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Every love story is special, but ours is my favourite.

Aayan got out of the car and entered the wedding hall. He greeted the guests on his way to the groom's room. As soon as he entered the groom's room, he left an heavy sign. Aayan was so very anxious, there was an eagerness in his feelings. Eagerness to get married? Eagerness to see Ruhee in a bridal outfit? Eagerness to finally make her his forever? He didn't know, maybe all of it. Zubair opened the door and walked in, 'Zubair, I can't take this feeling.' Aayan says to him as soon as he enters, 'Woah! The stoic Aayan Ibrahim is being impatient, nice.' Zubair smirks at him.

Aayan glares at him. Zubair rises his hands in surrender, 'Calm down tiger, I've got good news.' Zubair says. Aayan waits for him to continue as he taps his foot impatiently, 'They are calling the groom as it is time for your nikkah.' Zubair says and smiles. Aayan blows air out of his mouth and looks at himself one last time in the mirror.

Okay, Aayan. Stay calm, it's just your nikkah, calm.

Aayan nods to himself and walks out the room past Zubair. The exit of his room was the entrance to the stage. He looks down at all the guests and gulps. The Aayan who was not scared to face the biggest business tycoons was nervous in front of his relatives. He composes himself and follows Zubair on the stage. Faiz, Saif, Ruhee's father and brother, her uncles and cousin brothers were all seated around a cushion table were Aayan was supposed to sit. Aayan greets all his in-laws and settles down. Facing him was a translucent white cloth.

After sometime, Aayan could see a figure walking and then sitting on the table on the other side of the cloth. His heartbeat was on full speed as could only imagine how Ruhee was looking. He so badly wanted to tear down the cloth and take a look at her. Aayan was so lost in his thoughts that Zubair had to keep a hand on his shoulder to bring him out. He looks to his left to see that the Aalim was showing him a register to sign. Aayan took the pen and quickly signed. The register was then passed on to the other side and Aayan watched with full concentration as Ruhee took the pen and signed it.

After that process, the Aalim began his other proceedings for the nikkah. Aayan kept staring through the cloth at Ruhee whose head was bowed down a little. The Aalim looked at Ruhee and finally asked the question.

Do you Ruhee Shariff, daughter of Emaan Shariff, take Aayan Ibrahim, son of Rasheed Ibrahim, as your lawfully wedded husband?

Aayan's heart was beating beyond count. He didn't know why he feared that Ruhee would deny it. But his worry was soon out the window when he heard her say,

Qubool hai.

Qubool hai.

Qubool hai.

Aayan was getting emotional for some reason. The Aalim now turned to Aayan and asked him,

Do you Aayan Ibrahim, son of Rasheed Ibrahim, take Ruhee Shariff, daughter of Emaan Shariff, as your lawfully wedded wife?

Aayan didn't wait a second before answering.

Qubool hai.

Qubool hai.

Qubool hai.

The Aalim looks at the guests before him and says, 'I now present to you, Husband and wife. Nikkah Mubarak.' The relatives surrounding the groom and bride get up from their seats and hug each other in completion of the nikkah. They one by one come and hug Aayan but from time to time, he peeked at the other side of the cloth to see the ladies were also hugging each other and his bride.

My bride.

Aayan now stood impatiently infront of the white cloth. He pursed his lips as the white cloth was pulled down and his eyes made direct contact with that of his beautiful wife.

My wife.

Aayan was awestruck. Ruhee looked fabulous in her wedding outfit. Aayan wanted to smile a big wide smile but contained it noticing the people around him. He could see that Ruhee was also very well controlling her smile. Their cushioned tables were taken from behind them and a grand double seat was placed in the centre of the stage. Zubair pushed Aayan and Afza pushed Ruhee, and made them stand before the seat, together. They turned took look at each other and quickly looked away, shy.

'God, they have lived together in the same house and the same room for three months and yet behave like they are seeing each other for the first time.' Afza said, 'Totally agreed. C'mon, hold each others hands. No one is gonna say anything.' Zubair added, 'Maybe they are feeling shy because we are here, shall we leave the new couple alone?' Afza asks Zubair, 'Why not?' Zubair replies and they walk down the stage.

Now, the stage was completely clear other than the bride and the groom. Aayan looked at Ruhee from the corner of his eye and saw her looking away. He slowly inched his hand closer to hers and grasped it. Aayan's heart was beating so fast he feared it would come out. He looked at Ruhee, straight at her face and then slowly intervened their fingers. He held on to her hand tightly and squeezed it. Ruhee turned to look at him and Aayan couldn't miss the extra heat on her face. Ruhee was blushing big time,

'You look beautiful.' Aayan said to her in a whisper. Ruhee's lips curled in the end and she tried to control her growing smile but failed miserably, 'You also look very handsome, Hubby' Ruhee said to him. Aayan's face also broke into a big smile, 'Well, thank you, Wifey.' Both the bride and the groom just smiled at each other. They looked ahead to see all the guest scattered around, their Valima was about to begin. They held their hands as people slowly started approaching them.

I am finally and officially, married.

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