Part 11

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Y-it's fine she's so demanding but also our personality's are so alike they just clash but we love eachother so much and I've always been closer with my dad that's why I wanted to move out
J-hey listen my dad and I are here now so hopefully we can hold your mum back now
Y-yeah hopefully
Y-anyway are we nearly here yet
A-y/n can you see the planes landing
Y-yeah I can do you remember when we were kids your mum used to buy us a McDonald's and she would take us to that field at night and we would watch all the planes and then we would pass out in our car seats
A-omg yes I used to love those days when it was so simple you know just acting like we didn't have a care in the world you know what I mean
J-anyway girls enough talking about childhood and let's get Beverly
Y-you know you can call her grandma Beverly she loves being called that
J-I don't know y/n I don't have the greatest experience with grandma
J- i don't really wanna talk about it y/n
Y-ok I'm not gonna pressure you're but just know you'll probably end up telling me everybody else does
A-it's true one time I told her that I had a near death experience but I didn't wanna go into details next thing I know I was telling the whole story in details and she didn't even pressure me
J-so that's a hidden talent I guess
A-I guess
You walked into the doors of the airport when you heard a ping from your phone
Nannie b 💘
Hi honey my flights comes
In in 5 minutes and my
Flight no. Is 5308 from
Miami see you soon baby 🧡
                                                  K grandma I'll be here
                                                  Waiting with Abby and
                                                   Jaden are you soon ly 🧡
K bye 🧡
Y-guys my grandmas flight is number 5308 from Miami and it gets in in 5 minutes so we need to go because it's probably less than that now
J-which way do we need to go
A-to arrivals duh
Just when a member of staff came up to you and said
MOS-arrivals is that way and what's their flight number
Y-it's 5308
MOS-yep so down there and to your right. there should be a bit sectioned off for chauffeurs and pickups
Y-thank you
MOS-it's running about 2 minutes late so they should be here in 7 minutes
Y-thank you
You three walked off and found the bit for chauffeurs and pick ups and stood there in silence  for a good few minutes you saw people coming out the doors and soon enough you saw your nannie
She said scooping you both into a hug after running at her with a high speed after a few seconds of just you three in your hug swaying back and forth she let go and gave each of you separate hugs and then stood in the middle of you two and you all linked arms and walked in a line walking to jaden
Y-nannie this is jaden Steve's son
NB-Steve being
Y-the man mums marring
J-nice to meet you Beverly
He said holding his hand out for her to shake
NB-there's no need for you to call me Beverly or to shake my hand
She said breaking from the link
NB-please call me nannie b and give me a hug the girls do
A-you told him didn't you
Y-I did but he still didn't listen
You both just stood there laughing meanwhile
J-I don't think that's necessary and-
He got cut off by your nan slamming her body onto him bringing him into a hug
You girls just stood there laughing while he just mouthed help You both shook your head a few seconds later she let go and jaden said
J-here let me take those for you nannie b
NB-don't be silly I'm healthy and independent enough to carry my own bags
Y-yeah jaden
J-oi stop ganging up on me
A-shush Nannie b is superior she does what she wants and let's y/n and I do what she wants one time she let us get a tattoo
J-da fuc
Y-chill just a small one it ain't that bad come on nannie b and abs hold up your hands
You all hold up your right hands and on the middle finger is a small dot
Y-my mum got one aswell but she got it removed like a year ago because one of her ex boyfriends dissaproved he almost made me get mine removed but I said no because he wasn't my dad no man is ever going to be my father
J-let's get going shall we Nannie b you can put your suitcase in the trunk
She just gave him a weird look
Y-nannie that means boot
J-Abby your in the front with me y/n and nannie b your In the back
A-awww I have to sit next to a boy
You and nannie b get in the back and start talking
846 words
I actually like the character of nannie b she seems like a fun nan
Anyway signing off now
-E 💜🌷

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