Part 5

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When you were all settled down on your flight you opened up Instagram and saw That payton liked your Instagram post and commented so you decided to dm him on Instagram

                                             Hey where'd you find me  
just that I'd noticed you
                                                liked and commented on
                                                 my post that's all 🙃
oh sorry yeah
you popped up
on my FYP and
i thought you were
really cute 😉
                                                  Have you followed me
                                                  yet that's the question 🤔
Haha nope I like
to get to know the
Person before I
Follow them 😅😂

                                 My bitch 🥵
                                                         CODE BLUE CODE    
not another blue tick y/n
youve got to be kidding
                                                     Abs I wish I was and it 
                                                        S you know who
Nah y/n there's no way
The payton moormeier can
Be sliding in your dms
                                                    Uhhhh slight problem
                                                        I kinda slid into his    
                                                        and I guessed it  
                                                       would've still been in
                                                        his requests but  
                                                         clearly not
  Soo what did you say 🤔
                                                      I said hey I noticed
                                                      that you liked and
                                                      Commented on my   
                                                      Post anyway gtg sleep.   Byeeeee luv yas 💜
Y/n you can't just say that
And then leave

You decided that it would be best to get some sleep but to also swerve the conversation so you said that to Abby and then 4 hours later you were awoken by your mum whispering in you ear to wake up  "y/n wake up honey foods coming" " you ordered food without me" you said making a pouty face
Y/n: at least tell me you got me chicken and chips and a coke or Pepsi
Y/m: yes would I even know my daughter otherwise
Y/n: you know me so well
Y/m: of course your my daughter
Your food came and you finished it and then you and your mum decided to watch a movie on the plane you decided on your shared favourite 21 jumpstreet your mum likes anything with channing Tatum in it
The next few hours your flight was up and you got off the plane and you luggage you and your mum got in an Uber to your new house

                               *paytons pov*
I was in my room when I saw this moving van next door and a small car pull up this woman and girl got out and then the Uber left abruptly
J- payton, faith come on we're going to meet the new neighbours
F-ooh ok I hear it's a girl your age Pay maybe she's girlfrennn material
P- shut up Faith I've already got one in mind
We got out of our house and I thought no it couldn't be THE Yn I was talking to hours earlier was here in charlotte bc moving across the street from me
A/n and that's it for now folks until next time haha 😂

It all started with a fight Where stories live. Discover now