Part 8

807 18 2

A/n angels and demons just dropped so make sure you go check that out it's linked above
Y-finally moormeier
P-what y/n
Y-you take way too long you need to hurry up because when I'm hungry that's when my bad side comes out
Y-can we go get some food now
P-where do you wanna go
Y-I'm British remember! What is there ?
P-I'm just gonna take you to chick fil a
Y-ok fair enough
You arrived at chick fil a
P- so what do you want
Y-nuggets pleaseeee
P-sides and drink
Y-fries and Dr Pepper please
He came back a few minutes later with your food
P-here's your food
Y-thank you
P-so what other American things haven't you had
Y-I've never really been to a mall I mean I did used to come to America when I was younger but that was ages ago
P-oh trust me there's loads more that I have to show you What school are you going to
P-um yeahhh
Y-oh I've already finished school so I don't have to do it
P-So like what's the school system like over there
Y-we dont have grades and we generally have 2 schools like you guys have elementary middle and high we don't have that we have primary and secondary and we call them key stages so you'll have key stage 1 which ranges from 5-7 year olds then you have key stage 2 which ranges from 7 -11 and then key stage 3 which ranges from 11-14 then you have key stage 4 which ranges from 14-16 then you have the optional key stage 5 which ranges from 16-18 which can be done in school or in collage however our collage is only a year and what you call collage we call university and then when your at the end of keystage 1&2 you do things call sats there just to see how well the school taught you and then when you get to year 9 which is the end of keystage 3 you get to choose your options and then you learn them in year 10 and then when you get to the end of keystage 4 you take exams and come back in august to get your results and that's about it really and the years go all the way up to 13 so yeah
P-I didn't mean go into that much detail
Y-I go into way too much detail ask Abby and noen
P-I don't need to ask them anyway are you missing England yet
Y-well one things for sure I'm not missing the weather it's way too extreme over there one minute it'll be freezing cold and then next minute it'll be scorching hot
P-oh really
Y-yeah but I like it here in North Carolina it's nice just right
P-so what's going to go on with your citizenship then do you know yet
Y-so mum and Steve are to marry in about 2 weeks so we're going wedding shopping tommorow and then the day after the wedding we're going to the immigration office to get it signed and approved so that should be fun because I have to go aswell to get one
P-oh cool
Y-but anyway enough about me more about you are you homeschooled go to school dropped out of what
P-I dropped out about a year ago to focus on social media and my music
Y-have you got any upcoming songs
P-your not my girlfriend yet so you can't know
Y-ahaha see what you did there moormeier come on let's go home
You got home and you were stood there
Y- Wanna film a TikTok
P-sure who's account wait why don't we both film one
Y-eh why not

You filmed this one and put the caption as
"When your now living in North Carolina and @payton is your neighbour"
@usr1053:since when did she move out there
^@itsyn: today
@itsynfan:such a flex
^@itsyn:a massive one 💪😂🤣💀
@payton:you look stiff af y/n
^@itsy/n:Whaaaat nah
@noeneubanks: so that's why you've been real quiet since yesterday
^@itsyn:you betcha

Payton posted this one and captioned it "she's hot when she's got great moves 🤭🤫 @itsyn"
@itsyn:3 weeks moormeier 3 weeks
^@payton:I know 😉
^@itspaytonfan: wtf is she going on about
^@itsyn:for us to know and you to find out 😉
@paytonxy/n: my ship 🚢
@hater450:ewwwww they both ugly 🤢🤮
^@itsyn:theres good in everyone I hope you see that one day 😔💔
P-so I'll see you later then
Y-yep I'm tired see you later
P-yep see you later y/n
A/n this took ages and my thumbs hurt I'm gonna write some more later
Word count:817

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