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Expect the unexpected. I have said that alot, but what unexpected do we expect? Should we expect that our problems will end? Should we believe that everything will be alright? I don't know and I don't think you do aswell, because the unexpected is unexpected. If you know what I mean.

Ruhee had prepared the dinner and was seated in the living room, going through her notes. She was glad to meet Huzayl today, and the fact that he took them out for lunch was really kind of him. Although Aina missed it, but she was lazy and it's her loss. Ruhee had given the box of minced meat rotis' she made to Huzayl when he dropped her home. He was really grateful.

When she came back home, she freshened up and spoke to Sahma about how her day was spent, about how well he spoke and the lunch. She was all happy and joyous. Later, Sahma had her dinner with Ruhee and went to bed. It was 10:30pm right now, and Aayan was not home yet. So, Ruhee was waiting for him.

I wonder why he is late today.

The entering of pincode is heard, and Ruhee looks to the entrance door, to see an exhausted Aayan walking in. She stood up, along with her notes and walked to him. Aayan didn't notice Ruhee approaching him as he walked towards the staircase, 'Hey.' Ruhee said in a soft voice and Aayan looked at her, surprised. Ruhee wanted to laugh at his expression, but held it in when she saw his tired look.

'Hey.' he said after a moment, 'Why are you still up?' he asks her. 'I was waiting for you. Go and freshen up, I'll set up the table.' she said and turned to head to the kitchen, 'Set the table for what?' Aayan asked her cautiously. She turned around and frowned at him, 'For dinner, of course.' Aayan had a look of horror on his face as he held his stomach. He nodded his head, unsure and walked up the stairs.

Ruhee was done setting up the table as Aayan comes down, now changed in a t-shirt and sweats. He sits in his seat, and Ruhee serves him fried rice and chilli chicken. Aayan looks at the plate, and an audible burp escapes his lips. Ruhee looks at Aayan, startled as he held his mouth, 'You okay, Aayan? Do you have ingestion?' Ruhee asks him, concerned. He denies it.

He takes in a deep breath and digs in, 'Why fried rice today? Anything special?' Aayan asks her, in between bites. Ruhee, who was sitting next to him, turned to him and said, 'Actually, I am really happy, because Huzayl spoke so well in today's event, and also, I gave you a very light packed lunch, today.' hearing this, Aayan suddenly coughed. He tapped his head, while Ruhee gave him a glass of water. He gulps it down and looks at her concerned face, 'Gave me a light lunch? You gave me tomato rice, stir fried Beetroot, a banana and half an apple. How is that light?' Aayan asks her.

Ruhee looks at Aayan, frowning at his outburst, 'But Aayan, I usually give you more than that.' she says to him. She watches Aayan's face change from outburst to guilt? It was a face when someone had realized that they almost got caught, 'Um, yeah. I guess.' Aayan says, after clearing his throat, and continues eating. Ruhee just frowns at him. After eating, Aayan asked for a cup of lemon tea, which he usually takes when he had eaten too much, but he had not. Ruhee was starting to worry about him, but still, she made him his lemon tea.

After tea, the both of them went up to their room. Ruhee went over and sat on her couch, while Aayan stood, his back straight and holding his stomach, 'Are you really okay, Aayan?' Ruhee asks him again, worried. He looks at her and nods his head, as a burp escapes his mouth. His face flushes with embarrassment as he excuses himself and walks into the closet.

Ruhee could tell he was still in the closet and didn't go off to the restroom, as his burps were quite audible. Ruhee snickered at his flushed face. She found it quite cute,'You know, Huzayl's speech went so well.' Ruhee began, in between Aayan's burps, 'He spoke so well and bold. It was really amazing. He kept the entire audience indulged in his speech. He made small time jokes and remarks, that were funny aswell.' Ruhee continued, as Aayan burped away.

'Then, he took us out for lunch, to grillbox, I told you, right? And there we spoke so much. Jian and Afza also loved him, but Aina missed it, she was feeling lazy today, so she slept in. And the meal was really delicious, after a long time I ate out. You know, Huzayl.... ' but Ruhee stopped in between, as Aayan opened the closet door and came out. He walked over to Ruhee, who was sitting on the couch, and bent to her level, placing his hand on the head rest of the couch, behind Ruhee's head, and his face just few inches away from her face, as he looked her in the eyes.

Ruhee was surprised, as her eyes were wide at there proximity, and her heartbeat was picking up. Aayan closed his eyes for a moment and signed, he opened his brown eyes to stare into her raven black ones. They just stared at each other, then Aayan spoke in a very low voice, 'Can speak of anything else other than Huzayl? I have been really annoyed by that name lately, also, I am feeling really tired and exhausted. Something came up, so I was not able to complete my work on time, so I had to stay at the office late.' he blinks and for some reason, Ruhee could see his eyelids close and open in slow motion, and she found that quite hot.

Is this a movie or a dream? Because that is not visibly possible in real life.

'So, can we just leave the talks and sleep for the night?' he asks her, maintaining his low voice. Not able to form any words, she just nods her head, furiously. Aayan gives her a tired smile and nods his head. He stands up straight, and walks over to the switch board and switches off the lights, and goes to lay on his bed and sleep.

After a moment, Ruhee inhales a deep breath and holds her heart. She lets go of air from her mouth, as she closes her eyes for a moment, to compose herself and her frantically beating heart. She looks at Aayan's sleeping form and starts to fan herself. She looks at the air conditioner, to see it running just fine.

Then why is it so hot?

Ruhee had not expected that, it was really sudden. And the way Aayan looked at her, with those tired eyes. She exhales a deep breath as she fans herself harder.

Why is it getting hotter? I don't like heat!!!

But you like hot!!

Shut up, conscience.

After a moment of fanning herself, her heartbeat finally calms down. She figured that her heart would pick up when she glanced at Aayan or thought about him, so she stopped doing that. She breaths in and out, to check her breaths. After that, she lays down, covering herself. She closes her eyes, and waits for sleep to take over, but it didn't, and she knew why?

Oh My God!!!!!
Aayan was seriously very close to my face just moments ago.

Yup, she needed to speak to herself and get it out.

But why? Because I spoke about Huzayl? Naah!! He was just too tired.

And you liked his tired and lazy eyes. The way they looked at you.

Yeah! No! NO! Shut up, conscience. Speak only when you are needed to. God!!

'And Ruhee....,' She was startled, when she heard Aayan's voice, all of a sudden, 'We are going out on Sunday, so don't make lunch, or any plans.' he said in a sleepy yet groggy voice, that sounded really hot to Ruhee. She didn't reply, because she knew he knew she heard him. Ruhee held her heart again, and signed.

Calm down, you stupid heart.

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