Part 10

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Y-let's just say so big that he asked me to be his girlfriend the same night I met him but I told him to give me 3 weeks to get me to fall in love with him
He whisper/shouted
Y-yep and he agreed to it and said he wasn't backing down so far he hasn't he's taking me on a date to night at 8 so that should be fun
You had arrived at Steve's mums and you got out of the car and your mum could see you were quite upset and so she asked you what was wrong
M-honey what's wrong
Y-Abby is a lying bitch
m-y/n language
Y-sorry but she said one thing but she does another That's why I barely let people into my life
m-knowing you you'll unblock Abby in a couple of days and you'll make up again
Y-yeah right like that's gonna happen
M-you might wanna turn around then see if it's true
Y-what do you me-
She was just standing there you didn't know what to  say
A-sorry I had to lie to you it was all your mums idea
You just stand there speechless
A-I'm moving 2 streets away from where you live do I have to spoon feed everything to you or what
A-hey listen I'm sorry ok I love you and you know that
Y-Abby can we speak privately and not in front of my whole family please

You guys walk around the corner
Y-why would you do that
A-I'm sorry It wasn't the greatest of ideas
Y-best friends!
A-of course
You guys just hugged eachother
A-I'm coming with you to the wedding venues and to pick grandma Beverly my favourite grandma even before Mine
You just laugh

A-no Y/m!  best friends of course
J-hi I'm jaden y/n's soon to be step brother
A-hi nice to meet you I'm Abby y/n's best friend for 8 years on and off
J-what do you mean
Y-jaden your such a dumbo
You said shaking your head as you were walking in to meet Steve's mum
Sm (Steve's mum)
Sm-hi you must be y/n and y/m and jaden
She said awkwardly he replied with
J-gram it's been a while
He replied then there was a silence
A-hi I'm Abby y/n's best friend
You jabbed her with your elbow until she said under her breath
A-what I had to say something it was awkward
S-mom y/m and I are gonna hop in your car with you and take you to the venue if that's alright jaden abby and y/n are gonna take my  car to the airport to pick up y/m's mom
He said throwing the keys to jaden as jaden caught them he threw a fist up in the air you and Abby looked at eachother and said
J-what the hell does that mean
Y-come on we will tell you on the way
A-ooh give me aux cord I think you know what's in order
You both screamed at the top of your lungs
J-awww come on I have to go with girls
S-so do I son suck it up and go
You all got in the car
J-so abby tell me more about yourself
A-me oh ok So me and y/n used to be enemies during preschool because she stole MY song but then charlotte my sister brought us closer together and since then we've been best friends and my family would always go on holiday to america and y/n would always come with us last year it was florida that's where y/n met chase and I met noen a few months later chase and y/n decided that they couldn't do long distance so they broke up but me and noen stuck together
Y-oh god chase I forgot about him eh I'm over him now I haven't thought about him in a year
J-you know y/n I should bring you to the sway sometime soon and you can meet the boys
Y-eh I don't know I'm not really down to meeting new people
Abby just nudged you You then whispered to her
Y-what are you doing
A-you should go its a great opportunity to meet new friends
Y-I have all the friends I need you payton and noen it's good to have a little circle then there's pretty much no drama
A-you've always kept your circle small
Y-yep avoided the drama you know what it does to my anxiety
A-look just go and if you don't like it you can come back the next day I'll make sure noen has a space at his
Y-I'll go but if i don't like it I'm gonna go to a friends house
J-ok fine by me but I'm sure the boys will love you
A-you can go see your dad hettie the boys and Jessie while your out there aswell
A-oh when y/n was 3 her mum and dad tried keeping it together for her but it failed her mum stopped her talking to her dad until she was 9 her dad went to court and she saw him and he introduced her to his girlfriend And her kids and then a few years later they moved out to la y/n wanted to go with them but her mum refused because she was so demanding she speaks to her dad everyday and when her dad moved out to la he regained contact with his eldest daughter Jess y/n's sister and y/n also gained contact
J-oh I'm so sorry about your mum y/n she should of let you go
Y-it's fine she's so demanding but also our personality's are so alike they just clash but we love eachother so much and I've always been closer with my dad that's why I wanted to move out
J-hey listen my dad and I are here now so hopefully we can hold your mum back now
Y-yeah hopefully
1010 words wow that's a lot
I'm so sorry for not updating for ages I've been contemplating life you know and I also wasn't really up for it so yeah but that's all for now

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