Part 20

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Y-that was
He finished the sentence for you
He got out of bed and chucked you a shirt and some shorts you put them on and he put some sweatpants on and got back into bed
After that you both went to sleep
You woke up at around 8 and saw payton was still asleep so you played with his hair and around 30 minutes later he woke up
P-morning babe
Y-morning baby I'm hungry are you
P-a bit how long have you been up
Y-around half an hour
P-cool do you breakfast
P-do you want postmates
Y-yeah ooh can we get yum yum donuts
P-yeah if you want
Y-get a dozen that way we can have 6 each
He ordered the postmates you went to go get it and you saw that no one was up yet and you went back upstairs
Y-babe no ones up yet we can go downstairs and eat if you want
P-yeah if you want
Y-come on then
You both went downstairs and as you were both about 3 donuts in bryce  came down
B-ooh donuts
he reached his hand out and you slapped it
Y-bitch these are mine and my boyfriends go get your own
B-mother fucker
P-don't touch my girlfriends food otherwise she'll moan at me to beat you and I do not like a moaning y/n
Y-mmm very true he does not like it when I moan
After around ten minutes you finished your donuts
Y-ok I'm finished I'm gonna go get showered love you see you
You gave payton a kiss on his cheek
P-bye baby love you Too
You got showered and put on some leggings and a t-shirt did your makeup and went downstairs
Y-hey guys your all up now
Nessa broke her conversation with mads to talk to you
N-yep but how can you be ready this early
Y-well I'm used to it payton likes to wake up around 8:30 and he doesn't like being on his own so he wakes me up Which explains why I'm up so early
N-I would love to wake up at 8:30 it would give me more time haha
Nessa continued talking to mads and so you walked off into the kitchen to find Addison dressed and ready cutting watermelon talking to Bryce and payton
Y-hey addi  bryce pay  ooh I want some watermelon
P-babe you literally had 6 donuts
Y-yeah and fruit balances out the Nasty stuff in donuts and showering makes you hungry
P-sometimes I wonder about you
Y-yeah and sometimes I wonder about you
You said taking a chunk of watermelon and putting it in your mouth and walking off But then quickly turning around to give payton a kiss and walking off
Addison following you
A-hey I'm ready your ready so do you want to go now I don't think it will be that busy at
She said wandering the t getting out her phone and looking at the time
Y-yeah let's go I haven't got my driver's license yet And I know you have so would you be ok in driving
A-yeah of course
B-hey I don't mind you driving you guys
A-that would be brilliant thank you
Y-yeah that would be amazing thanks Bryce
B-sure no worries
Addi filmed this TikTok while you were in the car

Addisonre-guess where were going @itsynfoley
@tiktokgorlzfan:hmm idk airport?
^@user:y/n wouldn't leave payton behind like that
@itsjessfoley:to come see us?
^@itsjamesfoley:maybe id love that
^@thefoleyfamfan:omg @itsynfoley go and see your fam they miss you
^@itsynfoley:coming soon to a theatre near you

After replying to some more comments in the car you had finally arrived
B-I'll pick you guys up later see you soon
Y-bye see you soon oh and please try and include pay in things please he won't do it himself
B-I will don't worry bye Addi love you see you soon
A-bye love you see you soon

You went into the mall
A-what first nails food shoes purses wallets lingerie
Y-ooh nails
You got pink nails with glitter and Addison got yellow nails with plaid

It all started with a fight Where stories live. Discover now