Part 13

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Payton paid for it then you left the shop and you said
Y-ooh take a photo for Instagram on the escalator
P-good idea
                              Incoming call
                                     Dad 🧡
Accept           Decline
(On the phone)
Y-hey dad whats up
D-are you still living in Britain
Y-no dad I'm living in America now I moved here yesterday
Y-that explains why I didn't call you listen I've got to go but I'm coming up next week to visit some friends in la and I was hoping Nannie and  I could come see you hettie and the boys I've still got to call Jess but it would be nice to know before I turn up
D-yeah I should be in it'll be nice to see you and your nan after a year Bye kiddo love you
Y-yeah bye love you too

You hung up and walked over to where payton was
P-hey y/n who was that on the phone
Y-it was my dad him and I are much closer than my mum and I
P-oh cool I told my friend Jackson he could meet us at chick fil a in the food court do you wanna go
Y-yeah sure it seems fun to meet some of your friends you can meet Abby later aswell
You guys walked Over to the food court where Parker was standing outside Chick fil a

They walked over to eachother and bro hugged
P-Jackson this is my friend y/n
He went for a hand shake you pushed it away and opened your arms and you guys hugged
Y-I'm the hugging type of person just like my nannie
P-you sure do talk about her a lot
Y-yep what can I say she's the nannie that everyone loves she's single independent and loves hugs she's the nice kind not the kind that sits on their arse all day horrible to everyone around them eats cabbage soup thats my dads mum but my mums mom is the opposite of that everyone literally loves her when you want to be mad at her you can't because of how lovely she is
J-she sounds lovely
Y-she is
P-shall we get some food then Instead if standing here talking about grandmas or nannies or whatever y/n calls them
You and Jackson just laughed
Y-yeah sure I'm actually starving
You ordered a chicken sandwich with some waffle fries and a coke Payton and Jackson ordered whatever And then payton went to the toilet
J-so what's going on with you and payton then
Y-he took me on a date and asked me to be his girlfriend
J-and you said
Y-no I'm not gonna be his girlfriend the day he asks me out am I
J-a bunch of girls would kill for that to happen to them
Y-yeah well I'm not a bunch of girls am I I gave him 3 weeks for him to fall in love with me to make sure that he really truly wants me and I'm not just another girl to get in his bed because I've seen his image online and let me tell you it looks like he only wants to get girls to take to bed and then leave them the next day
J-yeah well I know him and he's not like that though
Y-exactly but I need to make sure of it myself just to reassure myself
J-ok but I'm telling you he's not like that
Then Payton came back and slid into the booth
P-what you talking about
J-oh you know just stuff
P-y/n my instagrams very dry could you take a picture of me for it


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Liked by: dylanhartman,Parkerbock,itsynfoley,itsnannieb and 12,000 others

A very cute girl took this 📸: @itsynfoley
@ynfoleyxpaytonmoormeier: they better get together or i'm suing
@hater:who would wanna be with y/n she's ugly 🤢🤮
^@itsynfoley:I hope you see the good in me one day because I see the good in you 😔💔
@paytonmoormeier:@hater actually y/n is actually very very pretty so stfu
@jadenhossler: you get it son but just know if you break my step sisters heart I'm putting you up for adoption
@paytonmoormeier: fine by me
@itsnannieb: sooo @itsynfoley this is the guy you were talking about
^@itsynfoley: omg nannie you can't say that 🤦‍♀️ sometimes I wonder
^@paytonmoormeier: lmfao love how your nannie found me
^@itsynfoley:stfu Payton go away

You guys finished eating and went to your cars
J-I have an idea do you wanna film some tiktoks
J-I have some props
J-I only have one though
Y-I might not be in this one
J-that's fine why don't you hand us the powder cannons at the end

@jacksonfelt: i couldn't pop mine at the end @itsynfoley @payton
@fan:I love how payton and y/n can pop theirs so easily but Jackson fails
@payton:Jackson's not strong guys pray for him when he gets in a fight
^@itsynfoley:haha pay you just managed to do it so they better pray for you
@paytonandjackson:omg y/n just exposed Payton

You got home
J-y/n come make a titkok with me

@jacksonfelt: I guess bathroom tiktoks are the new thing @itsynfoley
@jacksonfeltt:omg ship
@user:no no no no that gurl better stay 10ft away from you
^@itsynfoley:chill we're just bestfriend
@payton:when your bestfriends leave you to do a TikTok 😗✌️
^@itsynfoley: sorry 😕 he pratically dragged me

You and Jackson came storming down the stairs and went straight to Payton and hugged him
Y-sorry we didn't realise we upset you
Y-hey why don't we all film a tiktok and then you guys can film one separately
J-that's a good idea y/n could film our one for us
You filmed this one all together

Itsynfoley:the trio @payton @jacksonfelt

@flighthouse:can any of  you guys come down to la to get some footage
^@itsynfoley:i definitely can I don't know about the others
^@flighthouse: please dm is when you get the chance
@ynfoleyyy:omg the phone fall at the end 😂🤣
^@itsynfoley:i think it's the perfect way to finish off a TikTok lmfao 😂🤣💀

You filmed this TikTok for Payton's page

@payton:what's your wish? Thanks @itsynfoley for filming this 🌷
@paytonxyn:to meet you and y/n
@ynfoleyyy:who else reckons his wish is to get with y/n
*liked by creator*
^@ynfoleyxpaytonmoormeier:OMG he liked it must be true then

You filmed this for Jackson's page

@jacksonfelt: day wif my bestiesss @itsynfoley @payton
*Comments turned off*
1125 words
I think this must be the longest chapter I've written anyway
I might keep spamming it depends anyway
Do we think Jackson's gonna flirt with y/n 🤔
-E 💜🌷

It all started with a fight Where stories live. Discover now