me anymore." The teen shook her head.

My lips curled down into a frown before I nudged her, "Want to eat our feelings?"

Cassandra tried to hide the smile on her face before nodding. She grabbed her backpack and we entered my fully furnished home. The movers finished putting all our stuff inside, even the new furniture Harley and I picked out, this morning. It looked really nice all put together.

I tossed the ball on the couch and headed into the kitchen to grab some snacks and drinks. I set them all on the coffee table and told her I was going to take a quick shower.

While the warm water soothed my muscles and rinsed the sweat off my body, I started to think about Cassandra and how many homes she's been in and out of and she's only fifteen. Sure I grew up with a semi distant father but at least I had one. I felt bad for her because she's never known what real family love is like and no kid should ever feel unwanted by the people who are supposed to love and raise them.

After I washed and rinsed myself, I got dressed in some basketball shorts and a random graphic tee.

"What are we watching?" I asked hopping over the couch next to her.

"Since we are bad bitches, we are watching Shrek."

I giggled, grabbing my water bottle off the coffee table and taking a sip, throwing a blanket over my body.

"What would you say if I asked you to live with Harley and me?" I inquired after a moment of silence.

"I'd say yes in a heartbeat."

"Okay. What would you say if I told you that I, along with Harley I'm sure, would like to adopt you?"

Cassandra froze, the snacks in her hand being brought down by gravity. Slowly she turned to look at me, a beaming smile on her face that made the corners of her eyes crinkle.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?!"

I smiled, nodding my head, "Yeah."

The teen squealed, jumping on top of me and I groaned when her knee hit my stomach.

"Oh my god! This is amazing news!"

"Yeah? I mean my name would have to be on the papers because I don't think they'll let Harley adopt you since she's a wanted woman, but my name will be on there." I rambled on.

"I would be so happy." The kid began tearing up.

"We'll do that tomorrow then." I smiled.

Cassandra leaned down and hugged me, "Thank you y/n. I promise I'll be good sometimes, and I'll help you with the baby as much as you need. But please make sure you soundproof my room so I don't have to hear you and Harley at the ungodly hours of the night."

I rolled my eyes, "We're not that bad."

"Yes you are." She shook her head, "I think at this point it's more of an addiction and you should get help."

I smirked, "It's not my fault she tastes-"

"OKAY!" She slapped her hand over my mouth and I licked her palm. Cassie grimaced and retracted her hand.

"But okay, I'll soundproof your room." I complied.

"Thank you." She patted my cheek before curling up back in her own spot with a blanket, a content smile on her face.

"Honey, I'm home!" Harley giggled, coming into the living room with two duffle bags full of god knows what, looking like they were about to burst.

"What's in the bags?" I asked sitting up on the couch.

Harley grinned, tossing them on the floor before unzipping them to show the vast amount of money inside.

"You're robbing banks while you're pregnant?!"

"All the pregnancy books I've read say you need to exercise!" Harley defended quickly, moving to straddle my lap.

I shook my head, a teasing smile on my lips, "Only you, Quinzel, only you."

Harley pecked my lips quickly, "I'm going to shower, want to join?"

I pouted, "I already showered."

"Ugh, you suck." Harley kissed my lips a few times before leaving to shower. My gaze drifted back to the bags of money and I laughed under my breath.

"Your kid is going to have a wild life." Cassandra commented.

"I know. It's gonna be great." I said before standing up, making my way towards my room where Harley was showering.

I entered the bathroom after she said I could come in, sitting on top of the bathroom counter.

"Showering alone is weird." Harley giggled.

I chuckled, leaning back against the mirror, "Babe?"


"I know we have a baby on the way, but what do you think about adopting Cassandra?"

Her head popped out from behind the Louis Vuitton shower curtain she insisted we have, "I think it's a great idea! You know she's my little apprentice and now she can be my daughter! You honestly didn't have to ask pumpkin."

"I know," I nodded, "But I figured I should talk to you about it anyway."

The water turned off a second later and she pushed back the shower curtain. I grabbed her towel and opened it up for her, wrapping it around her body when she stepped out of the shower. Harley slowly kissed me, leaving me wanting more each time.

"I love you."

I smiled, "I love you too."

I placed my hand on her stomach, the excitement swarming around like butterflies at the anticipation of meeting our little bundle of joy.

"I love our baby too."

Harley placed her hand on top of mine, the smile she wore never faltering, "Our little family keeps getting bigger."

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