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The next day Zoya got ready for the day. Before going, Zoya tapped on the long distance touch lamp lightly, causing the lamp to glow for some seconds which indicated that the lamp at Aditya's also glowed. She waited for some seconds but when no response came, she pouted and picked her bag to go when the lamp glowed indicating her that Aditya too touched the lamp giving her his reply. She grinned widely and went out.
"Zoya listen. I need to talk to you." Mahi said with a serious face.
"Yes Mahi" Zoya said. Her grin slowly turned into a frown.
"Don't ever dare to tell Adi that I treat you badly. I don't want to become an evil sister in front of him. If you ever think of doing that then I will make sure to make your life hell." Mahi said while twisting her face showing her displeasure.
"Okay Mahi." Zoya nodded her head.

Upon reaching the college, Zoya went to search for Aditya and PooSh. Mahi was doing the same but she was basically searching for Aditya. On finding them in cafeteria, they both went and looked at the table. There was just one seat beside Aditya which was basically of Zoya. Mahi was about to sit there when Aditya grabbed Zoya's hand and pulled her to the seat beside him in a jiffy. Zoya gasped on the sudden pull but soon regained her composure.
"Mahi you need to get one seat for you I think." Yash said faking sadness.
"It's okay." Mahi smiled sweetly and brought a chair to sit.
"Hi Adi.. Aditya" Mahi said trying to get Aditya's attention who was scowling with his head facing the floor. Zoya looked at Aditya and immediately knew he was in a bad mood. She fidgeted with her hands sensing the awkward atmosphere which included Mahi trying to grab Aditya's attention while PooSh tried their best to divert her attention from him.
"We need to go to the library." Saying this Aditya stood up to leave. He went a little further and moved his hand a little to his left side to grab Zoya's hand but there was no one beside him. He turned and saw Zoya sitting at her original face listening to whatever Mahi was saying. Aditya smacked his forehead with his palm and went towards them again.
"Zoya, WE need to go to the library." Aditya said rolling his eyes at Zoya and focussing on the word 'WE'.
"Coming" Zoya said and went behind him.

"Your evil sister is such a headache." Aditya said while they were heading towards the library.
"Don't call her evil atleast. She is my sister." Zoya said frowning.
"Okay Sorry. Let me rephrase it. Your sweet sister is such an headache." Aditya said sarcastically.
"You are a doofus Aditya huh." Zoya huffed a breath, annoyingly at him and went towards the library in a fast pace. Aditya ran behind her to catch her.
"Sorry Sorry! I was just kidding Zoya." Aditya said holding his ears.
Zoya looked around frantically and dragged his hands down from his ears. "What are you doing doofus? Everyone is looking at us." Zoya said while looking at people through the corner of her eyes.
"So what? I don't care. I am saying sorry to my best friend. Do I need to take their permission for that?" Aditya asked wiggling his eyebrows at her.
Zoya' s frown turned into a smile. Her stomach churned due to the happiness she was feeling which she never felt before. She managed to nod her head and Aditya held her hands dragging her towards the class.
"Why are we going towards the class? You wanted to go the library, don't you?" Zoya asked frowning at him in confusion.
"Aditya Hooda going to the library is a miracle which you will never get to see, atleast in this life dear best friend." Aditya said and pinched the brim of her nose while Zoya giggled at his actions.
The day went by Aditya trying to avoid Mahi as much as he can and dragging Zoya along with him.

It was evening. Aditya stopped his car in front of the pub in which Zoya works. He looked at the clock to make sure that there was some time still left for Zoya's shift. He went inside the pub, straight to the manager.
"Hello Mr. Hooda" The manager greeted him.
"This is Zoya Siddiqui's pay for the day before. I hope you remember that I asked you to give her a day off as it was her birthday. Give this money to her today and don't tell her that I gave it to you." Aditya stated with a very serious professional look on his face.
"Sure Sir" The manager being a good guy saw no harm in doing this and agreed for it.
As Aditya was heading out, he saw Zoya entering.
"What are you doing here?" Zoya questioned looking at him surprisingly.
"I..I was..." Aditya stuttered not knowing what to say. "I just came to see you..Yeah." Aditya managed to say.
"Oh! " Zoya said.
"I will come back after your shift is over. I need to see some documents at the office." Aditya said.
"Okay. Bye" Zoya replied smiling.
"Bye" Aditya tapped her nose lightly with a smile and went.
"Doofus" Zoya said, loud enough for him to hear and smiled. Aditya looked back and winked at her. Zoya's heart raced looking at him.
She turned and was about to enter the pub when she heard a voice.
"Is he your boyfriend?" Her female colleague asked.
"No" Zoya smiled. "My best friend" She replied.
"Zoya please introduce me to him na. He is so hot and If I am not mistaken, He is Aditya Hooda. The owner of Hooda and Sons Companies?" The girl asked.
"Uh..Yes..He is." Zoya frowned. "But he doesn't like meeting new people." She said and scrunched her eyebrows in displeasure.
"You must be kidding Zoya. Why would someone like him avoid meeting new people especially a girl?" The girl asked.
"Why don't you go and ask him yourself?" Zoya said faking a sweet and wide smile. With this, she turned and went into the pub with a scowl on her face. She started her work and the manager came to her.
"Hey Zoya! This is your salary for yesterday." The manager said smiling.
"But Sir..I did not even work yesterday." Zoya said in confusion.
"That's nothing to worry Zoya. It was your birthday and you are a hard working girl so I don't feel like cutting your salary. Please take it." The manager stated. Zoya smiled and took the money.
"Thank you sir." Zoya replied.
"My pleasure" Saying this the manager went.
She smiled sweetly and resumed her work.

The next day at college, Zoya and Aditya were sitting on the stairs of the corridor when Pooja and Yash came to them half walking and half running. They both stopped in front of them and were panting.
"Mr. Aditya Hooda, You are so cunning. You always leave me and Pooja with Mahi and take Zoya along with you. Are we this bad that you are giving us such a big punishment." Yash said dramatically.
"Shutup Yash" Pooja said. "Adi You know what is happening." She asked still panting.
"What?" Aditya asked.
"Mahi spread a rumour in the college that you were the one who asked for her friendship and it happened for the second time from your side, first was Zoya and second is She. As Zoya is your friend only so You are in love with Mahi that's why you asked for her friendship and even invited her to the party that too giving her the invitation specially. I mean look at the logic." Pooja said while gritting her teeth.
"I knew this would happen. Afterall I followed your idea my dear Pooja" Aditya said sarcastically.
"Whatever" Pooja narrowed her brows at him." I even saved you from this." Pooja said winking at him.
"What did you do?" Yash asked.
" I laughed at the rumour and told them that it's impossible for Adi to fall in love with someone like Mahi." Pooja smirked. "Since I am one of his best friends, People believed me easily and now the tables are turned and people are laughing at her." Pooja chuckled.
"She will be mad at you then." Zoya said looking a little worried.
"Don't worry. She is not going to know who spread this one. I have my ways with gossip girls." Pooja winked at her.
Zoya smiled hearing her reply and pulled her to sit beside her.
The trio was talking while Zoya was staring at Aditya. Aditya was unknowingly playing with her little finger while talking. She was smiling and staring at him adoringly.
"Either confess your love to him or stop staring him this openly Zoya. You are making it way too obvious, you know." Pooja said wiggling her eyebrows naughtily. Zoya's cheeks turned into the darkest shade of red on being caught like this. She bit her lip to control the blush that crept her cheeks. Pooja looked at her cute face which was full of blush and smiled shaking her head while Zoya just looked at her embarrassingly.

Thank you for all the love on the birthday sequence guys. I hope you keep liking the future episodes too in the same way.
Waiting for your reviews on this chapter. Thank you and love to all❤️

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