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Life can be so confusing at times. It will be all sunshine and rainbows one moment, and thunderstorm and heavy rain the other. But the people who enjoy dancing in the rain can only learn to enjoy it, but a person who dances during a thunderstorm is a fool. So you need someone to hold your hand and drag you under roof, before you get struck.

Aayan has no clue what he's doing and why he's doing what he's doing, only that he is doing it.

He has no clue where they are running off to but all he knows is that he has to keep them safe.

Her safe.

"Where are we going?" she asks.

Aayan really wanted to reply but he had no answer to it, If they stop they are doomed.

"You so wanted to talk back to me in the restaurant, but now you are keeping quiet?"

I still want to talk to you. Tell you all that I wanted to say to you in the restaurant.

Aayan wanted to talk to her, but didn't know what to?

Just then he sees an alley up ahead. He starts running faster and everyone following suite.

They enter the alley and take heavy breaths.

He turns around to meet the Raven black eyes and they stare at each other, again.

Someone clears their throat and they snap their heads to that voice to see Zubair smirking at something.

They look down to see that they were still holding hands, they immediately let go as their hands had caught fire and she moves closer to her friends.

They all were panting heavily, filling up their greedy lungs.

When Aayan and Zubair left the restaurant, they saw a familiar group of four girls in a black Abaya and various coloured hijabs.

One of those girls was wearing a multi coloured hijab and Aayan would recognize that hijab anywhere.

What are they still doing here?

Zubair tapped his friends shoulder and pointed towards the street across.
Aayan stiffened at what he saw.

Without any thoughts, he ran forward and grabbed the hand of the multi coloured hijab girl, and dashed to the opposite direction.

"Now what?" asks Jian, now breathing normally.

All six of them look at each other's faces having no ue what to do.

"Let's split" Aayan says out of nowhere, and looks at the raven black eyes which were already staring at his brown ones.

"Hate to admit it. But he's got a point" Aina agrees.

"Okay then, we split in three groups, two in each." Aayan looks around for approval, and they all not.

" Zubair why don't you.....". Before Aayan could complete, Zubair grabs a specific girl's hand and is off.

Aayan looks the way his friend had vanished from a bit longer and turns back to the girls.

That's new!

" Yellow scarf and Pink scarf, you both are together and.. " he holds the hand of the girl with multi coloured hijab "..... You are with me."

He does not wait for a reply and runs out the alley.

"Why am I with you?" she asks.

I don't know myself.

" Just run." and so they do.

They run for non stop for awhile, the  girl finally gives up and sits on a stone, panting.

" I really need to start working out" she says between breathes.

You look fine.

But Aayan held it in.

Aayan kept a look out till she rests, but he was also panting hard.

They look around to be in an area fully crowded. They were alot of people walking around dressed well.

Seems like there is a function near by.

Aayan notices the boys coming towards their direction. He holds the girls hand to pull her up, but she doesn't budge.

"Come on we have to run."

"No. You try running around with a backpack."

That's when Aayan notices she was carrying a backpack with books?

He looks at her astounded.

"Idiot, why did you have to carry so many books? Oh yes, to convince Ammi and Abbu that you were going to college and not goddamn bunking it" she scolds herself.

She was bunking college?

Aayan thinks with amusement. Then, she frowns to herself with a pout.

"But I didn't know I would end up here" she says in a whining tone.


Aayan was smiling to himself, when he notices that the boys have noticed them and were coming towards them, the crowd around was somehow stalling them.

"Get up quick, they have noticed us."

Hearing this, she immediately stands up and they run towards the direction the crowd was headed.

We can hide in the function and they won't be able to find us.

They entry way to the open air function was crowded so, they entered in a different way.

They entered and looked around.

Suddenly, a lady rushed towards them and slaps the had they were holding and pulls her behind her.

"This is not do be done before nikkah." she says, feigning anger.

"Rahat, take him in. And you my darling, come with me."

A guy comes out of a room and starts taking Aayan into the room. Aayan sees that, that lady was taking her also into a room and she was also struggling in her hold.

Before entering the room they give each other one last look, before entering. Aayan looks infront of him and.....

What now?


Accidental NikkahWhere stories live. Discover now