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The sun, covered with fire, always and forever, yet, it shines the brightest. Then, why do we get worried for small problems and troubles that are gonna pass by.

Aayan opened his eyes and a smile automatically grazed his lips, because the site before him was like a dream. Ruhee was sleeping right next to him, peacefully. He just stared at her sleeping form, admiring her. Yesterday was really one of the best days of his life, and it was all thanks to the sleeping beauty next to him. He wanted to keep on admiring her, but groaned, when he heard the doorbell ring. He carefully got up, not to wake Ruhee up, and went out the room and downstairs.

He walked up to the door and opened it, to find his mother smiling at him. He frowned as she walked past him, after greeting him.

She knows the pass code, then why ring the bell?

He was about to close the door, when a foot came in between and stopped it. He opened the door, to find someone carrying a mountain of suits in his hands and walk in. The man carefully walks down the two steps into the living room, and places the suits or more like throws them onto the sofa. The man turns out to be Zubair. Aayan's frown deepens on seeing Zubair. Zubair walks up to Aayan and pats his shoulder before going out and coming back in, carrying two big boxes and placing them on the living room floor.

Zubair collapses on the sofa, which was not covered in suits, as Sahma hands him a glass of water. He thanks his aunt and gulps down the water. Aayan walks in to the living room after closing the door and finally asks, 'What is all this?'. Sahma looks at him and replies, 'Your clothes and shoes.' Aayan gives her a confused look, then it strikes him.

My clothes!!!!!!

He walks to his suits in a rush and checks them, 'Don't worry, they are all in good shape.' Zubair says and stands up. Aayan turns around to look at him in shock, 'Your wife can be a devil, man.' Sahma slaps Zubair's arm for saying that. He just smiles sheepishly at her while rubbing his arm. 'What?' Aayan asks looking at Zubair, 'Yeah, man. She calls me at 4:15am in the morning and asks me to come here quick. I got scared wondering if something happened cause it was so early in the morning. But when I got here, she was preparing a picnic basket.' Zubair says, with a weird look.

'Then, she tells me her plan and I look at her dumbfounded. I mean, she had the guts to hide away your clothes at my place, and make you get off work.' Zubair says, shaking his head. 'Anyways, here are your clothes and your mother. I hope you enjoyed yesterday. I'm off.' Zubair says and is out the door. Aayan looks at the closed door and then turns to Sahma, who was watching television, like she had just not disappeared with all her sons clothes. Aayan signs and carries his clothes back to his room, so that he can put them back in their place.

It took Aayan an hour to arrange his clothes back in, and all this while, Ruhee didn't even flinch in her sleep. Aayan comes out the closet all freshened up and changed, to see Ruhee still sleeping like a baby. Aayan looks at the clock to see it's 9:30am, but he lets her sleep. He walks back down stairs, to see Sahma had already made breakfast. It had been ages seen he had his mother's food, and he was really happy. He sat down and has his breakfast.

He was almost done, when Ruhee enters the dining room, still in her yesterday's clothes and bed hair, rubbing her eyes like a baby. She comes and sits down and pours herself a glass of water and gulps it down. 'Ruhee dear, are you okay?' Sahma asks her, worried. 'I am hungry.' Ruhee says in her sleepy voice, and it almost sounded like a child asking for food. Aayan wanted to coo at her but he held it in. Sahma nods her head, and gets up, to bring her food. Sahma places a plate of food before Ruhee. Ruhee smiles at Sahma and digs in, not before thanking her.

Aayan was drinking his tea when Ruhee had completed her meal. She excuses herself to go freshen up. Sahma leaves Aayan and goes into her room aswell. Aayan finishes his tea and walks towards the staircase, when the doorbell rings, again. He walks to the door and opens it, to close his eyes in annoyance. He opens his eyes and asks, 'What are you doing here?' 'I came to see, Ammi.' Farheen replies. He nods his head and moves aside to let her in.

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