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The End is actually a new beginning.


'Ruhee! Amna is crying again.' Aayan yelled out to his wife, 'Then hold her up and play with her. You cannot expect me to cook and take care of her.' Ruhee yelled back from the kitchen as she was cooking lunch. Aayan looked at the 1 year old who was crying. He got up from the couch and lifted her up in his arms from the big crib. He bounced her in his arms, showed her, her toys but the little one didn't stop. Aayan was getting frustrated, 'Ruhee! She ain't calming down.' Aayan yelled at his wife again as he bounced the baby in his arms.

Ruhee walked into the living room, avoiding the scattered toys as she stretched her hands out to Amna. Amna quickly jumped into Ruhee's arms as soon as she saw her. Ruhee patted Amna's back and cooed at her and within minutes, Amna calmed down and started playing with her hair, 'I think she doesn't like me.' Aayan said, his hands on his hips, 'I don't blame her. Even our own kid would be scared of you if you stared at them with that look.' Ruhee said, 'What look?' Aayan asked confused, 'Like you are going to gobble them up.' Aayan scoffed at Ruhee and sat back on the couch.

Aayan hadn't planned to spend the weekend baby sitting his niece. Sahma was gone to attend Farheen's wedding in New York for the weekend and Aayan wanted to spend time with his wife. Ruhee was busy with her master's degree before and she was finally free after her 3rd semester. Aayan was also invited, but Sahma wanted him to spend time with Ruhee. But who knew Zainab and Saif would drop out of nowhere, begging, for a free day for themselves. And Ruhee being so kind and baby loving, agreed instantly. Amna was very fond of Ruhee but the same doesn't go with Aayan. It took her time to adjust with Aayan.

Saif and Zainab looked so tired. They literally had dark circles under their eyes. But that doesn't mean they spoil my weekend.

Aayan had planned to sleep in late with Ruhee in his arms and order lunch and dinner out as they watched a movie. Aayan wanted to watch a horror movie which meant Ruhee sitting close to him. Ruhee was simply terrified of horror films but that didn't stop her from peaking from inbetween her fingers. Aayan looked at Ruhee who was smiling and playing with Amna is her arms, Aayan signed heavily.

I guess those plans are not gonna be fullfilled today.


Sahma was in her hotel room as she stared at the Eternity Pendant Ruhee had bought from her honeymoon for her. Sahma was blessed to have chosen Ruhee for her son, she is the perfect wife and daughter-in-law she could have asked for. She takes care of everyone at home and their needs, she has become the core of the house in two years. Sahma thought back to the time she had met Ruhee's parents for the first time.


After the kids had gone into their respective rooms, Sahma had told them the fake story she had created. Ruhee's parents expression was that of worry, 'Thank you so much to your son to have protected my daughter that way.' Emaan Shariff thanked Sahma, 'But what should we do now? They are married.' He asked, 'Of course, get them a Talaq. How can they be married?' Ruhee's mother said, 'Excuse me, but can I suggest something?' Sahma said and Ruhee's parents gave her their full attention.

'What if we let them stay married, for like 3 months?' Sahma suggested but Ruhee's parents were unable to get her point, 'To be honest,...' Sahma began, '...I really like your daughter for my son. This is a great opportunity to see their compatibility. After the three months, the kids can decide whether want to get married officially or not.' Sahma explained her point. Emaan Shariff looked at his wife with a worried expression. Her wife looked back at Sahma and spoke, 'We appreciate you liking our daughter for your son, but I think you should know something about our daughter before that.'

Sahma urged for her to continue, 'Actually, Ruhee is Diabetic. And she needs to take insulin shots for her every meal. Are you still okay with accepting her?' Ruhee's mother asked her. Sahma was shocked at first but soon calmed her expression, 'I am Okay with it. Ruhee is a girl with decent manners and respect. The fact that she carries an illness is not enough to hide her goodness.' Sahma said with a smile. Ruhee's parent's still looked hesitant, 'Ruhee is my responsibility. I promise, my son will take very good care of her, and we'll come to a conclusion after three months anyways.' Ruhee's father held onto Ruhee's mother's hand and nodded his head. He turned back to Sahma said, 'We agree.' He turned to his wife and said, 'Go get Ruhee and call the boys.'


Sahma smiled pleasantly at the memory. She switched the lights off and layed on her bed to fall asleep.


Aayan entered the house all tired when he smelt something burning in the air. He quickly walked into the kitchen to see a big mess and smoke coming out of the mittens as Ruhee sat on the dinning table with her head between her palms, 'What happened here?' Aayan asked worried and Ruhee looked up at him with tears in her eyes. Ruhee sniffed her nose like a child and spoke, 'You were so grumpy yesterday while Amna was here and today Morning also being a Sunday you had to go to work as it was urgent. So, I thought I'd make a romantic dinner for you and when your back, you'd be happy seeing all this. But...'

Ruhee sniffed her nose again and looked around the mess, 'While I was placing the hot pot of curry on the table, I accidentally knocked over the flower vase and the water was falling down from it. So, I quickly placed the pot down and threw my mittens away and grabbed a cloth to clean it. While I was cleaning it, I smelt something burning and when I saw what....' Ruhee sniffed again, '....I had thrown the mitten over the flame which I had not switched off and it burned. As, I was trying to put the flame off, it jolted up and I moved back hitting the table and the curry pot fell down aswell.' After that, Ruhee started crying all over again.

Aayan laughed at his wife's childish nature and walked over to her side and hugged her from the back, 'Aww, It's okay, Ruhee. The fact that you are not hurt is all that matters.' Aayan said rubbing her arm to stop her from crying, 'But it's not okay, Aayan. You are already home and I don't have anything other than steamed rice to feed you.' Ruhee said sniffing. Aayan pulled back and turned her chair to the side as he sat down before her. Aayan held her arms and said, 'It's really okay, Ruhee. You thought to make me feel special, and I am feeling special. So stop shedding those precious tears.' Aayan said wiping her tears.

'And as for dinner, we can order take out. And till that comes, I'll help you clean the kitchen.' Aayan made her understand. Ruhee nodded her head still looking sad. Aayan sat and kissed her forehead, 'I'll be back.' He said and went upstairs to get changed. He ordered take out and they both cleaned the messed up kitchen. Till the take out arrived, Aayan and Ruhee were done cleaning the mess. They sat down in the living room as Aayan played a horror movie.

As Aayan expected, Ruhee sat close to him and kept her hands before her eyes, but still peaked through, throughout the movie. They had their dinner while watching the movie and were soon done, with the movie and dinner. Ruhee was keeping away the dishes when Aayan spoke, 'The romantic dinner is done. So, what do couples do next?' Aayan asked, 'That was not at all a romantic dinner.' Ruhee replied, 'But it was for me. So, what next?' Aayan asked again.

Ruhee wiped her hands dry and removed her apron as she looked at him, 'We go to bed.' Ruhee said with a smile. Aayan gave a satisfied smile and said, 'Exactly.' Aayam moved forward and picked up Ruhee in his arms as she let out a squeal, 'Aayan.' 'We are going to bed, but not to sleep.' With that said, Aayan carried Ruhee up the stairs and into their room and shut the door.

My plan finally worked out.


Thank you so much to all the readers for showing so much love and support to my book and, Ruhee and Aayan's story.

My other book will be out soon. Follow me to read more of my stories and be updated

I really appreciate and am grateful for your support. Hopefully in the next book, I'd try to keep a consistent pace with my updates.

Ruhee and Aayan,
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