Chapter 2- They met again

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First of all A big thank you to all the people who read, voted and commented on the first chapter. Especially All the inline comments, they were love and they made me so happy. You guys are best. Thank you for encouraging me so much. I will try not to disappoint you all. Love to all❤️

Zoya came out of her room in the morning with all red and puffy eyes due to crying. She was having a terrible headache due to hunger and lack of sleep.
"Zoya we need you to do a job." Stated Madhu while looking at Mahi amd smirking.
"Job?... What job?" Asked Zoya. Her hunger and sleep was all gone now listening to her mother.
"Mahi has got you a job. Join it from today. We can't afford to feed you. Or you can say We don't want to feed you now on Waseem's hard earned money." Madhu spat venomously.
"But my graduation is still not complete. How will I be able to do the job?" Zoya said trying to control her tears that threaten to spill from her eyes looking at how much unwanted she was.
"For that job you don't need graduation. Don't worry." Mahi said while looking at her phone.
"Oh Okay." Zoya said.
"Do all the household work and then go with Mahi. She will show you the place." Madhu said.

After finishing all the house chores, Zoya went with Mahi. Mahi took her to a pub.
"You will work as a waitress here." Mahi said smirking at her.
"Mahi..I think..This place...Mahi I cannot work here. I don't like such places Mahi. Please search another job for me." Zoya said stuttering and looking all around the pub.
"Listen Zoya, We did not ask for your choice. You will work here and that is final." Mahi stated annoyingly.
"But Mahi..." Zoya looked at her pleadingly.
"No ifs and buts now Ms. Zoya. There is the owner who will tell you what to do. I am going. Bye" Saying this Mahi left her alone.
Zoya looked all around the place uncomfortably. Some people were drunk, some were with their girlfriends having fun and dancing. Some were already eyeing her lustily. The manager came and guided her. She wiped the tear that fell from her eyes and convinced herself that she had to do this job anyhow.

It was 11 in night. Aditya came back from his office after a hectic day. Studying in college and handling office,both at the same time was definitely a tough job but then Aditya doesn't have anyone to come back home too or to spend time with so college and office helps him to not let his mind wander off in unnecessary direction too much.
Aditya looked at the clock. It was 11:30PM and sleep was far away from his eyes. He took his car keys and went to the nearest pub for a drink. Drinking was actually an excuse of going to a place filled with loud noises and music so that his inner grief and loneliness can be reduced. He used to go to a pub or party so that the loud noises and strangers around him can fill his lonely heart.
"One drink Please" he ordered.
"Here is your drink Sir." Zoya said but before s can hand it to him, she slipped lightly and the drink fell on his head and shirt.
"What the f***! I did not come here to take a bath." He stood up angrily and looked at her.
"I..I am so sorry Sir. I didn't do it knowingly." Zoya said looking down while tears were just lingering below her eyelashes.
"You..You work here?..Aditya looked at her. He forgot his anger after recognising she was the same girl he saved yesterday.
Zoya looked above on hearing a familiar voice and was somewhat relieved on realising it was the same gentleman who saved her yesterday.
"Yes...I started working here today only. Please.. Please don't complain about me to the manager. I don't want to loose my job today only." Zoya said looking at him with tears in her eyes.
"I will not. Don't cry." Aditya said looking at her. He cleaned his shirt and then headed to the counter to pay for the order.
"Why are you paying for the order? You didn't even get it. I will ask them to cut the money from my salary." Zoya said looking at him.
"Miss Innocent! Tell me what are you going to tell them when they ask you why the customer did not pay for the order. What excuse will you give them for cutting the money from your salary?" Asked Aditya amusingly.
"Oh yes! What..What am I going to say?" Zoya started thinking for an excuse.
"Don't stress your dumb brain into thinking so much. I am paying for it." He looked at her and gave the money.
"Thank you. I don't know how to repay this all to you." Zoya said feeling extremely grateful. If she would have lost her job today only then Madhu aunty would have been very angry with her.
"Just do one thing. Don't come infront of me again." Saying this he took his jacket and went from there.
Zoya looked at his retreating figure murmuring an "okay".

Zoya was searching for a taxi at 1AM after finishing her job. She was on a deserted road and was not able to find any vehicle that could take her home back. She tried calling her Abbu and Mahi several times so that they can come and pick her up but they were not picking her calls. She was scared and worried. She remembered yesterday's events of how those two guys tried to molest her and closed her eyes and mouthed a silent prayer to her Allah to save her and provide her a way of going home. She thought to atleast walk some kilometres and then search for a taxi. Suddenly a car stopped behind her and gave a loud horn. She got scared and started walking faster. That car started to move behind her in a slow speed and the driver kept honking. When Zoya did not stop, the car came to her side and the windows opened.
"Again on a deserted road alone. I think you were interested in those boys which were after you yesterday so you came here again." Aditya said sarcastically while rolling down his window completely.
"No. I was not getting any taxi to go back." Zoya released a long breath after looking at Aditya.
"Come Inside. I will drop you. You are not getting any safe taxi at 1 in Night." Aditya said opening the lock of car door.
"You are still here. Where you waiting for someone?" Zoya asked while sitting in his car.
"I slept in the car after coming out of the pub and woke up now. Looks like God has sent me on earth for saving your life only." Aditya mocked. "I have no one to wait for." Aditya said lowly which didn't go unnoticed by Zoya but she chose to ignore it.
There was a pin drop silence after Zoya told her address and when they were about to reach to her house, she spoke "I will go from here. Drop me here only. My family would not be happy to see a man leaving me at 1 in night."
"Wow ! Such a great family. They can send their daughter for doing this job at such a place and that too at this time but can't afford to see a man giving her a lift. I think I should meet and give them a salute." Aditya stated with a smirk.
"Thank you. Thank you for helping me again." Zoya said genuinely while ignoring his comment on her family. What else she could say, afterall he was telling the truth just that his truth was way too direct and mixed with sarcasm.
Aditya nodded at her and went. Zoya looked at his car and thanked her Allah for sending this guy yet again for her safety.

Please vote and leave your honest opinions. Grateful for all the love I got on the previous chapter.
Love to all❤️

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