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Adventure is not going out and being wild, but Adventure is a feeling. So whatever you do, if you feel adventurous about it, then that's your adventure, Enjoy it.

Aayan opens his eyes and a smile grazes his sleepy face. His eyes were staring at a peacefully sleeping Ruhee who was wearing his white shirt. He fully turned his body to face hers as he admired her. The love and appreciation in Aayan's eyes was beyond explanation. Ruhee made some movement and turned her face the other way and Aayan frowned. Aayan slowly pushed his hand under Ruhee's neck that caused her to turn over to face him again, accompanied by her putting her arm over Aayan's shirtless waist and placing her head on his open chest.

Aayan adjusted himself so Ruhee wouldn't feel uncomfortable and wake up from her slumber. Aayan pushed the strands of hair away from Ruhee's face and smiled at her. Aayan looked out the window of their bedroom room to see sunlight trying to seep through the curtains. Aayan understood it was morning but he was too comfortable to wanna get out of bed right now. So, Aayan took a deep breath and exhaled as he closed his eyes to fall back asleep.

Aayan opened his eyes to stare at the ceiling. He patted the side of his bed to find it empty, he frowned. He sat up and stretched to relax his muscles. The door to the bathroom opened and Ruhee walked out in her jeans and long top as she wiped her wet hair. She looked at Aayan and smiled but Aayan didn't miss the slight blush forming on her cheeks. Aayan smiled at her and patted on the bed asking her to come sit next to him. Ruhee moved forward and sat on the bed and Aayan immediately engulfed her into a back hug placing his chin on her shoulder.

'Morning.' He said to her in a whisper, 'Morning.' Ruhee gave a shy reply, 'Took a bath without me?' Aayan teased her which earned him a slap on his arms around her. Aayan chuckled at her reaction and started swinging them left and right, 'Aayan.' Ruhee called him and he hummed a reply, 'Go and freshen up. I have ordered breakfast.' Aayan hummed at that aswell but didn't show any signs of moving, 'Aayan.' Ruhee said his name again but with a hint scolding to it, but he hummed to that aswell, 'I am not gonna spend my week here just in the room.' Ruhee told him, 'But that was what I was planning.' Aayan replied his eyes closed.

Ruhee immediately pushed him away and stood up which caused Aayan to fall face front of the bed. Aayan lifted himself resting on the elbow and looked up at Ruhee who was glaring at him, 'We are in Mauritius and you want to stay in the room?' Ruhee asked him and Aayan nodded his head, 'But we are in Mauritius. We need to look around, go sightseeing, shopping and stuff.' Ruhee complained, 'It's not my first time in Mauritius.' Aayan informed her, 'But it is mine, so I am going sightseeing. Whether you are coming or not.' Ruhee said and stomped out the room. Aayan signed and fell flat on the bed as he stared at the ceiling.

Well, I guess my plans have changed.

Aayan lazily got out of the bed and dragged himself into the bathroom to freshen up. He walked out the bedroom dressed in a t-shirt, Jeans and blazer, to see Ruhee having breakfast while watching Television. She looked at Aayan and smiled knowing that they were going sightseeing. Aayan sat next to her adjusting his hand cuffs and said, 'Since I have already been here, I'll be your tour guide. So, were do you wanna go, Madam?' Aayan asked her as he took his plate of food. Ruhee leaned over and kissed his cheek as she said, 'Everywhere.' Aayan nodded his head as he had his breakfast.

They were in Mauritius for a week and they had already spent one day in their room so that leaves them six days to sightseeing.

Day 1

Aayan and Ruhee were all geared up to go scuba diving. Aayan stared at the instructor bored as he was giving them instructions but Ruhee was all happy like a small kid. Once the instructions were done, they entered the waters and experienced the beauty and the nature of the underwaters.

Day 2

Ruhee was staring at the breathtaking view of the seven layered sand in Chamerel village. Aayan has been here several times but this view was really breathtaking for even him to look bored. Aayan looked at his wife and smiled at her awestruck expression. Aayan moved a bit back and took a picture of Ruhee in his DSLR camera. Ruhee heard the click and turned to the direction and smiled and Aayan took a picture of that aswell. He came forward to show it too Ruhee and she approved.

Day 3

Ruhee was screaming and cheering at the top of her lungs as the horses raced across the field. While Aayan was sitting next to her one leg over the other trying to cover his ears from the immense amount of noise and vibrations. Coming to Champ De Mars Race course was a bad idea but Ruhee's puppy eyes got the best of him.

Day 4

They were currently in Port Louis, China Town and Ruhee was hopping around like a kid. Aayan made sure not to leave her hand all day as Ruhee could easily get lost in this crowded place. They visted cultural monuments and enjoyed Chinese food with a side of shopping.

Day 5

Ruhee and Aayan were seated in the jeep with some other tourists as they drove around the wildlife of Casela Park. Ruhee kept on patting Aayan's arm as she pointed out to any and every animal she spotted. Aayan smiled at the childish nature in his wife as he took pictures as per his wife's command.

Day 6

Ruhee dragged Aayan from one shop to another at Grand Baie as she had a big list of purchase and it consisted mainly things for others than herself. Ruhee had a particular seperate list and Aayan had a feeling that it was handed to her by Zainab as all she bought from that list, was not at all what Ruhee would buy.

In flight.

Ruhee was sad because they were going back home and their vacation was over, 'Cheer up, Ruhee. We can visit Mauritius again, whenever you like.' Aayan told her. Ruhee turned her sulking face to him and said, 'It's not that, but the feeling of the first time here, it would not be the same when we come here next time.' Aayan understood where she was coming from, 'I don't want to behave like you when we are here next time, although I am 200% sure that I won't have the bored expression like you. I will be super excited then aswell, but the feeling won't be the same.'

Aayan scowled at her words but Ruhee was right, Aayan was carrying a bored expression throughout their tour except in the suite room. Aayan was glad atleast he had his share of the honeymoon even though they spent most of the time sightseeing. The inter com vibrated as the captain announced their time to flight and to fasten their seat belts, 'I still don't get why you booked a bussiness class ticket even for returning back. I clearly showed you the pros of booking an economy class ticket.' Aayan heard Ruhee say as she fastened her belt. Aayan chuckled at his wife's words and fastened his belt. He looked out the window as they started to move forward and take off.

Well, My Honeymoon is over.
Time to go home.

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