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"I love you" Aditya mumbled looking at Zoya. He brought his right hand up and tucked the hair strands that were falling on her face, covering her eyes. Zoya looked up at him, quite shocked.
"What did you say?" Zoya questioned in disbelief, her heart fluttering with joy and twinkle in her eyes.
"I love you." He repeated, this time more intensely. "Here, your favourite chocolate, to celebrate our love." He spoke, giving her the bag of chocolates that he was holding. Zoya was too shocked to say anything.
He came forward when he saw her shocked face, held her chin up with his hands and made her look into his eyes. "I want your answer Zoya. Say it." He looked at her, his eyes oozing out pure love for her.
Hearing this, Zoya crashed her lips on his. He was shocked at first and then the expression got converted into surprise and soon he was also responding her. His lips were so smooth against her. She could feel jolts of electricity and pleasure shooting through her body. The kiss was so gentle and warm that it made her weak in the knees and she held him by his nape with one hand, ruffling his hair sometimes and the other hand was on his cheek. He was holding her cheek with both of his hands and his thumb giving her extra pleasure and happiness by drawing random patterns on her cheek. He pulled her more close to himself.
"I love you too. I love you so much." Zoya spoke in between the kiss.

Suddenly, she felt someone pouring a bucket of water on her and she jerked up from her sleep. She was so lost and sat numb on the bed.
"I am waking you up since last 15 minutes and you are blabbering in your sleep continuously. I love you, I love you? Huh? What the hell was that Zoya?" Mahi asked with irritation in her voice.
Zoya's mind was lost with the dream kiss that she just felt but she regained her composure soon. "Mahi, I...I was saying I love you to you..Yes...see you are waking me up for the first time. Thank you so much Mahi." Zoya managed to come up with an excuse, a lame one though.
"Whatever, I don't need your I love you's. We need you to prepare breakfast for us so come soon." She twisted her lips showing displeasure and annoyance while walking out of the room.

Zoya closed the room and sat on the bed with a thud, sighing. "It was all a dream, It was all a dream, It was not a reality, It was just a dream Zoya. Calm down." She chanted this several times, trying to calm her heart which was beating erratically due to the beautiful dream she just had. "But it all felt so real. I was so happy. He was so happy. He said, he loves me. I also said, I love him." Zoya pouted in disappointment. "Wait a second, Do I love him?" Zoya pointed at herself as if asking a question from her conscience. "I don't know, maybe I love him, I have never loved anyone romantically before. How would I know if this is love or not?" She sighed. "But he is really special for me." She thought happily but then the realisation of what she saw in the dream hit her. "Ya Allah, I kissed him. He is my best friend. How can I do that? Zoya Siddiqui, your mind is so polluted. You get such weird dreams for your best friend." She slapped her forehead lightly as if to get that dream out of her mind. "What would he think of me when he will get to know what I was dreaming?" Zoya's mouth turned into an 'O' shape but she again hit herself." How can he know my dream? You Doofus Zoya, you are becoming doofus like him." She chided herself. "Shutup and get to work Zoya otherwise this dream morning is going to turn into hell soon." She ordered herself and stood up, looking at her wet clothes and  then went on to do her work.

Zoya was in the class, taking out her books from the bag when she heard Aditya's voice in the corridor. Along with him, there were Pooja, Yash and Mahi too.
"I think I need to stay away from him for a day. He is making me have such weird dreams and what if I kiss him like I did in the dream." Zoya covered her mouth in shock. "No No No No No" She chanted it like a mantra several times and went to sit on the seat behind their usual seats.
"Where were you? I was searching for you in the entire college." Aditya asked while sitting beside her.
"What are you doing here?" Zoya asked him, looking at him sitting on the seat beside him.
"What am I supposed to do in the class Zoya? Of course, I am here for the lecture." Aditya responded in confusion and pouted.
Zoya looked at his lips which were looking cute due to his pout. She had a sudden urge to kiss him and turn that dream into a reality. "NOOOOO" she shouted bewildered and the shout was so loud that the whole class turned to her questioningly while Aditya's hands were covering his ears and he was looking at her perplexed.
"Zoya did you drink in the morning or what? Tell me Are you drunk?" Aditya asked exasperated after giving a polite fake smile to the batchmates and motioning them to resume their work.
Zoya's eyes came out of her socket listening to his question. "You doofus, why will I drink. I never drink." Zoya twitched her lips showing displeasure.
"Right now you are behaving like doofus. Asking weird questions and then shouting." Aditya mocked her and started opening his bag.
"Yeah that question, I meant why are you here because your seat is that one." She pointed at the seat in front of her."
"Oh That." He sighed. "Seats doesn't matter Zoya. You were sitting here so I also came. Here, take these Chocolates. I bought it for you." Saying this he handed her the chocolate bag. Zoya took the bag from him and opened it. There were her favourite chocolates inside it. She happily opened it when the dream came in her mind.
"These are the same chocolates which he gave me, in my dream." She thought and her face turned like she was about to cry any minute now. "Go from here and sit on your usual place Mr. Aditya Hooda." Zoya ordered him.
"What? Why ?" Aditya questioned, while turning towards her in confusion.
"Go and just sit there." She pushed him lightly while ordering him.
"Zoya you are seriously behaving like a drunk person okay? See It's me now so it's fine but don't behave so weird in front of other people otherwise they might send you to a mental asylum or they might think that you are a heavy drinker since you drank so much in the morning itself." Aditya said seriously while suppressing his chuckle looking at her face which had a bewildered look on it.
"Stop teasing me otherwise I will beat you." Zoya threatened him.
"Yeah? Ma'am please go ahead." He chuckled looking at her cute angry face.
"Are you going or not?" Zoya asked him while crossing her arms across her chest.
"No." He answered casually.
"Fine. Then I will not talk to you for the entire day. Good for you." She stated while mentally praising herself for using such a good weapon against him. She knew he is not going to deny her now.
"Wow. You are becoming so cunning Zoya. Fine I am going but I will sit with you only in the next class." He said and went to sit on his usual seat which was unfortunately beside mahi,the order was Yash, Pooja, Mahi and Aditya. Mahi smiled at Aditya and danced happily in her heart thinking Aditya came to sit with her leaving Zoya alone. Aditya also gave her a forced sweet smile and looked at Zoya scowling. Zoya was watching this, chuckled at his reaction and looked down at her book, finally breathing a heavy sigh since she was able to keep him away from her, atleast for an hour.
"Now my mind will not think about him for an hour." She thought and mentally jumped in joy.

The class went on and she found herself looking at Aditya or rather staring at Aditya for the whole time. Her attempt of keeping him away from her mind went futile and hence when the bell rang, she took her books and walked away from the class as fast as she could so that Aditya could not spot her. Aditya saw her almost running away and he shook his head.
"What happened to her? Did you guys fight? So bad Adi. I am sure you would have started the fight. You are a jerk." Pooja scolded him as soon as the class got over and she saw Zoya running from the class alone.
"I was so sure you were the only one who could make her drink something. She is behaving weird because of you. Tell me what did you make her drink?" Aditya questioned.
"What? Adi you...Wait I will beat you today." Pooja said and ran to beat him holding her books. Aditya poked his tongue out and ran out of the class leaving pooja behind to chase her. Yash nodded her head at both of them and went in search of Zoya.

She entered in the library and smiled thinking that Aditya doesn't come to library ever so she was safe here. When she was about to sit, Yash jumped in front of her.
"How did you know I was here?" Zoya asked looking at him.
"I am smart Zoya, never mind. Tell me one thing, you like Aditya ? Don't you?" Yash wiggled his eyebrows at her.
"What? No" Zoya replied immediately.
"Don't lie to me Zoya." Yash whined.
"I am not lieing." Zoya replied blatantly.
"I saw you staring at him in the class, for the whole time." Yash replied smiling at her teasingly.
"I was not staring at him." Zoya replied looking down at her book.
"Zoya I never knew you were such a liar." Yash retorted.
"Don't annoy me now Yash otherwise...." Zoya trailed off thinking what to say.
"Otherwise?" Yash wiggled his eyebrows mischievously.
"Otherwise I will tell Pooja that you love her." Zoya gave a wicked smile to him and saw the colour of his face turning pale.
"Who told you this?" Yash questioned, making puppy  eyes.
"Aditya obviously" Zoya replied. "He told me that I can use this against you as a weapon and looks like I chose the perfect one." Zoya smiled excitedly.
"I am not leaving that Hooda" Yash murmured pouting and Zoya chuckled. "Fine I am going. Bye." Yash frowned and went.

"Am I too obvious?" Zoya thought to herself. "What is this happening? I was so happy till yesterday and now this dream is ruining my peace of mind." Zoya whined to herself. "Don't worry Zoya, you are going to forget this dream soon and then everything will be back to normal. Now concentrate." She said and ducked her head in her book.

Hey people! Sorry for the above dream sequence *chuckled nervously*. I know you guys must have wanted it to be real but yeah hopefully it will soon happen in reality too.
I hope you like the chapter. Thanks for the amazing comments. Leave a vote and comment if you love this one too. Thank you and love to all ❤️

My Heaven is You - AdiYa Where stories live. Discover now