Chapter - 20

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Aditya woke up panting and sweating heavily, screaming Zoya's name. He looked at the clock beside his bed and saw that it was four hours past midnight. He stood up hurriedly, grabbing his jacket and went out of the house taking his car keys. He reached Zoya's house in sometime and saw that all the lights were off. He climbed into Zoya's room with the help of pipe. The windows were open so he jumped inside easily. He saw Zoya sleeping on the bed with a book on her chest. He smiled and stared at her for sometime before taking the book from her hand and covering her with the duvet.
"She is safe, she is safe. It was just a nightmare." He chanted several times so as to calm himself. He sat on the floor and closed his eyes while resting his head on the sidewalls. When his racing heartbeats calmed down, he stood up, went into the blanket beside Zoya and slept,hugging her from the backside and snuggling close to her. Soon sleep took over him.

Zoya woke up when sunrays hit her face softly and stretched herself yawning but her hands and her body were not able to move and she felt some weight on her body. Her eyes shot open in an alarming speed and she sensed that it was possibly the hand of a man that was resting on her waist. Her mind was not able to register anything due to her sleepiness and hence her immediate response was to shout for help and simultaneously remove the grip. But before she could do that, her eyes fell on the hands holding her and she knew it was familiar.
"Aditya" She mumbled frowning when she saw his hand and turned around swiftly in his grip. There he was, sleeping peacefully hugging her from the waist protectively. His forehead was covered with his messy hairs and lips in a slight pout. Zoya's frown was replaced with a smile and she removed the hairs from his forehead careful enough not to wake him up. She was gazing at his beautiful face when the sunlight did it's work and woke him up. He stretched and yawned, opening his eyes a little to see Zoya staring at him smiling.
"When did you come?" Zoya asked smiling.
"At 04:30 maybe, I was not able to sleep." He whispered. "Let's sleep" He mumbled and snuggled closer to her, keeping his head near her bosom. Zoya's stomach was filled with variety of butterflies and her skin was filled with goosebumps realising their position. Her heart was beating so fast and she was sure, he could hear it. She patted on his cheeks before removing herself from his grip.
"We need to go to college. It's not the time to sleep." Zoya said strictly and stood up.
"Zoya No. Let's skip." Aditya whined.
"Aditya " Zoya said in a more strict tone and Aditya sat on the bed sleepily.
"You are heartless." Aditya whined again.
"You are doofus." Zoya smiled. "BTW why were you not getting sleep in your house? I asked you not to drink coffee at late in the night Aditya. It reduces your sleep and you work so much in the office, you are not coming to pick me up from the bar from today, instead you will use that time in sleeping.." she started blabbering and Aditya looked at her smiling.
"Don't blame my coffee for that Zoya. Neither coffe nor picking you up hampers my sleep. It was...It was a nightmare." He spoke. " I used to get nightmares before too but that would consist of me or sometimes Arjun or Maa or Pa. That would just bother me for some minutes since they all are no longer alive but yesterday I saw you so I was not getting any sleep. I came to see you to make sure you are fine and slept here." He looked at her, his eyes showing care and concern for her.
"Aditya, you got worried for no reason. See I am fine. It was just a nightmare like all the others that you usually had. Do not worry so much." Zoya spoke softly and reasurred him.
Aditya smiled "I guess you are right. I was just worried because I can't lose you Zoya. You are very precious to me. You are my best friend. You are my only family. I can't lose you." He stood up and hugged her, his face hidden in between her neck and her hairs. She hugged him back, soothing him.
"Okay So I am going otherwise your evil sister may come anytime." He broke the hug and grinned at the use of 'evil' and how much Zoya hates it.
"Aditya " Zoya spoke in a warning tone but smiled in response shaking her head.
"Bye Zoya." Bidding her goodbye, he gave her a kiss on her cheeks and climbed down from the pipe.
Zoya's hand was on her heart trying to calm her heartbeats which just went up due to the unexpected kiss he gave her.
"I will die because of the heart attack that your kisses give me Aditya." She thought and went to start her morning chores.

"I can't believe Roshanaq tricked me even in her last days." Waseem roared.
"What do you mean?" Madhu asked, her brows furrowed in confusion.
"She fooled me. She said that the property was in my name but she didn't tell me that the property will get transferred to Zoya's name when she turns 25. We will be on road if this happens. Waseem sat on the couch in defeat.
"What?" Madhu spat in anger. "She fooled you because you are a fool Waseem. I can't believe you didn't check the papers before." Madhu spoke angrily.
"I didn't. I can't believe it myself. I was just so engrossed in celebrating that I found it futile to check papers. Also that lawyer of mine, If I find him somewhere, I will kill him. He tricked me too. He never told me about this aspect of the property. Roshanaq won even after losing." Waseem said.
"She didn't. She never won and she will never win. We still have her queen with us Waseem and that is Zoya. We just need to smooth our ways now." Madhu spoke and smiled wickedly.
"What is going on in your head?" Waseem enquired.
"Zoya is 21 now. We still have four years Waseem to make Zoya feel comfortable around us. We will give her all our fake love, care and concern so that she starts trusting us and then it will not be a rocket science to eventually take her sign to transfer that property to our name when she turns 25, without her knowing about it. " Madhu smirked.
"I never knew you were so clever Madhu. I think this plan will work. We should start it from today onwards. We need to tell Mahi to behave with Zoya from now on." Waseem said.
"Yes. We should start from today. Afterall Zoya is the key to luxury that I needed all my life." Madhu spoke with determination.

Aditya was pacing to and fro, outside the gate of the college, waiting for Zoya. The class was about to start but there was no sign of Zoya yet. He tried calling her several times but she was not picking it up.
"Adi Chill! Even Mahi hasn't come yet. They may be stuck in traffic." Pooja said calmly.
"She never gets late to the classes Pooja." Adi frowned irritated and called her again only to get no response from the other side. "She atleast picks up my phone when she gets late but she is not doing that too now." Adi reasoned.
"Let's go to the classes okay. I am sure she will come soon." Yash said.
"I am not going without her." Aditya stated adamantly.
"Fine. Stay here. Once she comes and gets to know that you missed your classes again then she will not talk to you for the whole day. That will work. Right Adi?" Pooja smirked at him.
"Oh" Adi contemplated for sometime. "Yes she will not talk to me for the whole day then. She is too stubborn." Aditya frowned.
"Just like you." Yash grinned.
"Let's go to the class then." Aditya replied half heartedly and they all went to their classes.

It was soon lunchtime but there was no sign of either Zoya or Mahi. Aditya along with Pooja and Yash tried calling Zoya several times but she never answered them. Just then they saw Mahi entering into the cafeteria smiling. She went and sat beside Aditya.
"Hi ! " Mahi smiled sweetly.
"Where is Zoya?" Aditya asked her directly which left Pooja and Yash gaping at him for his straight - forwardness.
"She is not at home. She went to our Khala's house today along with Abbu. There was some emergency I think." Mahi replied looking dreamily at him.
"Why is she not picking up her phone?" Aditya asked her rudely. Pooja coughed trying to bring Aditya's attention to her so that she can scold him through her eyes for asking everything from Mahi in so straight forward manner which may lead her to think that they have nothing to do with her.
"She might have forgot her phone at home. Yeah. She does that often." Mahi stated.
"When will she be back?" Aditya asked her.
"Maybe by tomorrow." Mahi replied hesitantly looking at his stern gaze at her.
Aditya looked at her for sometime before getting up and going out of the cafeteria, towards his classes. He did not stop calling Zoya in order to know her whereabouts but she did not answer anytime.

At evening, Aditya went back to his home instead of going to office. He was continuously calling Zoya in a hope that she might pick up. His gaze fell on the long distance touch lamp which he gifted her on her birthday. He touched the lamp in a hope that Zoya might answer him through the lamp but the lamp did not glow back. He touched it several times but the lamp never glowed back indicating that Zoya was not seeing her lamp.

It was 1 in the morning and Aditya drove towards the pub. Although if Zoya was not in the city according to Mahi then she wouldn't come to the pub too but he was getting restless so he went there too. He searched for her in the pub but she was not present there. The manager told him that she did not come to the pub today. He drove back to his house and laid on the bed thinking about Zoya and soon the sleep took over him.

Hey guys! I hope you like the chapter. Waiting for your votes and comments. Thank you and Love to all❤️

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