Part 16

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twist things James was the good person and Claire was the bad one just like Brandon took after Claire and was always on her side and y/n took after James and was always on his side
You and payton both had calmed down now and you had returned to Payton's room and you were both cuddling payton had gone downstairs to get snacks because you were about to watch after on Netflix
A few minutes later he returned with snacks not just in his arms but in faiths and joannes too
Y-Jesus payton what did you get
P-well I didn't know what you would be in the mood for so I brought a selection of things that were in the cupboard downstairs
J-your a good boy payton alright well I'm gonna leave you two alone now because I trust you not to do any frisky buisness
Y-eww no too early we just cuddle besides we're smart enough to figure it out
P-yeah what she said
He said getting up to shoo Joanne and faith out the door and shutting it as they left
He jumped on the bed next to y/n
P-cuddles pwease
He said pulling a pouty face
Y-how can I not say no to that cute face
P-you can't
He turned on the movie next thing you know it's straight to the river scene and Payton's asleep and your shouting at the tv
Y-dump Noah's Nasty ass and get with hardins fine ass
Then you noticed that the TVs paused you look down to see a very sad payton
P-so you don't think I'm fine
Y-no no no I do think your fine I'm just giving tessa some advice even though she can't here me and it's fictional Paybae don't be sad
P-that's a new name
P-I like it
Y-good because it's sticking
Y-i love you
P-I love you too
Y-well I love you more
P-no not possible
Y-what do you mean not possible
P-you can't love me more than I love you
Y-well I do
Y-natural talent
P-no cuddles for you tonight then
Y-oh there will be cuddles
P-seriously again fine you can have cuddles
They ended up cuddling up until the point where I/n fell asleep on payton

Recaptwist things James was the good person and Claire was the bad one just like Brandon took after Claire and was always on her side and y/n took after James and was always on his side———————————————————————————You and payton both had calmed down...

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Liked by abbyroberts,iitsfaith,Joannemoormeier and 829,000 others

When shawty bae falls asleep on you 🥺😍🤩🥰 @itsynfoley

@abbyroberts:awwww that's so cute
@ynxpayton:they are so cute together I wish you all the happiness in the world
@jessfoley:you can tell she's so happy with you even when she's asleep
^@iitsfaith:Same with Payton I'm gonna have to meet you one day
@jamesfoley:thank you for keeping her safe from her mum and brother you the man 👊

The next morning you woke up to the sound of movement in your room you sat up and saw payton shirtless and in grey sweatpants
Y-oh my
P-morning baby like what you see
Y-yes very much so kithes please
P-ok kisses for you
You kissed and it turned into a make out session
He pulled away after a few minutes You looked at his neck in shock and in worry to find hickeys that you left payton could notice that something wasn't right
P-baby you ok
Y-yeah come with me
You grabbed his hand and led him to the bathroom faced him towards you so that he could see the wall and not the mirror (idk if that makes sense but anyway) you grabbed your makeup bag and started searching for concealer to his right shade
You held up 3 different concealers to his neck
Y-aha that's the one
P-baby I don't need makeup I'm not a girl
Y-baby I didn't wanna tell you this but I kinda gave you a hickey
P-that's fine you don't need To cover it up it's a way of telling people that your Mine Besides I left some on you aswell
Y-you did
P-yeah look
He turned you around so that you could see your full body And pointed to your neck and sure enough there were two purple hickeys
Y-baby I'm in sooo much trouble not with my nannie she won't care but we go to la tommorow And my dad he's gonna see
P-just say you burnt your neck on a straightener
Y-I'll Try ok
You two left the bathroom and both finished getting ready you wore a hoodie to try and cover up the hickeys and went downstairs to get breakfast and walked into the kitchen and saw faith sitting at the breakfast bar Joanne making pancakes and payton Sitting on the couch you decided to sit next to faith
F-hey y/n
J-so what are your plans for today boy and girls
Y-well me and pat have gotta pack because we have la tommorow
J-well you guys best eat up pay come join us at the breakfast bar
P-ok as long as I can sit next to my baby
Y-why of course
You could hear faith making gagging noises
F-ewwww couples disgusting
J-faith don't be rude remember when you and that kid used to date what was his name?
J-oh yes Brandon
F-not your brother Brandon but Brandon Cardoso Anyway payton was doing what I'm doing so I'm getting him back
And then that's what started the war THE sibling war Payton started chasing faith around and she started running around Joanne then turned to you and said
J-siblings hey
Y-don't get me wrong me and Brandon used to be really close until he met Lindsay slaggy Lindsay
Y-Brandon's girlfriend she was just a completely toxic person she said stay away from my boyfriend otherwise you'll get it and then when my mum went away last year to here to meet Steve she left me with Brandon and he even bailed on me every time he would pay me £50 to keep quiet I told my mum when she got back she didn't do anything about it I told my dad and boy did he have a right go at Brandon anyway enough about me what about your family
1090 words
Anyway I like that y/n is opening up to Joanne honestly she's acted more like a mom than Claire has in these last 16 parts Anyway just you wait to see what I've got in store for the la trip you won't wanna miss it anyways bye for now

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