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Zoya went to sleep after doing all her night chores. She sat on the bed and her thoughts went to Aditya, how he protected her, how he cared for her. She smiled remembering his anger when she told him about those men and how he made sure to drop her home safely. He was surely a miracle that happened to come across her pityful and sad life by mistake.

The following day Aditya was walking to and fro waiting for Zoya at the college gate. He was repeatedly murmuring "SORRY"  so as to keep reminding himself that he has to ask her sorry today. Soon he saw Zoya entering in the college and a smile came up unknowingly on his lips. He half walked half ran towards her and was about to crash into her but stabled himself.
"Hi Zoya" Aditya smiled at her.
"Hi" Zoya was delighted to see him.
"Everything good?" Aditya asked initiating a conversation.
"Yes. Ahh..Aditya I am sorry." Zoya said looking at him.
"You are Sorry? But Why?" Aditya asked with an amused smile on his lips.
"I kind of shouted on you yesterday when you asked about my injuries. I am sorry for that." Zoya said meekly hoping for him to forgive her.
"Oh" Aditya chuckled remembering that incident. " I didn't even pay attention to that Zoya." Aditya said.
"You did not pay attention to whatever I say?" Zoya asked him in confusion biting her lower lip in innocence.
"What? No. I didn't pay attention to that shouting thing." Aditya replied.
"Oh Okay. So you are not angry or upset with me?" Zoya asked.
"No Zoya. Infact I should ask you this question." Aditya said looking down in guilt.
"Why would I be upset or angry with you?" Zoya asked in confusion.
"Zoya" Aditya looked at her in shock. " I shouted at you so many times, spoke so much nonsense. I am really sorry." Aditya said while holding his ears with both his hands.
The boys and girls present there stopped and looked at him in surprise. Afterall it is not everyday when you get to see ADITYA HOODA asking sorry to someone that too while holding his ears in front of everyone.
Zoya looked around and saw people standing and looking at them. She felt conscious and held his hands and brought them down.
"Everyone is looking at us. What are you doing?" Zoya whispered still looking around.
"I don't care about anyone Zoya. Just tell me did you forgive me or not?" Aditya asked.
"I was never angry or upset with you Aditya. I never felt bad for anything you said. You don't need to ask for forgiveness." Zoya said smiling at him.
"So Friends?" Aditya asked taking his hand forward for a handshake.
"Friends" Zoya said smiling and shook hands with him.
Aditya then looked around and saw that some people were still standing and looking at them.
"No movie or show is going on here. What are you gaping at?" Aditya said while looking at a guy. Hearing this, the people got dispersed.
"Let's go." Saying this Aditya held her hands and dragged her along with him while Zoya kept looking at their entwined hands.
In the cafeteria, Pooja and Yash were already sitting. Aditya went to them along with  Zoya.
"Finally you asked sorry?" Pooja asked while making space for them to sit.
"Any doubt?" Aditya smirked at her.
"Zoya you are lucky. You got Aditya's Sorry. This doesn't happens often. Aditya and Sorry don't go hand in hand." Yash said chuckling.
Zoya just smiled in return and looked at Aditya who was glaring at Yash.
The classes went as usual and soon it was the time to go back home. Zoya reached her home, did all the chores and then went to the pub for her shift.
Aditya as usual went to his office after the college to see if there was something that needed his attention. After finishing some left over works, he was about to go home when he got a call from Yash asking him if he wanted to come and join him for a drink. Aditya immediately said yes as he didn't want to go home this soon. He went to the pub where Yash was waiting for him half drunk.
"Hey Bro! You are late." Yash complained while ordering drinks for him too.
"I know! I was at office." Aditya said and sat down.
"Why did you come here then? Go and rest. You go to college and then office. Too much of hardwork. " Yash said while drinking.
"I don't want to go home so soon. I miss Ma, Pa and Arjun more when I am at Home all alone and then the nightmares don't get out of my head when I sleep." Aditya said.
"You will have to go home sooner or later. Try to get over this. Take this and gulp it in one go and forget everything." Yash said while giving him a glass of drink.
"I'll drink only one glass. I just came to give you company. I have something important to do." Aditya said taking the drink and gulping it. He looked at his watch. "I am going. You also don't drink too much." Aditya said and went from there towards the pub where Zoya works. He parked his car outside the pub and looked at his watch. It was still half an hour for her shift to get over. He sat there waiting for her.
On the other hand, Zoya was quite tensed today thinking about those men. She didn't want them to come in front of her again. Her heart was in her mouth all the time while she was in the pub, working and  thinking what if they come for her again. Her shift time was soon over and thankfully they didn't come. She picked her bag and came out of the pub slowly. She looked around to make sure those men aren't there and then turned to go when she her forehead crashed into a hard chest and closed her eyes. A pair of hands held her by her upper arm and stopped her from falling.
"Looking for your boyfriend?" Aditya joked while releasing her and Zoya looked at him. Her mouth opened wide in horror hearing his question.
"Nooo!" Zoya almost shouted. Aditya shut his ears with both his hands and looked at her shock.
"Zoya do you want to make me deaf?" Aditya looked at her amusingly.
"No. I don't have a boyfriend. I was looking if those men are here or not." Zoya said sighing.
"Relax. I was just kidding. Come let's go." Aditya asked while taking her hands in his.
"Where?" Zoya asked in confusion.
"What where? To your home."  Aditya smiled at her.
"You came here just to drop me off?" Zoya asked in shock and surprise.
"Yes. And I have decided, I will come here daily when your shifts get over to drop you." Aditya opened his car and gestured her to sit.
"You don't have to take so much pain for me Aditya." Zoya said while sitting.
"I am doing it for my friend Zoya & I am not going to listen to you" Aditya played a soft music in the music player and started the engine.
"But...." Zoya trailed off not knowing how to convince him.
"You don't consider me as your friend?" Aditya questioned  her furrowing his brows.
"I do " Zoya said smiling.
"Then don't argue over this matter." Aditya said and suddenly stopped the car.
"What happened?" Zoya asked.
"I have to buy something from this shop. I will come back in a minute." Saying this he went towards the shop. He came back in a minute and asked her to roll down the windows.
"Come out. Let's have some ice-cream. I am hungry and shopkeeper uncle is taking time to pack my things." Aditya showed her his puppy eyes.
Zoya came out of the car and looked at him. She was looking at a completely new Aditya who was no more rude towards her.
"What did you buy?" Zoya asked.
"Bread, butter and some things like this. I don't get time to have my breakfast so I usually eat these." Aditya said and turned towards her." Which flavour?" Aditya asked excitedly like a child.
"Mango" Zoya smiled widely.
Aditya went and brought 2 cones of ice-cream. Mango for her and Tutti-Frutti for him.
They chit chatted over random things for sometime and then Aditya went and brought another set of cones.
"Again?" Zoya asked.
"Yes" He grinned. "This is to celebrate our friendship." Aditya handed her mango flavoured cone.
Zoya's heart warmed hearing him. Nobody ever celebrated their friendship with her. Leave friendship aside, nobody ever celebrated any relation with her, whether its her abbu, madhu aunty or noor. She looked at him with a smile. He was busy eating his ice cream and was occasionally telling her about all the good food items that are famous in that area. It was then when she realised how handsome and cute he was. His sharp jawline, long pointed nose, thick eyebrows, his pink lips and his dark brown chocolatey eyes. Every feature was so perfect. His hairs were silky and dense, perfectly in shape. His toned muscles that peaked out sometimes from his shirt. Out of everything what she loved the most was his eyes, His eyes were filled with so much care and concern for her, they were deep,filled with love, pain, care, concern and every emotion but at the moment they were filled with childike innocence and excitement.
"You know you are a 'Baby Man' Aditya." Zoya chuckled looking at him while they walked towards his car.
"Baby Man...What does that mean?" Aditya asked looking at her keenly.
"Uh..That means A big Man who is still a baby by heart maybe." Zoya smiled at him. "This word exists in my dictionary only." Zoya said when she saw him thinking about it deeply.
"You are saying that I am a baby?" Aditya frowned at her.
"Yes. After looking at your excitement for Ice-creams, anyone will say this." Zoya laughed harder.
Aditya gave a 'whatever' look to her and then got into the car, kept his purchased things at the back and took out a packet of chocolates and handed it to her.
"What is this?" Zoya questioned while opening the packet.
"Chocolates" Aditya answered and started the engine.
"For me?" Zoya squealed in excitement.
"Yes" Aditya said and looked at her wide smile. "Someone just said that I am a Baby Man. That someone is no less than Baby Woman btw." Aditya smirked at her.
"I love chocolates. Thank you." Zoya smiled at him.
"Wow I never knew I would be so right in guessing that." Aditya shook his head in amusement at his decision of buying her chocolates.
Soon they reached her home and Aditya drove off after wishing her a good bye. Zoya smiled and went to her home.

Hey guys! Sorry I didn't post yesterday. Actually I was busy in sleeping 🌚🤷

I hope you like the chapter. Please give your precious votes and comments. Eagerly waiting for your reviews. Thank you.
Love to all❤️

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