Part 18

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Y-they probably have a reason they don't see the good In me but I see the good in them and hopefully one day they'll see that in me
P-worst part is they were a fan of me
Y-there's your reason they want you they hate the fact that your in a relationship with me so there you go anyway I'm tired can we go to sleep
P-yeah I'll be up in a minute im just gonna clean this up
Y-okay love you
P-yep love you too
The next morning you woke up at 8 am to your alarm going off
P-ughhhhh why do we have to get up
Y-because were going to la to meet my dad and sway so please come on get up our flights at 10
P-but I don't want to get up
Y-fine you can stay here and sleep while I go in the shower and get ready
P-Ok fair enough
You got a shower and did natural make up
And wore this

RecapY-they probably have a reason they don't see the good In me but I see the good in them and hopefully one day they'll see that in me P-worst part is they were a fan of me Y-there's your reason they want you they hate the fact that your in a re...

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(Minus the shoes) Y-come on pay we're gonna be late at this rateP-I'm done now I've ordered an Uber should be here any minute now Y-ok A few minutes later your Uber arrived you got in and filmed this TikTok

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(Minus the shoes)
Y-come on pay we're gonna be late at this rate
P-I'm done now I've ordered an Uber should be here any minute now
A few minutes later your Uber arrived you got in and filmed this TikTok

Caption:Uber tiktoks hit different @payton
*Comments turned off*
You arrived at the airport and you found out your flight was gonna be delayed by 2 hours
P-sooo we've got two hours to kill what do you wanna do
Y-eat shop and make tiktoks
P-ok let's go eat first where do you wanna go
Y-waffle house I didn't eat any breakfast this morning
P-ok let's go then
You went to Waffle House and had a chocolate chip waffle and payton had a peanut butter one and you both had cokes an hour had passed by the time you finished
P-next on the list is shopping where do you wanna go
Y-brandy Melville
P-to Brandy Melville do you want me to pay bubs
Y-no thanks I don't need spoiling I grew up to learn that you have to earn money which I do by being an influencer
P-but I want my baby to be spoiled she deserves the world
Y-ok if you insist
30 minutes had passed and he brought you a few croptops some leggings and a jumper
P-last on the list tiktoks
Y-ooh yay
You filmed this TikTok and posted it on Payton's page

Caption-when the airports empty and your flights 2hours late make tiktoks @itsynfoley ✈️
@user4905: where do you think they're going
^@user0234:idk but at least they're together
@foleyfammm:I hope she's seeing her dad she hasn't seen him since last year
^@itsjamesfoley:I think we all secretly hope so
@jessfoley:you two are so cute
^@itsynfoley:thanks sis ly

You boarded your plane and after around 4 hours you had landed jaden was gonna meet you at the airport and take you and payton to sway spend a few day's there and then go to your dads and spend the rest of your time there
You ran up to eachother and hugged
They bro hugged
J-come on the guys are waiting they're super excited to meet you
Y-I'm excited to meet them I've seen them all over tiktok
J-I bet you have also mads ness Addison and Olivia are gonna be there
Y-omg I've always wanted to be friends with them

You arrived at sway And opened the door to see people making tiktoks people sitting playing video games people sitting on the couch
Y-well this is gonna be a mad house
P-yep but at least there gonna be mad like us
You laugh
J-guys what type of hosts are we
Everyone ran over and introduced theme selves
Jo-hi I'm josh and this is my ex nessa we're still friends so it's not awkward or anything
N-hi um josh pretty much explained it all
Q-hi I'm Quinton and this is griffin our girlfriends aren't here at the minute
Then after that the rest of the group ran over
K-hi I'm kio that's Olivia my girlfriend that's mads you already know jaden of course And that's Bryce and Addison
K-Bryce and Addison and jaden and mads are in a couple they just don't like to admit it
Y-oh cool nice to know
Y-nice to meet you I'm y/N jadens my stepbrother and Payton's my boyfriend so if any of you boys try making a move on me I'm off to my dads
J- do you want me to show you and payton to your room
Y-pay do you wanna?
Jaden led you up to a small room big enough for a double bed to fit in with a wardrobe and some drawers
J-here you go I'll be downstairs if you need anything
Y-cool soooo pay what do you think of it here
P-I wish we were back home in nc just you me faith and my mom we were happy baby why you know I hate big crowds
Y-I know just a few day's here a few days at my dads and then were back back to our little circle please just try this for me
You made a pouty face which you knew payton couldn't resist the urge to kiss you
P-ugh why. why do you do this to me
Y-cos I do I know you find it cute
P-very very true
You guys kiss
Y-soo are you willing to stay here and fight the urge not to go back to nc huh
P-fine if it means I get to stay here with you
Y-now that's the attitude I like to hear come on I'm getting hungry This can wait till tonight
You guys head downstairs
P-guys y/n s hungry and when she's hungry she's angry and when she's angry I don't get to sleep with
Y/n she refuses so please cure y/n of her hunger
N-your cute together it's sweet how you care for her anyway we need to cure y/n of her hunger what does she want to eat Thai Indian McDonald's chick fil a Wendy's in n out what does y/n fancy
Y-well i had McDonald's last night chick fil a is pretty much the same as McDonald's same with Wendy's I don't like Thai or Indian
M-in n out it is then
Y-guess so
1040 words
Sooo I've been trying to write but watch tvd at the same time which is proving a hard task so updates may be a little slow so please forgive me but Anyway gonna luv ya and leave yas

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