Part 14

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You and Jackson came storming down the stairs and went straight to Payton and hugged him
Y-sorry we didn't realise we upset you
Y-hey why don't we all film a tiktok and then you guys can film one separately
J-that's a good idea y/n could film our one for us
J-alright I'm gonna go it was nice to meet you y/n
Y-yeah you too see you soon
You gave him a hug before he left and then shut the door as he left
P-so now it's just you and me
Y-yeah it is
P-look listen I can't wait 3 more weeks I love you so much
Y-you know what fuck it I love you too
P-so y/n m/n foley will you be my girlfriend
Y-yeah go on then
P-soo come here then girlfriend
Y-ok boyfriend
You said coming to lay down next to him to give him a cuddle
Y-next week I'm going to la with my nannie and jaden to meet sway boys and to see my dad and other family wanna come
P-why not eh
You got up and looked out the window to see Steve's car
Y-ooh looks like my nannies home come on
You said grabbing Payton's hand
P-k I'm coming babe hang on
He slipped some sliders on and he picked you up bridal style and ran across the road with you in his arms when you reached the door he set you down on your feet You knocked on the door to be greeted by a jaden You pushed him out of the way while holding Payton's hand running to the living room letting go of Payton's hand saying
Y-wait here
You walked into the living room and stood in front of the tv
Y-nannie b I have something to tell you
She said while muting the tv
Y-well um why doesn't jaden come in here aswell you both need to hear this
Jaden came in and plopped on the couch next to nannie b
Y-ok well you know how I've been talking to payton and I had that 3 week thing with him
Y-well that kind of went out the window
You said walking to the door and grabbing Payton's hand and pulling him in
Y-meet my boyfriend Payton
NB-so this is the famous Payton then
NB-payton I must warn you if you break my little grandbabies heart I will beat you black and blue with my handbag
J-yep she will she knocked Claire out with it earlier because she complained about y/n not coming to the wedding venue
NB-oh I'm very protective over y/n sometimes Claire doesn't know when it's time to let y/n grow up
Y-well nannie I must be going to grab some stuff from upstairs and take it over to Payton's don't want to be here when mum comes in
NB-or when Brandon's here he's flying out to look after your mum
Y-really? Thought he didn't care anyway come on pay let's go grab my shit
There was a pause
P-your just gonna let her get away with swearing
NB-as long as she doesn't say the c word I'm fine
P-your one weird grandma
NB-actually it's a nannie
Y-what can I say she likes to think of herself more like a friend than a parent or a grandparent she doesn't snitch she'll tell me off of course but she never snitches the worst punishment she'll do is lightly smack your hand
P-aww I think I'm gonna like youuuu...
He was looking for her name
Y-just call her nannie b Anyways we haven't got long before my mum and Steve come home Come on let's go pack
P-bye nannie b
NB-bye honey
Y-bye nannie
NB-shall I see you Tommorow
Y-yeah if you need me I'll either be across the road or at abbys tommorow
NB-ok bye sweetheart
You and Payton walked upstairs

P-your nannie actually seemed nice I thought she was gonna be one of those horrible grandmas you know
Y-yeah that's what's my dads mum is like she's one of those horrible grandmas
Y-your gonna love my dad though your gonna love hettie and Jake and Finn you might even like Jess
P-who are all these people
Y-well my dads obvious hetties my dads wife Jake and Finn are her kids there twins met them when they were 4 now there 11 and Jess is my older half sister
P-who's Brandon
Y-Brandon's my full older brother I don't talk to him anymore after what he did to me last year but my mum still does I'm gonna pack for three days I can come back and get more stuff when I need to I'm not staying here while Brandon's here I can't
P-your not gonna be staying with me the whole time are you
Y-oh no your Gonna get tired of me after 3 days I reckon we'll get into a little bicker and from there we will start having arguements so I'll switch between yours and abbys houses if that's fine with you and if Brandon's still here after a month I'm gonna get my nannie to move out here or my dad hettie and the boys so I can live with them you never know with Brandon when he stays for a month it'll most likely turn into a year if he leaves after a week then he's gone for a year but you never know he comes and goes
P-I'm so sorry and I don't think I'll get tired of you I think you'll get tired of me that'll most likely be the case
Y-you reckon do you moormeier we will just wait and see
961 words
I bet you didn't see that coming did ya?
How long does Brandon want to stay for does he apologise to y/n?
Find out next time on it all started with a fight
Luv ya xoxo
-E 💜🌷

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