Part 22

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Y-do I like?
You questioned leaving a pause making Addison frown
Y-addi I love
A-wait really
Y-omg yeah addi that's gonna look great on you
A-ahhh omg
Y-let's get changed otherwise we're gonna be here till Christmas
You curled your hair and did glam makeup on your face so did Addison then you went downstairs
A-so where exactly are we going
P-weeee are going for a nice meal
Y-ooh that sounds exciting
P-babe Addison and bryce aren't coming with us Bryce is taking Addison somewhere else
Y-ooh ok
You could see that Addison was worrying so you went over and whispered in her ear
Y-it's ok just text me and keep me updated
She whispered back
P-ready to go babe
He lead you to a car
Y-what's this your cars back in nc babe
P-it's josh's he let me borrow it for the night
Y-but what about-
P-I made sure I was insured on his car before I left ok?
Y-ok have you got your
P-liscence? Yes am I that dumb
He walked round to the passenger side and opened the door for you
Y-awww baby
P-this is how you should treat a woman men
Y-babe no one can hear you
P-you sure about that
He said pointing at the window
You could see heads dip down at the window
You shouted as you got in the car and payton shut the door and walked round the other side and got in
As he started the car your phone went off
Dad 🧡
Hey honey if you were gonna go
To the house in America no ones in
We've gone back to England we sold
The house here you know how I
Can't stand being in the same country
As your mum so we've gone back home
Back to the old house here you can come
Visit with your bf if you'd like I can book
You a flight out here Let me Hettie or Jess know
That would be great thanks xx
                                              Hey dad thanks for letting
                                               Me know I'll have to talk to
                                                Payton about it but I'll
                                                Definetly have to come
                                                Over soon how about next
                                                 Week for 2 weeks I'll talk
                                                 To payton about flights
                                                 And all that I'm busy
                                                 Out in a date right now
                                                 Though speak soon xx
Of course honey just let me
Know though xx

P-who you texting babe
Y-my dad he's had to move back to England because he can't stand being in the same country as my mum and he was wondering if we wanted to go visit them how would you feel about that he's offered to pay for flights
P-how long for
Y-two weeks
Y-Next week would you want to do that
P-yeah course if love to meet your sister your brothers your dad and your step mum
Y-I'm gonna show you around England
P-of course you are id love that
Y-ok I'll text my dad later do you want to pay for flights or shall I get my dad to do it
P-I reckon we should do it
P- babe we're here
P-stay there I'll come to get you out
Y-ooh ok
He came round and opened the door holding his hand out for you to take you took it
Y-thank you
P-no need you need to be treated by a gentlemen
You walked in the door to the steakhouse
Waiter 1=w1
W1-good evening sir can I help you
P-yes table for 2 under moormeier
W1-of course right this way
He led you to a secluded table with a really nice view of the sea
W1-like you said on the phone sir best table in the house luckily it wasn't booked
P-thank you
W1-menus for each of you
As he was walking away he winked at you you winced because of how uncomfortable it made you
P-babe your not gonna say anything
Y-I don't want to be kicked out of this place just because one guy winked at me
P-babe you won't most likely he'll get fired if you don't do it I'll do it
Y-you do it I'm not doing it
You would've you just wanted to see how jealous payton would get
P-alright then
He gets up and goes over to the bar
*paytons POV*
I went over to the bar
P-excuse me
Waiter 2=w2
W2-yes sir can I help you
P-can I speak to your manager please
W2-of course I'll get him to come to your table if you give me your table number
P-of course it's 19
*back to your POV*
Payton walked back over
Y-what happened did you speak to the manager
P-no he's gonna come over
P-babe I want you to hear this
A woman came over
Wo-can I help you guys
Y-and you are?
M-Lucy the manager
P-right yes I don't like the waiter that served me and my girlfriend
M-right and that was
W1-that would be me
She turned the waiter
M-zayn what have I told you about disappointing the customers
She turned to payton
M-I am so sorry whatever did he do
P-he flirted with my girlfriend
Z-a bit of flirting can't hurt now can't it
P-ummm yes it can especially when you make my baby uncomfortable and she rarely ever gets uncomfortable
Zayn turned to you
Z-is this true
Z-I'm so sorry
Y-it's fine by me but I'm not really the one you should be apologising too
Zayn turned to payton
P-I am not as forgiving as my girlfriend you shouldn't of done it first you could clearly see that i was in a couple with my beautiful girlfriend
He stood up
P-come on babe were going
He held his hand out You stood up and took it You both ran out laughing
Y-omg your soo stubborn
P-what do you say grab a Chick fil a go to the woods lay on the hood of the car and watch the stars
Y-yeah go on then
1053 words
Thank you for sticking around while my slow a$$ takes forever to reply
Love ya

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