Part 12

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Y-nannie that means boot
J-Abby your in the front with me y/n and nannie b your In the back
A-awww I have to sit next to a boy
You and nannie b get in the back and start talking
You talked a bit about Payton
Y-nannie he really is amazing I've given him a test tho
NB-I've taught you well
Y-I gave him 3 weeks to fall in love with me
NB-aww the classic 3 weeks to fall in love
J-how come you two are always so close
Y-growing up my mum was always at work or on business trips in America nannie was retired so she always looked after me she'd pick me up from school she'd feed me and everything
NB-and sometimes I would even take her to see her dad it wasn't right what Claire did to y/n and James was a good family friend so I let James see y/n Claire thought that he was irresponsible but he wasn't she was the one
Y-oh yes nannie I'm flying out in about a week to go meet some of Jadens friends but I'm also going out to see Jess hettie dad and the boys don't suppose you wanna come see Jess and dad
NB-darling I would love to what happened to Brandon by the way
Y-last year he left me home alone when mum was out finding her boyfriend to go out with his girlfriend but he paid me to keep my mouth shut but Mum ended up finding out anyway So I don't speak to him anymore grandad jack probably does though
NB-honey we don't speak of ex's here we only speak of family and current lovers
A-ewwwww nannie b
NB-what did I do
A-you phrased it in the weirdest way possible

Incoming call
The "charmer" 🤣
Accept Decline
(On the phone)
Y-hey pay what's up
P-umm nothing I'm bored
Y-um Ok could I call you back

You ended the phone call

Y-take me and abs home and tell your mum and Steve that we had buissness stuff to do
Y-abs you can walk home from mine right
Y-good ok

You rung payton back
(On the phone AGAIN!)
P-hey y/n what's up
Y-be ready in 30 minutes

Around 20 minutes later
Y-alright nannie you can meet payton later
NB-ok honey see you soon
Y-bye have fun
You and abby both got out as jaden and nannie b drove off
A-ok I'll see you later lemme know what you guys do and how it goes
Y-will do text me when you get home though don't wanna worry while I'm on a date
You walked across the road and knocked on Payton's door Joanne answered
Jo-y/n what a nice surprise
Y-hi is Payton in
Jo-yeah I believe so
She yelled Payton and he came down
Payton turned to his mum and said
P-alright mom we're going out see you later
Jo-alright you kids have fun
Y-will do
P-yep ok
He closed the door and headed to his car
P-where to
Y-the mall
P-ok your wish is my command
You just laughed
Y-your such a dork
P-correction I'm such a charmer
Y-whatever you say big guy whatever you say
He started blasting out campfire freestyle and you both sang along (song above)
Then you arrived at the mall and you dragged him to forever 21 you got a few bits like dresses and stuff (you can choose)
You exited the shop and met payton
Then you said
Y-I have a great idea
Y-I get to turn you into a vsco girl
P-ok I've got my camera
He pulls out his camera out of his backpack and starts filming
P-what's up YouTube so today I'm joined with my goodfriend y/n and she had the brilliant thought of turning me into a vsco girl
Y-okay so first we need to buy you an oversized t-shirt in forever 21 and a backpack I'll supply you with my hydroflask scrunchie a shell necklace and a Kanken backpack
P-why don't you just give me your oversized T-shirt's
Y-because my oversized T-shirt will just be a T-shirt on you
P-Goodpoint I am 6 inches taller than you Ok then back to forever 21 I guess
He turned off the camera and you guys walked back to forver 21 You walked to the men's section
And picked out this T-shirt

Around 20 minutes later Y-alright nannie you can meet payton later NB-ok honey see you soon Y-bye have fun You and abby both got out as jaden and nannie b drove off A-ok I'll see you later lemme know what you guys do and how it goes Y-will do text...

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Payton paid for it then you left the shop and you said
Y-ooh take a photo for Instagram on the escalator
P-good idea


                Liked by noeneubanks,paytonmoormeier,                     Abbyroberts and 12,000 othersI think shopping is way cooler than looking at wedding venues 📸:@paytonmoormeier Comments:@itsnannieb:it looks fun darling see you later @jaden...

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                Liked by noeneubanks,paytonmoormeier,
                    Abbyroberts and 12,000 others
I think shopping is way cooler than looking at wedding venues 📸:@paytonmoormeier
@itsnannieb:it looks fun darling see you later
@jadenhossler:it is
@jamesfoley:soo your mothers getting married
^@itsy/n:dad can we talk about this later
@brandonfoley:so you ditch mum to go shopping what a bitchy move y/n she's been crying on the phone to me about how you didn't show up
^@itsyn:she cant force me to go I'll go wedding dress shopping at a push but wedding venues no thanks you know what you've always been her favourite
@paytonmoormeier:taken by the best
^@itsy/n:of course boo
900 words
What are we thinking about y/n ditching wedding venues for payton 🤔
Luv ya
-E 💜🌷

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