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You all remember the water cycle, right? The water needs to evaporate into clouds, and then pour down to earth as rain. It's a process. Everything is a process. Whether it be rain, formation of a rainbow or beginning of a relationship, everything occurs only after a process. And no matter how many hardships occur, the end is always beautiful.

Ruhee's friends have left, and so did Zubair. Sahma was staying over her sisters place, so Aayan and Ruhee were all alone at home. The game had given them too many unanswered questions. And the biggest question Aayan had was, who is Owais?

They had changed into their night wear and were ready to go to bed. Aayan switched the lights off, still thinking about this Owais guy, and sat on the bed.

Should I ask her? Can I ask her? Will she think I am interfering in her personal space? I mean, this is just temporary, but it is eating me up.

"Who is Owais?" Aayan just goes for it and asks her. A sign is heard and he looks at Ruhee. "I was wondering why you hadn't asked me that yet." Ruhee said. The room was only lit with the night lamp, Aayan could see Ruhee's figure looking to the floor.

She knew I'd ask? Then, will she answer me?

His thought was answered when Ruhee replied, "He is my first love you can say." Ruhee said, her voice heavy. Aayan tried to read her expression, but the lamp was not bright enough. "I am sure you want to know the whole story,...." Aayan turned towards her completely.

Of course I do.

".... and I will tell you on one condition?" Ruhee looked towards Aayan, who was now frowning, "You'll have to tell me about, how your relationship was with your father?" Aayan was shocked she wanted to know about her father. He didn't mind talking about his father, he loved him alot, and his memories were just happiness.

Aayan agreed and Ruhee began,"So,..Owais was my school mate. I studied in a co-ed school till middle school, so I have some friends who are boys......" Aayan frowned at that.

What does she mean by some? How many exactly? Wait, what am I thinking? So, what if she has friends who are guys, it shouldn't bother me. Yeah, it shouldn't.

"..... And so was Owais. We weren't close, just some small talks. I joined an all girls school for high school and lost touch with everyone. But at the end of high school, I joined Instagram and came in touch with everyone, including Owais." Aayan listened to her silently taking everything in, and Ruhee, just kept talking.

"We started talking and a year later, I realized I liked him. I wanted to tell him, but my friends said that the guy has to make the move. I didn't wanna go with them, but they were my friends, so okay. Then, out of the blue he told me he liked me. I was stunned, I didn't expect that. I told him, I liked him aswell but didn't want a relationship."

So she is not in a relationship with him? And why does it make me feel relieved?

"But soon, he asked me to be his girlfriend......." Aayan's breathing hitched. "..... But I said No." he calmed. "He wanted a relationship, but no future promises." Aayan frowned.

What does that mean?

"Meaning, he wanted to play girlfriend and boyfriend, but not get married to me..." Aayan's blood started boiling. He couldn't believe that, that guy just wanted to play with Ruhee. "It's not like he was playing with me, he was just too scared to talk to his parents in the future." That still didn't stop Aayan from clenching his fists.

Let me get my hands on this guy. I'll show him...

Ruhee signed and looked towards Aayan, he sat straight,"It's not like I would have said yes, even if he was ready to speak to his parents. Being in a relationship and hiding that fact from my parents, would have eaten me up." Ruhee signs, again. "That's it. I still talk to him at times, but keep it minimum."Aayan just nodded." Now, it's your turn." Ruhee said, smiling at him, or that's what he thought, as he couldn't see her expression well.

I wish I could see her smile.

Aayan cleared his throat and sat straight," What do you wanna know?" he asked." Everything. How he was? With you and Ammi? Everything." Ruhee said, excitement evident in her voice. Aayan just smiled at her and began, "My Abba, was a successful business man. He had inherited his family company and kept it going. He was a proud man, with a golden heart." Aayan smiled at the thought of his father. He had a strong bond with him.

"He loved me and Ammi alot. He was not mostly home for certain reasons, but whenever he was, he would spend it with me and Ammi. Taking us out for dinner, amusement parks, games centers and arcades." Aayan was getting excited as he spoke about his dear father."When I turned eighteen, he opened Sahma Holdings. He wanted it to be the company I would run someday."

And I am.

"The company wasn't strong as it had a modern ideology. It was a small company, with only Abba as an investor." Aayan's voice suddenly turned grim, "And one day, Abba suddenly became sick. The doctor said that his heart is getting weak day by day. I was nineteen at that time. Abba took treatment for a whole year before he...." Aayan stopped. The memory of his father laying before him motionless, had come to his mind.

Aayan was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't see Ruhee get up and move towards him to sit on the bed. He felt a small hand enclose his tight fist, that was clutching the bedsheet. He looked to the hand, then at its owner. Their eyes locked and just stayed on each other. Ruhee was close enough for Aayan to read her expression, and she held an encouraging smile.

Aayan was used to sympathy by now, when ever his father was brought in public. Those sympathetic eyes, he hated them. But seeing Ruhee, not showing sympathy but, pride, caused something to tug at his heart. He just smiled back at her. He looked down and said, "That's it, he left. Leaving me his company to build, and I think I have done good job." and looked at Ruhee.

Her smile widened as she said, "You have done an excellent job." Aayan just stared at her. No one complimented him about his company before, Not even Sahma. Sure, the media spoke alot of him, but hearing that from Ruhee, made him satisfied in a way. Something crossed over Ruhee's face, and she retreated her hand and got up. Aayan suddenly felt cold.

Ruhee was going back to her couch when she stopped, "Wait!" Aayan called out to her. She looked at him, "Why do you still love him?" he asked. He couldn't get how she can still love a guy, who couldn't stand up for her. Ruhee fully turned towards him and smiled, "Because you cannot just un-love someone easily. If you did, maybe you didn't really love him." Aayan just stared at her and asked, "Then, you won't love anyone again?" he asked, softly.

Ruhee just stared at him for awhile before replying with a smile, "Of course I will...." Aayan was about to speak but Ruhee cut him, "Just because I love Owais, doesn't mean I won't love anyone else. I will fall in love again, but it would be much stronger and deeper than my first love." She smiled. Aayan just nodded his head. Ruhee went to lay on her couch.

Aayan was astonished. He had never been in love before, but the way Ruhee described loving someone, he wanted to fall in love aswell. Infact, he wanted someone to love him, like Ruhee would.

That would be wonderful.

Aayan was about to lay down when Ruhee got up suddenly, "Wait a minute!" Aayan looked at Ruhee, who was now looking towards him, "If you run the company that your father started, who runs the company your father inherited from his family?" Ruhee asks, frowning. Aayan didn't know how to reply to her? Or whether he should reply to her.

Should I tell her the truth? But what if she hates me then?

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