Part 21

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B-did you have fun on your little girly date
He said raising a pitch To make  his voice to sound more girly at the end
Y-OMG Bryce maybe you should come on the next one
You all laugh
A-come on now I'm getting hungry and I want to eat this at home
You arrived at home you went upstairs and threw your shopping bags on the bed then you went to the dining table and started eating your salad a few minutes later payton came in and gave you a kiss on the cheek
P-hey babe how's your day been
Y-good yours
P-good a bunch of us have been playing video games doing tiktoks pretty much chilling
P-what are you eating
Y-so it's almost summer and I'm thinking of trying addis diet out plus I want the summer bod I'm gonna cut out treats and everything only healthy food from now on ok so no eating our usual stuff infront of me
P-but that means no snacking at night
Y-yeah And we've already said no late night snacking
P-ok anything for you baby
A-I just love how you two don't start shouting  and screaming at eachother and start a normal conversation with eachother and end up agreeing on things
P-heh I guess you could say we're the perfect couple but of course there is no perfect
Y-I guess
Payton walked out
A few minutes later You finished your salad threw your box in the bin and walked into the living room and sat on Payton's lap
Y-baby do you wanna come upstairs and see what I brought
P-of course
He picked you up bridal style you squealed in shock
Y-ahh payton
P-what I wanted to do this
He carried you upstairs and you showed him the bag and purse you got
P-very pretty it's giving me 90s vibe
Y-I know right I love the 90s
P-what else did you get
Y-ok I'll show you but you have to close your eyes and open them when I tell you too
He put his hands over his eyes you pulled out the lingere set and put it on
Y-you can open your eyes now
He lifts his hands off of his eyes he just sits there Jaw dropped
Y-you like
P-I like? I love baby you look stunning sexy hot all the words I can describe you Save that for date nights
Y-oh dont worry I'm planning too I love you
P-I love you to I'm gonna go downstairs so I'm not tempted
He walks out the door and you get changed and head back downstairs and sit on Payton's lap
A-aww you guys look so cute together
Y-thank you
Payton whispers in your ear
P-are you still wearing that set from earlier
P-do you wanna go on a date
Y-sure do you wanna make it a double date
Then Addison comes in
Y-hey addi do you wanna come on a date with Payton and me you can bring Bryce too like Make it a double date if you know what I mean
A-omg yes that would be so cool
Y-ok do you wanna get changed then
A-omg yes come upstairs I keep half my clothes here
You both go upstairs and she pulls you into her room
Y-woah addi maybe pull a bit lighter
A- I think bryce wants to break up with me
She starts tearing up
Y-what do you mean
A-I mean he just doesn't seem as attracted to me anymore
she says trying to choke tears back
Y-hey hey hey stop thinking negatively and think positively alright hunny
She wipes under her eyes and takes a deep breath
She opens her wardrobe And pulls you over
A-which dress do you want to wear
Y-woah addi thats a lot there
A-I do a lot of photo shoots and I get to go home in them enough of the chitchat which one do you want to wear
Y-umm actually do you have any jumpsuits
A-umm yeah I think so I only have like 3 though
She comes out with this

RecapB-did you have fun on your little girly date He said raising a pitch To make  his voice to sound more girly at the end Y-OMG Bryce maybe you should come on the next one You all laugh A-come on now I'm getting hungry and I want to eat this at ...

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A-this alright
Y-addi this is perfect now what about you
A-I've already got my outfit sorted
She went to the wardrobe and flicked through the hangers
On the hanger there was a red piece of fabric she pulled it off in one swift motion and started to unfold it and held it up
A-you like

Y-do I like? You questioned leaving a pause making Addison frown Y-addi I love A-wait really Y-omg yeah addi that's gonna look great on you A-ahhh omg Y-let's get changed otherwise we're gonna be here till Christmas ——————————————————————————790 w...

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Y-do I like?
You questioned leaving a pause making Addison frown
Y-addi I love
A-wait really
Y-omg yeah addi that's gonna look great on you
A-ahhh omg
Y-let's get changed otherwise we're gonna be here till Christmas
790 words
So I went away and totally forgot about you guys I lost all motivation to continue this book so I went to go to stop it today and I came back and I got 1k reads I'm literally speechless thank you honestly
If you have any questions about me this book or anything in general  message me and I'll answer them in their own chapter (all questions will be kept anonymous unless you want your name announced)as a 1k special anyways bye luvs

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