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The sun and the moon follow us wherever we go, and when we see them, we smile at them, because they follow us and somewhat, it's funny. But when depression, stress and problems follow us, we frown. Why don't you smile at them? Then maybe, depression will become appreciation, stress will become less and problems, they won't even matter. All you have to do, is twist that frown upside down and smile.

Ruhee's heart had stopped, her body was working on it's own accord and her mind, it was a mess. Why? Because Aayan, was hugging her. Her fingers that were intervened in his soft hair, were slowly massaging his scalp. She let him be like that, because for some reason, she felt he needed it. Ruhee's attention on massaging suddenly wavered. She didn't believe what she heard but, the sound came again.

Is he crying?

Ruhee looked at Aayan and saw his shoulders slightly shaking. She got scared, because she had never seen or thought that Aayan would cry. She left his scalp and moved her hands to hold his face between her palms, as she sat down in front of him, seeing his face closer and clearer. She was right, he was crying. His entire face was a mess. He had his eyes casted down with his eye lashes wet and tears streaming down his face.

Oh My God!!

She wipes his tears with her thumbs as she held his face between her palms, 'Aayan.' she called to him, in a soft worried voice. She felt tears forming at the back of her eyes seeing him like this, 'Aayan, look at me.' she said. He shook his head, his eyes still looking down, 'Aayan, look at me, please.' she pleaded, and after sometime, he slowly lifted his eyes to look at her. Ruhee sucked in a deep breath as she stared into his eyes. She didn't see the strong, capable and stubborn Aayan in them, instead, she saw a tired and vulnerable Aayan.

A traitorous tear left Ruhee's eye as she stared into his pain filled eyes. She just stared into them, wanting to take away all his pain and sorrow, 'I want to let go off my pain aswell.' he said, in his pain filled voice. Ruhee nodded her head at him and swollowed her tears, 'I am right here.' she said, eager to take his pain away. Another cry left his mouth, as his face fell from in between Ruhee's hands into his own. He sobbed hard and all she could do, was sit and watch.

'I became a rebel.' he said, from in between his hands. He removed his head from in between his palms and looked at the ground, as he began to speak, 'I hit everyone who called me "illegal or illegitimate" I would punch them and fight with them, until someone would come and pull me away.' he said, and Ruhee saw anger in his red stained eyes, 'But, the bullying never stopped. Why? Because Mahir didn't let them.' he was breathing hard by now, 'Mahir would never come and say it on my face that he hated me and my existence, but he provoked the other kids to do it. Ammi knows nothing of this phase of my middle school life.' he finally lifted his head and looked at Ruhee, and the pain and grief in them, broke her heart.

'I remember only taunts and bullying through out my elimentary school life, other then studies. No one would be my friends because I was illegal.' the way he said "Illegal" with so much hate and detest, hurt her. 'I was young and small in elementary, but in middle school, I was strong and smart, I knew what they did and why they did, ruining my school life, but a person can only take it it till he can, so I went rogue in middle school, the trouble maker and bad boy.' the menacing look and pain in his eyes was scaring Ruhee, but she sat there and listened, not uttering a single word.

'Until I came to high school, I was spoilt. Ammi and Abbu only knew about the happy and jovial child at home, they had no clue that their son was becoming a monster in the world outside.' he looked at his hands and  continued, 'Zubair was with me in high school, and he would make sure I never fought or hurt anyone but Mahir, he couldn't see me out of trouble and safe, so I had it.' he suddenly looked up at Ruhee, staring right in her eyes. It was the look in his eyes that caused her to hold her breath,'I faced him, I asked him what his actual problem was with me? We stayed out of his and his mother's life, Abbu spent more time with them and yet, he was not happy, why? You know what he said?' he asked Ruhee, his eyes forming tears of anger and gritting his teeth,'He said, he hates when my eyes shine and my lips smile. He said he hates it, when I am happy.' and a tear slipped down his eye and Ruhee's.

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