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When the sun is hidden behind the clouds, the atmosphere becomes humid and the light dim, and if the clouds are heavy, its better if they just let it rain, so that they can feel light again. And once the clouds are light again, they move along with the wind, bringing the sun into view, to shine on.

Ruhee kept on refreshing the news site, till the news didn't show up. For some reason, she knew that Aayan would take it down, and this time, she was really worried about it. She wanted a simple college life, and if anyone from her college saw this news and that picture, her college life would not be simple anymore. She was relieved when the news didn't load after sometime.

Yaay, Aayan took it down!

Ruhee had just got home from college, she had her meal with Sahma and went up to her room to complete her assignments. Since the model exams' were approaching, the work seems to have piling up. She was getting prepared for a week full of sleepless and studious nights. She had gone through her notes for about an hour and later, fell asleep.

'I said, Get out!' someone shouts, which causes Ruhee to wake up with a start. She hears another shout and rushes out the room, to see what all this shouting was about. As she walks out, she sees Aayan and Sahma along with another man and a lady. The man and Aayan were literally up in each other's faces, and it was clear that they were not happy about it as well, judging from their angry expressions.

What is going on!? Should I go down.

But the thought left her as soon as it came, when she heard the next few words. 'Along with our peace and happiness. Tell me Aayan, does your lover know, that Abbu cheated on my mother with your mother? That you were born, an illegitimate child?' Ruhee froze for a while. She couldn't believe her ears.

That man's father cheated on his mother with Ammi!!? Ammi cheated on her husband? Aayan an illegitimate child? What the heck is going on!!!?

To say Ruhee was confused would be an understatement, she was going nuts. 'Abbu didn't cheat, he married my Ammi, and I was born after they were married.' she heard Aayan say. 'Yeah, but their marriage was not registered when you were born, it was registered later on, which means you were born to an unmarried couple, or should I say, to a married man and his mistress.' the man, whose name Ruhee is yet to find out, says.

Okay, Whattt!!!???

Ruhee was losing it by now. She was more confused then ever. She really couldn't get what they were saying.

Okay, so, Ammi did marry Aayan's father but he didn't register it? No, they did register it, but after Aayan was born? So what, they were married. Wait, so, Aayan's father was already married before he married Ammi?

'Then, you should have left him when you found out.' Ruhee heard, and she is bought out of her thoughts. 'How could I, Hydari? Aayan was born by then. You want me to raise my child without a father? Would you have raised Mahir like that?' she hears Sahma say. Ruhee was shocked, that lady just told Sahma to raise a child without a father. Ruhee nodded her head at what Sahma said.

Yeah, you ask her, Ammi. Would she have raised Mahir like that? Wait, Who is Mahir?

'So, you mean it was Abbu's fault?' Ruhee hears the man ask Sahma, 'Not entirely. Yes, Abbu was wrong, to have not told Ammi about him being married, but he didn't look at us in different ways. He treated both of us as one.' Aayan said.

What? How can a man treat his son and wife as one? Now, he cannot make his son cook or his wife play cricket with him! Wait, he can play cricket with his wife, I would.

'No Aayan, he didn't see us as one. He saw me more superior than you. He gave me a well built, high ranked and rich company. The company he inherited from his family, but to you,' Ruhee sees the man point his index finger at Aayan, 'To you, he gave a small start up company. He didn't think us as equal.'

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