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Have you ever tried catching the rain on the tip of your tongue, and tasting it? How about a snowflake? Well, I cannot ask you to taste the rainbow, but have you ever tried finding the start of the rainbow? To see if it really does come out of a pot of gold, protected by a leprechaun? Now, the sun would burn your tongue, but try playing with the sun rays, someday.

These unexpected ideas give a thrill and joy in life. And when the unexpected occurs, the feeling is surreal.

Aayan couldn't believe Ruhee actually packed lunch for him. He never asked his mother to pack one for him aswell, but Ruhee did.

After Ruhee had said that the lunch bag was his, he was shocked to say the least. He felt something he couldn't understand, but he liked it.

He picked up the lunch bag by it's handle, and analysed it in air, by twisting it around. "It won't bite." came his mother's voice, which startled him. He looks at her, eyes wide. She held a amusing smile.

He kept the bag back down and sat on his seat, after greeting his mother. Sahma moved forward and sat in her seat. She lifted the lid, and the room was filled with the delicious aroma. Sahma closes her eyes and inhales the sent, before placing one roti on her plate. She poured some curd beside it, and took a bite. She loved it.

Aayan took a bite aswell, and unknowingly, closed his eyes to relish the taste.


Aayan, who has only two toasts and a coffee in the morning, had actually eaten two and half of the roties that Ruhee made. Sahma smiled at her sons appetite. Sahma, after a long time, had a full breakfast. Aayan was so happy seeing his mother eating, and all thanks to Ruhee.

"I'm leaving." Aayan says to his mother, and grabs the lunch bag along. Sahma gives him a knowing look and he says, "I don't wanna waste her effort." "Uh-huh." is all Sahma says before, starting to clear the dining table. The maid would be here soon, to clean the house.

Aayan reached his office at 8:50 am and went up to his office, greeting everyone on the way. He entered his office and summoned Mason in. "Today's Schedule." is all he says and Mason, begins.

"At 9:30 am you have meeting with the employees of the marketing department, 3:30 pm meeting with Roger King, president of Kings International regarding the collaboration. 5:00 pm, you need to select models for the Advertising department." Mason looks up from his tab, at Aayan, waiting for further orders.

"Okay. Remind me, half an hour before every meeting. Anything else?" he asks, "There are some files you need to review and sign." Aayan signs and asks Mason to bring them in. Mason walks out and comes back with a pile of files, and places them on Aayan's table. Aayan dismisses him.

Aayan looks at the pile before him and signs. He picks up a file opening it, with a pen in hand.

Let's begin.

Aayan was reading through a file and his office door bangs open, he signs, very well knowing who it was, "Yo bro, c'mon, its lunch time." said Zubair, taking a seat in front of Aayan's table. Without looking up, Aayan replies, "No." Zubair gasps.

Aayan would never miss his meals no matter how busy he was. He would halt his work, have his meal and then continue with his work. He took very good care of his health. And seeing that Aayan, not wanting to go for lunch, was a surprise to Zubair.

Zubair got up from his seat, and moved towards Aayan, turned him around in his chair to face him. He held his shoulders and said, "Who are you and what have you done to my friend?" a little serious. Aayan signed and pushed him away, turned to his file and continued reading. That's when Zubair noticed something besides Aayan's chair.

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