Chapter Twentythree

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She felt awkward walking through the halls of the castle, soaking in sweat and just wearing a light dress and heavy boots. Her hair was all frizzy and curly after the bathing in the river, and her neck was... oh, spirits this would be fun.

She was about to knock when she realized it was open and she stepped inside Gimlon's chambers. The contrast to the rustic dwarfish from the pretty common castle would make anyone raise an eyebrow, but the reason she rose an eyebrow was that she wasn't the only visitor.


Penny looked up at her, looking a little confused.

"Will this be some kind of threesome?"


"Or are you just her or something?"

"Penny, what are you talking about?"

Penny was quiet for some time.

"So he will not..."

"Nooo," Medea shook her head. "He won't."

"Okay. So no threesome?"

"Exactly. No threesome."

"Who is mentioning a threesome?" the door burst open and Gimlon walked in, smirking.

"No one," both said.

"That was a misunderstanding," Medea said.

"Yes," Penny nodded. "Misunderstanding. Completely."

Gimlon looked from one to the other and then sat down, maybe a bit more straddled then needed.

"So, ladies," he began. "As you know, we will soon be riding off to castle Carcerem, and therefore I wanted to meet you tonight. You can sing, can't you Penny?"

Penny looked surprised and nodded. "Yes, I can sing."

"I have heard people saying you are quite talented, even maybe the best singer the Fort," Gimlon kept flattering Penny. She straightened up and a little smile showed on her lips.

"On the second day of the banquette, they will host all kinds of performance. Singing and dancing and things like that, and you, together with some other people of course, will represent the Fort."

Penny just stood and stared. "You front of all does nobles and stuff?"

"Yes, no that Nebula said no to coming with us, which I completely understand, I'm sure she won't have nothing against you coming with us."

"And if she has...?"

"If she has...I'll maybe send some economical help," Gimlon shrugged and Penny tried to breathe normally.

"Also, get down to the seamstress. Adela thought you might would need something to perform in."

If Penny exploded in fifty thousand colorful fireworks right at this moment, no one would be surprised.

"Yes milord, I will."

"Pack your things and be ready to leave in two days. We'll ride at dawn," he said and pointed a warning finger to her.

"Yes, milord. Thank you, milord, "she curtsied, several times, and then ran out from the room to get the dress of her dreams. When she had gone, Gimlon got up

"Finally alone, miss Medea," he smirked. Medea rose an eyebrow.

"Why did you call me here?"

"Not in the mood? Fine. I called you here because it seems to be a misunderstanding here."


"Are you planning to stay here while we travel to Lionheart?"

"Well...yes. Yes, I am."

Gimlon got a dark look. "Taking me with you is to place yourself in opposition to Lionheart, to all of castle Aspera, before you've even met them."

"I am willing to take that risk."

"You don't understand, the whole travel could be at stake, my life could be at stake if I go back there."

"Then I'll protect you," Gimlon bellowed. "Listen Medea; after what you have told us, we're prepared. But you know their tricks, you know what they can do. And if Lionheart has the balls ban a girl from her home, I want all backup I can get."

Medea was quiet. "So, you will follow with us. And that's an order."

"Of course...milord," Medea nodded. Gimlon took her hand.

"I'm not trying to be cruel, Medea," he said with a low voice. "I've just got the feeling that we will need you."

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