Part 9

753 18 4

A/n: i wasn't up for writing so i took a break but I've come back now
You got inside and you just flopped on the couch and fell asleep there because you were so tired and couldn't be bothered to go upstairs and your mum woke you up
M-y/n what are you doing sleeping on the couch
Y-I fell asleep because I got home so late last night what time is it
M-around 8 grandmas flight will be here in 2 hours and what time did you get in last night
Y-I went to get food at around 11:30 didn't get there until midnight then when we were finished eating at around 00:30 and then didn't get outside till around 1 and then didn't get in until 1:30 and fell asleep around 1:40
M-what were you doing outside at 1 in the morning
Y-maybe filming tiktoks
Y-sorry can't I sleep until nannies flight gets in
Y/m-no you me Steve and Jaden have to go look at venues
Y-who's jaden
J-me Steve's son
S-hi y/n I've heard a lot about you
Y-I've not heard a lot about you but anyway shall we go
M-yeah were gonna go look at two pick up nannie then we're gonna look at two more then I'm going to drop you four home and then I'm going to my interview for work
Y-mom just a quick question
M-what y/n
Y-so I was speaking to payton yesterday
Y-he said that he's not finished school so do I have to go back to school
M-ahh thats what I needed to check
S-she can just drop out can't she she's already finished school
M-eh I suppose
Y-thanks mom
M-oh don't worry about it honey we haven't got all day let's go
Just then you got a notification on your phone it was a text from payton
                                The "charmer" 🤣
What you doin later
Going to wedding
Venues then picking
Up my Nannie y?
Bc if it's gonna take
3 weeks for you to fall
In love with me I'm
Gonna have to take you
On a lot of dates aren't I
                                                      I guess so I'm free
                                                      Around 8 if you are
Sounds good so it's a
Date then!
                                                     I guess so see you soon

So the "charmer" wants to take me on a date great 
M-y/n come on were going to be late otherwise
J-your mum and Steve got it wrong we're going to pick up my grandma which is about an hours drive then we're going to pick up your grandma AND THEN we're going to look at wedding venues
Y-oh ok
J- can I get your number seen as you know we're going to be you know brother and sister
Y-well uh ya see I haven't gotten an American phone number yet because I just moved and I can only text on I message so you'll have to wait to get my number but If you give me your number then I can text you from there
J-sure it's 0302-4960-7890
Y-perfect I'll text you when I get an American number
You and jaden were just talking back and forth  and got to know each other more after all you were going to be brother and sister in a few weeks after about 20 minutes of talking to each other more like you rambling on at him  jaden fell asleep then you got a text from abby
                                 My bitch 🥵
Hey bitch what you up to
                                               Going to Steve's mums
                                                Then going to the airport
                                                Picking up grandma
                                                Then going to wedding
                                                Venues then going on a
                                                Date with Payton at 8
                                                 y u asking
What state does Steve's mum
Live in?
                                                   She still lives in north
                                                   Carolina  just about an
                                                  Hour from where we live
                                                  Why you asking?
Cos I kinda going to
live in la now 😬😳
                                                    I thought we agreed to
                                                     Be in driving distance
                                                      Of eachother so that
                                                      If we need eachother
                                                       We would always be
                                                        There turns out your
                                                         Just another person
                                                        In my life who I can't
                                                         Trust anymore
                                                          Goodbye Abby
                                                          Please note your
                                                          Number will now be
                                                          Blocked 🙄 
Did you know about this ?
About what 🤷‍♂️?
Don't play dumb with me
Noen you know exactly
What I'm on about you
Prick 🖕
Y/n honestly I don't
So your telling me that you                                            Don't know that
She's moving to LA 🙄
No honestly I didn't but
Now I do
Oh um well you didn't find
Out from me ok ?
Of course could never do
That to you I'll act surprised
When she tells me

You felt that you were crying and quickly wiped away your tears before anyone could see but you were too late because jaden saw
J-y/n are you ok
Y-no not really
You two we're talking quietly because you didn't want to worry your parents with your troubles
J-why what's wrong
Y-so basically me and my best friend were supposed move out to North Carolina to be closer to me and her boyfriend but she just text me when you fell asleep to say that she was moving out to la and now the only people I have here are you payton and her boyfriend noen
J-ahhh my son
Y-I'm sorry what
J-oh it's an inside joke we have I do music and so does he and I call him my son and he calls me dad
Y-oh I see and you see payton has a teensie crush on me well not a small one as such a massive one
J-how big?
Y-let's just say so big that he asked me to be his girlfriend the same night I met him but I told him to give me 3 weeks to get me to fall in love with him
He whisper/shouted
Y-yep and he agreed to it and said he wasn't backing down so far he hasn't he's taking me on a date tonight at 8 so that should be fun
A/n what did you all think when Abby did that to y/n
1043 words my thumbs hurt so much
That's all for now until next time on it all started with a fight
E 💜🌷

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