Part 17

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Y-Brandon's girlfriend she was just a completely toxic person she said stay away from my boyfriend otherwise you'll get it and then when my mum went away last year to here to meet Steve she left me with Brandon and he even bailed on me every time he would pay me £50 to keep quiet I told my mum when she got back she didn't do anything about it I told my dad and boy did he have a right go at Brandon anyway enough about me what about your family
J-oh I don't really like to brag about our family
By this time payton and faith had calmed down and joined you
P-come on mum our family is booming mom owns her own gymnastics studio she dropped my dad and raised us all on her own and damn she did a good job at raising us look I became famous faiths getting big Instagram deals moms getting money in from the gymnastic studio and I well I have money of course but I also have a sexy beautiful hot cute everything you could wish for girlfriend she's better than Maddison beer Madison cline Nina dobrev she's y/n just y/n no added title
Y-aww he makes me feel so loved
F-yeah yeah get a room
P-faith shut up
Y-payton that's not way to talk to your sister naughty now come on we've got some packing to do
J-hey y/n honey
J-would you want me to phone your grandma to see if your mum and brother are there
Y-if you could that would be brilliant
J-of course I'll let you know I won't come up incase I barge in on something I'll just text you
Y-ok that's brilliant thank you
You walked upstairs to find Payton's camera set up doing a live so you walked over and said hello to the camera

Normal text= you and payton normal text code rules apply
Italic text=comment

Fan01905-how long have you two been together
Y&P-about a week but we've known eachother longer

User1680-who slid into who's dms
Y-I slid into his although he would've sort of slid into mine first
P-hey babe I have an idea we'll film a yt video on how we first met and how we got into our relationship
Y-OMG that's a great idea

User1765-kiss each other
You guys kiss
Y-are you happy now

User1290-payton what do you love about y/n
P-I love how she can light up a whole room with her smile how she's absolutely sexy gorgeous cute and her laugh is so contagious aswell I love how she's a really bubbly person and she has a great personality BOOM MIC DROP there's loads about her I could go on all day
Y-awww baby your so sweet

User2589-why are you two together all the time
P-errr well y/n has family stuff that she doesn't want to talk about I'm sure
Y-babe can we stop the questions and live now it's getting a little too intrusive plus I'm tired
P-hey guys y/n is tired so were gonna end the live here because she wants a nap plus we have to pack so we're gonna go we love you guys bye
Y-yep bye guys love you

P-well That was fun
Y-yep baby?
P-as long as you promise not to scream or say anything about Stefan
Y-I can't promise anything and you know that
P-ughhh your so cute

You turned on the television and watched a couple of episodes of tvd and you fell asleep payton turned it off as soon as you fell asleep because he knows that you hate not knowing what happened

A few hours later you woke up to payton trying his best to quietly pack
Y-baby you don't have to do that
P-it's ok babe  I want to do it you deserve some sleep and I'm not tired
Y-aww that's ok I'm not tired anymore
P-ok if you say so I'm not really sure what to do anymore and how to pack can you just do it
You laugh

You finished helping pack the bags and by the time you had finished it was 11pm and you hadn't eaten since breakfast so payton had nipped out to get McDonald's so you was waiting till he got back
A while later He came back with a mcdonalds
Y-what took you so long
P-It was so long and I lost my keys before I came out
Y-u do be dumb though
P-i do be loving you though
He came over and picked you up bridal style and took you to the breakfast bar
P-and here's your destination madam
Y-why Thank you kind sir
P-you are very welcome madam
Y-come on let's eat
P-chicken leg bis
He holds up a chicken nugget
Y-chicken leg bis
You hold up a chicken nugget
P-let's film it

(Ik your jackson just let it go)

Caption- chicken leg bis @itsynfoley🌷
@user19067 he brought back the tulip we moving places ladies
^@payton:y/n's always no 1 spot
User:these two R endgame
^@ynxpayton:finally someone said it
Numberonepaytonlover:omg @itsyn is soo oogly
^@payton: if you didn't already know y/n is absolutely sexy gorgeous cute and one of the most funny human beings in the world so move along please otherwise I'll be blocking you thank you
^@abbyartistry:ooh @payton go off

P-how can say that to someone as beautiful and sexy gorgeous and cute as you
Y-so I'm not the only one that's beautiful sexy gorgeous and cute then
P-baby it's you I'm talking about
Y-oh What did someone say
P-they said that you were so ugly
Y-they probably have a reason they don't see the good In me but I see the good in them and hopefully one day they'll see that in me
P-worst part is they were a fan of me
Y-there's your reason they want you they hate the fact that your in a relationship with me so there you go anyway I'm tired can we go to sleep
P-yeah I'll be up in a minute im just gonna clean this up
Y-okay love you
P-yep love you too
1016 words
i took a short break I don't do regular updates so it's gonna be random so I'm sorry if you've been waiting for another chapter

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