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Only when the moon is not visible in the sky, it realizes and understands its importance. The importance of the shining moon, but the sky can do nothing about it, if its the time of the new moon.

It has been a week since Ruhee moved out of Aayan's house, and it has been one low week for her. Everything around her has seems to have suddenly changed. Yes, she had lived in this house for more days than in Aayan's but, it didn't feel right anymore. She felt different, a good one or a bad one, she had no clue.

She would get up early in the morning and hop into the kitchen to make breakfast, but her mother would already be there. She would help her mother cook, but that's all. She would eat and go off to college. Even at college, one of her happy places, she didn't feel at place. Her friends would talk and make fun of stuff, but Ruhee would just smile or nod her head. Her mind would wonder off.

Aayan would have gone to work without lunch again.
Did Ammi eat well?

She speaks with Sahma over the call atleast once a day. Asking about her health and the atmosphere around, but she never asked about Aayan. She wants to, but the words never come out of her mouth. Her day at college would go gloomy, her friends would try to cheer her up, butit lasts only for a few minutes. She would go home and sit down for lunch, she would have it with her family. Then she would lay on her bed in her room, scrolling down her mobile or staring at the ceiling or fall asleep. She literally felt she had nothing to do.

Did I really spend my days at my home having literally nothing to do?

Her brother would come home around 5:30pm, till then, she would spend her time with her little Sana. Sana had really missed having Ruhee around, so she would take time out of her day to enjoy with her little one. And when her brother comes home, she would wander around him, asking him about work, and his bosses and friends. Ian knew she wanted to ask about a particular boss, but he would wantedly not mension him. What if she feels low on his mension? Then, she would help her mom make dinner, and have with her family. They would all sit and watch television together, before going to bed. She would get up in the morning, and the same routine would repeat.

Yes, she has not once initiated to speak to Aayan. She would take her mobile and hover her finger over Aayan's name in the contact list, but would think of an excuse to not call him, and rest her mobile.

He must be busy.
He might be in a meeting.
What if he is driving?
Maybe he went to bed early today!
He must be tired.

Her weekend was also nothing special. She slept in late, ate her breakfast at 12 noon. Watched television, read some books. Soon, it would be lunch time, she would enjoy her meal with her family. Watch some more television, scroll through her mobile, try to study, note the word try. Call her friends and chit chat. Suddenly, she remembered someone important. So, she dialed their number.

The mobile rang for sometime and after few minutes, the person answered, 'Hey bunny, what's up?' came a cheery voice. Ruhee instantly smiled, 'Hey, Huzayl. Nothing much, just laying around during the weekend. What about you?' Ruhee asks, 'Work darling, work. Running a rising company is not easy.' Huzayl says his voice getting tired. Ruhee smiles at him, 'How is Aayan and Sahma auntie?' Huzayl asks, and Ruhee's smile drops. She becomes instantly sad, 'Ruhee, you there.' Ruhee swallows hard and says, 'I'm here.' but her voice comes out low, 'Hey Ruhee, what's wrong, Bunny? Anything on your mind?' Huzayl asks her worried. Ruhee looks at her finger, that had been drawing circles on the bed spread, 'To tell you the truth,......' Ruhee begins and narrates the entire truth about her marriage with Aayan to Huzayl.

'..... and now, I am back home, but it doesn't feel right for some reason.' Ruhee ends, and waits for Hyzayl's reaction. For a while, the line seemed dead, she thought he must think she had lied to him, but she didn't want to. Finally Huzayl speaks, 'I knew something was odd with you two.' Huzayl jokes. This brought a smile on Ruhee's face, 'But Ruhee...' Huzayl continues, 'What do you want now?' 'I don't know.' Ruhee says to him, in a low voice, 'You know what I admire and like about you the most Ruhee...' Huzayl begins and Ruhee listens attentively, 'That you always listen to your heart and do what it says. You know it is right as along as your heart says so, and not everyone believes in that. But the ones who do, as long as I have seen, are the happiest and right.' Huzayl explains to Ruhee, 'So, do what your heart wants you to, like always.' he ends. Ruhee nods her head, even though Huzayl can't see her, and says, 'Okay.' They talk some more and end the call.

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